35. Detectives

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1023 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ and I hope you enjoy~

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Posted August 19 2019

Three days, Saguru couldn't believe it, a whole three days had passed without the magician regaining consciousness. Kaito had slipped into a coma early on during the second day. Golden eyes glanced over the unconscious teen's face. Kaito's expression was much more relaxed in his sleep.

'Take all the time that you need to heal Kaito, as long as you wake up okay'

The speedy healing of the brunette's lungs had left the doctors and nurses with dumbfounded expressions. Saguru has already placed many lawyers on standby and had offhandedly mentioned near the reception deck about how important patient confidentiality was and then proceeded to talk about his lawyers to Ginzo. The inspector didn't quite completely understand what was going on with Kaito, however he understood the blond's ploy; let them know that there will be large consequences if they tell others about Kaito's healing abilities.

'If they say one word about Kaito, they'll lose their jobs and the hospital will gain a completely new staff. He would never shut down a hospital like he would a supermarket, but workers were replaceable. Having lots of money was useful in times like these.


On his way back from the washroom, Saguru accidentally bumped into someone. As he looked over to apologize, his voice caught in his throat for a moment before managing to escape. "Kaito?..." He couldn't believe that the magician was up and about, he'd only taken five minutes.

Blue eyes blinked in confusion at the blond before comprehension dawned within both teens. "Hakuba-kun, Thank you for calling for help" Shinichi gave a small smile of thanks. "Unfortunately, I'm not Kuroba, but Kudo Shinichi" The sleuth added.

'Kudo-Kun knows Kaito, he's also seen his wings...'

"My apologies" Saguru amended, curiosity buzzing as he noted how the other looked completely healthy. Blue eyes met his own.

"It's fine, could we talk somewhere private? Maybe Kuroba's room, since I take it he's obviously still unconscious due to your reaction when spotting me" Shinichi inquired, glancing at a nosey nurse who swiftly continued on her way after meeting his gaze.

'Kudo-kun is trustworthy, he's already proven that by both his silence and offer of covering for Kaito'

"That would be nice, the staff here is full of nosey people" The blond paused with a smirk before continuing. "I wonder how many lawyers they've had to deal with in the past"

Blue eyes gleamed with amusement. "You've got many lawyers too? I guess all rich people have lawyers on the go" A passing nurse seemed tense as he passed by. "Just in case they need to sue nosey people" Both teens shared their mutual amusement as Saguru led Shinichi towards Kaito's room. The hospital staff were giving the detectives ample space.


"He looks much better than before" Shinichi mused once they stepped into the room. The sleuth swiftly taking note of all of the medical readings.

"Indeed" Saguru replied softly, unsure as to how he should continue the conversation.

'How much does Kudo-Kun know?'

Shinichi smiled fondly at the unconscious teen before meeting the blond's gaze. "Do not hold back information, I know who he is, and I know that you do as well taking from how you called Kuroba earlier" Saguru felt momentary panic flood him before forcing it down.

'If he was going to have anyone arrested he wouldn't have warned me or have been so discreet'

The blond let out a breath to steady himself before replying. "Very well, there is a white noise generator hidden under Kaito's bed so I figure that you'd be a valuable ally to have" He sighed before proceeding to tell Shinichi everything that had happened, barring some personal details.


"I see, I've witnessed stranger things happen, so I guess I believe you" Shinichi replied with a nod, he didn't like thinking that magic existed, however his own lack of injuries only proved the opposite.

'It's almost as far-fetched as a teenager shrinking into a child'

"I'm curious Kudo-kun, how do you know Kaito?" The blond inquired, he really hadn't expected the magician to be closely connected to the detective of the east.

Shinichi let out a breath, a wistful expression shadowing his face. "We met multiple times during my big case, he was a vital part in taking down the organization" At Saguru's questioning look, Shinichi explained. "I was never shot during the take down, Kuroba was but he couldn't be admitted under his own name for obvious reasons"

'We're lucky that our blood type is the same, it would have been hard to explain a temporary change in blood type to the doctors'

Saguru nodded numbly as he took in the information, regret pooling in his stomach. Kaito had come to school a few days after the take down and he hadn't noticed that the teen had been hurt. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over into sympathetic blue eyes. "Don't blame yourself, the bastard is a sneaky one" A wry smile played on Shinichi's lip as he continued. "He's the master of disguise, he'd have been caught by now if he couldn't seem completely fine when nobody had a reason to think otherwise"

"True, his damn poker face has infuriated me constantly in the past, however underneath that poker face I've come to realize that he's actually very fragile" He replied softly, remembering the teen's multiple breakdowns he'd witnessed.

"It's understandable, nobody completely okay could be able to do what he does" Shinichi replied, remembering how he'd once accidentally witnessed the magician drop his poker face for a few moments.

'It's sometimes the ones who are always smiling who are the ones actually in pain'


"I've gone through the hospital records and located the two angels, one seems completely healed while the other is currently comatose" Dr.Kalos stated to the hooded group. "I'm planning to take them soon, but first we need to prepare a new location so that we can sacrifice them immediately after capture. It wouldn't do for the comatose angel to expire in our clutches due to us being unable to care for it"

Me: that's the end of the chappy~ it was fun to write them subtly threatening the hospital staff~

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