68. Hurting, Thoughts

633 71 50

1020 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 6 2019
Posted November 30 2019

Ginzo let out a defeated sigh as he sat back in his office chair, he felt weary and all sorts of tired after last night's heist. For a moment, when he had seen the heist note, he'd had hope. He'd remembered Saguru's past accusations of Kaito being Kid. Back then he'd refused to even give those accusations a single thought, refused to believe that Kaito would do that. Yet, at the sight of the notice he'd desperately hoped that the blond had been right. He didn't even care about arresting Kid anymore, he just wanted the boy he saw as his own son to come back.

He'd been elated during the heist, at the missed action of chasing down the familiar opponent, all the while wondering when Kaito would make his reappearance into society. There was no way that the boy was stupid enough to come back right after Kid's return, he'd kinda wished that Kaito had come back first before planning a heist.

'If only it was that easy...'

He leaned forward, resting his elbows against his desk as he buried he face into his hands. He was now back to denying that Kaito was Kid. Kaito couldn't be Kid, because Kid had gotten shot in the chest and disappeared without a trace. He refused to believe that Kaito was dead. The silly trickster was too important to go out and die like that. Though he also refused to believe that Kid was dead as well. His thoughts were a mess.

Ginzo glanced wearily at a stack of paperwork on his desk and reluctantly raised his head. He should get to work. He's unable to help Kaito right now, wherever he is, so he should at least help solve some crimes to help the victims.

'Kaito will eventually show up'


"I've brought over some oatmeal cookies Aoko" Akako stated softly as she carried the tray of desserts into her girlfriend's room. They had gotten quite close recently, mainly because the witch had stayed close to ease Aoko's pain. She herself was hurting from the magician's kidnapping but had been keeping her pain at bay. Aoko needed the help more than her "They're nice and fresh" The witch smiled as she sat down beside the bed, placing the tray onto an end table. She'd removed the chocolate chips from the recipe. Chocolate made Aoko sad nowadays, it reminded her too much of Kaito.

'The only thing that I know for sure is that he's alive. Why isn't Lucifer answering my calls when I try to ask about him?'

Aoko rolled over to face Akako, today was one of her bad days. She gave a watery smile "Thanks Akako, they look delicious" She praised, not really interested in eating the sweets. She did appreciate the action though. It meant a lot to her. Red eyes softened at Aoko as Akako leaned over and began running her fingers through the other's hair.


Kaito blinked in confusion, his head feeling very foggy, something didn't feel right. He was once again in that horribly white room. He blinked again and paused, lifting his right hand up to where his right eye should be. He frowned when he was met with a bandage, someone had removed his false eye.

'I can't believe they even noticed it. It's not made from any metal and doesn't show up on any scans...'

He grimaced as he lowered his hand, resting it on the floor. That meant that they were being very touchy with him, he didn't like that. He glared at the cameras, at least his burns didn't hurt anymore, he couldn't believe that he'd forgotten about his self healing ability.

'They must be drugging me up pretty good...'

Once he'd remembered his healing, a good amount of his fears had left him. There was a chance that he hasn't even been here for that long. He just had to hope that was the case.


"Have you made any headway in looking for Kaito?" Saguru inquired, hopeful that the so called 'Heisei Holmes' had made some progress. Saguru unfortunately hadn't had any such luck in that department.

'I have no problem admitting that Kudo-kun is better than me. All that matters is that he's skilled and most likely has more connections than me'

Shinichi grimaced at the other's hopeful expression "There are some possible leads on a few potential locations" He paused in thought for a moment "Kuroba's rescue is currently the FBI's priority" He stated, deciding that he may as well warn the other about the presence of FBI agents. He didn't want to scare Saguru when they showed up, the blond might think that they were going to arrest Kaito. At Saguru's pale face he smiled "Don't worry, Kuroba is a NOC of sorts. He works with me for the FBI occasionally"

'He hadn't expected that... Why didn't Kaito tell him?'

"I see" Saguru breathed, feeling kinda hurt that the magician hadn't shared such important information with him. He knew it was classified but still.

"It's not that he didn't trust you" Gold met azure with confusion "Kuroba is kinda embarrassed to be working for the police" Shinichi shrugged "Plus I'm pretty sure that we wanted the revelation to shock you"  wry smile tugged at his lips "He's a jerk like that" He finished. It was up to him to defend Kaito since said magician was unavailable at the moment.

Relief flooded through Saguru, hadn't Kaito previously stated that he was embarrassed by how he made his money? "So the FBI provides the money for his heists?" He inquired with a small smile. That was funny.

'So his only fears were of others being hurt because of his identity being revealed. It wouldn't matter if the FBI go to free him. His life would have still been destroyed after being caught'

Shinichi nodded "Yes, some of the higher ups are fans of Kid, plus he's good at drawing those Crows out" He replied "Though now that Kid is officially dead, Kuroba will probably have a different role" Azure gleamed. Kaito's skills were too powerful to give up on. He'd try to entice the magician to stay, but would let him leave if that was truly the other's wish.

Me: Did you expect that to be Kaito's secret job?

Hope you enjoyed~

Berry really doesn't like whenever my rats get the smart idea that they should burry their water bowl....

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