87. Meetings, Brooding

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1001 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~ Yay 25k Views~

Written December 12 2019
Posted January 27 2020

Extra chappy since 25k is a special number~

Aoko followed Akako a bit reluctantly through the door, she was a little nervous that Kaito wasn't ready yet. The magician had wanted some space after all. When her gaze met with surprised indigo, she almost ran towards him, wanting nothing more than to hug him "Kaito..." Her words were soft as she cautiously moved towards the bed where both magician and detective were cuddling together.

'Now that Aoko's gotten a better look at him, he looks so different...'

Even though Kaito looked so different, she knew that without a doubt that it was him. He just needed some actual sunlight to get his skin tone back to normal, and a haircut. His missing eye though, she wasn't sure if that could be easily fixed.

Kaito blinked, before a warm smile creased his lips "No hug for Kaito-sama?" He teased, moving out of Saguru's embrace to hold out his arms for her. He'd missed her, she was his precious childhood friend.

'He's still himself...'

A small cry bubbled up in her throat as she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around him. Aoko sniffled, tears falling down her face. She'd been so scared that the magician wouldn't be himself, the trauma of being a science experiment could have easily changed him "Don't ever worry Aoko like that ever again!" Her voice was watery, and barely audible. Saguru let his shoulders relax, he'd been expecting Aoko to at least whack Kaito. He spared a glance towards Akako, the red witch really was good for the other.

The magician let out a soft chuckle, gently combing his fingers through her hair "It's not my fault Ahoko" He whined, his shoulder felt damp "I didn't ask to be captured by those weirdos" He'd thought that the threat had been thugs when he'd drank the tainted drink, not the Crows.

'Teasing me...'

Aoko sat up, wiping her face before meeting Kaito's gaze "It doesn't matter" She huffed, poking his chest with her pointer finger "You will not disappear like that ever again" Kaito was not allowed to be hurt like that.

Kaito snorted "That's hardly fair..."

"It's a fair order Kuroba-kun" Akako stated, tossing the gloves towards him "You've hurt a lot of people with your absence" A shiver ran down the magician's spine as her eyes glinted dangerously "So you better pay us back by allowing yourself to get better"


Kaito swallowed, noting the subtle threat as he slipped the gloves on, they were comfy and fit just right "I have no plans that would hurt my health" Which was currently true, but he didn't know about the future. If he had to do something to help that was dangerous, he would.

'She's still scary, even when she's concerned about my health'

"That is very good" Saguru breathed, spotting the loophole within the other's claim. His gaze softened, he would be himself if he didn't leave himself an escape route "None of us would be able to cope well if we lost you again" It still felt amazing for him to even be able to see, let alone touch him.



Shinichi glanced at his cellphone sadly before putting it away, Ran had called him, and the conversation had been odd. He didn't really know what to think of it besides the fact that he'd angered her again. She'd told him not to contact him, yet she had phoned him to yell at him for not notifying her about the take down "Kudo-kun" He turned around, raising a brow. Why was Ginzo here instead of with Kaito?

"Can I help you Nakamori-keibu?" He inquired, he wasn't really much of an acquaintance to the other, so it was odd for him to have sought him out.

'What could he possibly want with me? He barely knows me'

Ginzo let out a breath before replying, he actually seemed a little uneasy "I want to ask you why you killed Kid" Shinichi had to be the one who played Kid last, the teen looked and sounded so similar to Kaito that it had been an easy guess. That, and he was the most viable candidate out of everyone involved.


Shinichi could easily tell that there would be no fooling the other, Ginzo knew. He sighed "Because Kaitou Kid isn't needed anymore" Azure gleamed "Kid was working for the FBI" He paused "You know who you should ask right? I can't tell you his reasons" Ginzo and Kaito were like family, he was pretty sure that things would turn out okay. It also helped that the inspector knew that Kid hadn't actually been a true criminal.

'Maybe now that there's no longer going to be Kid to chase, Nakamori-keibu will become more respected. He's a good and smart cop, his failures just always grabbed more attention than his accomplishments. Phantom thieves catch more attention than true criminals after all'  


The inspector nodded, eyes darkening "I do" It hurt to have it actually confirmed for him.

'Why didn't he come to me for help?'

"He's fond of you" Shinichi breathed "He's also similar to me in some ways" Regrettably "He probably didn't want to see you worry or get hurt" He'd felt the same with Ran, but she hadn't taken it well, hopefully it would be different between the two.

"Thank you" Ginzo replied before heading off towards Kaito's room. He wouldn't confront him just yet, he'd wait until he was sure that it wouldn't affect him badly. Kaito had lied so many times, but he'd done it out of concern and care.

'I'm not sure if Aoko should know...'

His daughter was an avid Kid hater, unlike himself who'd actually been quite fond of the snarky thief. It had been hard to hate the guy since he'd always showed compassion and was mostly harmless. Aoko hadn't been exposed to Kid as he had been, she'd only seen the outcomes and results. She hadn't seen the thief who he now knew as Kaito risk both his life and freedom to help others.

He, himself was partially to blame for her hatred. He'd been too invested in his job to give her enough attention.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

'-'Berry has been sick, but now it's worse, feels feverish and coughing, thankfully she wrote 2 oneshots today before fever hit harder than before...

She can rest and not feel pressured to maintain stock

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