46. Confessions

823 77 60

1049 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ and I hope you enjoy~

Written July 8 2019
Posted September 28 2019

The blond thought about it for a few moments before letting out a defeated sigh. "Unfortunately I must agree with you, if I had never seen your wings, I never would have believed in the existence of magical gems" Saguru breathed, Kaito gave him a wry smile.

'Thankfully Akako made the existence of magic known to me before I grew wings, I probably would have dealt with everything worse than I already had...'

"Yup, and the worldwide exposure of magic from the result of my story being told would cause chaos" The brunette replied, a wry smile on his lips. "Everyone would do their best to seek out those who can use magic in an attempt to exploit them or worse"

Saguru grimaced "And your new healing magic would be something that everyone would go after..." He didn't know much, but he figured that any kind of magic had some sort of cost.

Kaito nodded "I'd probably be run ragged from continuously healing people and die from magic exhaustion"

"Magic exhaustion?" Saguru inquired, he didn't like the implications.

"Yeah, as you've probably already guessed, magic isn't free. It requires energy from the user" Kaito shrugged "Though I'm not sure about my specific limits, I figure that healing both Kudo and myself is the reason why I was in a coma... maybe" The magician tacked on the last part as an afterthought.

'I've felt a weird sort of emptiness in my chest ever since I've woken up from the coma, it's gotten less apparent than before though. It could be my magical reserves?...'

"So your sight will heal normally until you regain some of your magical energy?" The blond inquired, the magician gave a shrug.

"Probably" Kaito let out a yawn "I'm tired so I'm going back to sleep"


The blond woke up to a note two feet away from his face, he read it and let out a sigh.

'So he's finally decided to release Nakamori-San'

He curled back up in his blanket, going back to sleep. He figured that after the last few days, sleeping in wouldn't do much harm.


"Hey Aoko!" Kaito chirped as the door opened, the blur was too short to be her father.

"Why are you here first thing in the morning Bakaito?" The girl yawned, having just woken up a few minutes ago.

The magician flashed her a smile before giving her a yellow rose "I'd like to treat you to breakfast then just hang out somewhere" Kaito replied, wishing he could make out her expression. "I've been neglecting my poor poor sister!" He snickered, deciding to go the oblivious route to help her save face.

'I'm sorry Aoko, at least you'll hopefully be more mad at me than sad... I can deal with anger...'

Aoko blinked in confusion "Did you hit your head again Bakaito? You don't have a sister"

The magician shook his head, his grin widening. "Of course I do! My beloved sister is you!" He shouted dramatically, as he pulled Aoko into a hug before swiftly pulling away, just out of striking distance.

'I'm so so sorry Aoko...'

"Aoko is your sister?" Aoko asked softly, having no knowledge at all of them being related.

"Of course, you are my sister in everything but blood!" The magician really hated his poker face sometimes, being so good at hiding his own cues, made him exceptionally talented in noticing other people's cues even without sight. His best friend was hurting, and it was completely his fault.

Aoko was silent for a few moments "Aoko wants to go to that new really expensive breakfast cafe!" She huffed, her voice slightly strained. Kaito nodded, pretending not to notice her pain.

'My poor wallet's suffering will be worth helping her cheer up'

"Your wish is my command!" The magician snickered, Bowing dramatically.


"Hey Bakaito, are you gay?" Aoko inquired absentmindedly as she stirred her spoon in her half melted strawberry parfait. She'd calmed down a bit after consuming her meal.

'He has spent so much time with Aoko, but he's not interested...'

The magician choked on his hot fudge sundae, spluttering a bit before grabbing his chocolate milk and taking a large gulp, effectively removing the blockage. "What?" He coughed, taking another quick sip before putting his glass down.

"Aoko asked if you were gay" Aoko stated, a little amused by Kaito's reactions.

'It would hurt less if he was, then Aoko would know it was nothing that she did to make Kaito only think of her as a sister'

The magician was silent for a few moments before tilting his head in confusion "I like both males and females, it's all about their personality. Is there a problem?" He asked, a little concerned, he wasn't completely sure on where Aoko stood on that particular topic. He'd never really talked about romantic things or sexuality with her with her before outside as playful jokes.

'So he likes guys too...'

"You've been spending a lot of time with Hakuba-Kun, are you guys dating?..." Aoko's voice was soft as she avoided looking at the magician.

"Wha?" Kaito spluttered, needing a few seconds to actually take in what she said. "Me and Saguru? No we're not dating" The magician replied honestly, he'd already lied and hurt her enough. Aoko didn't need any more lies.

'But they have gotten so close recently...'

Aoko pursed her lips, feeling a sharp pang in her chest before shaking it away. "Would you be against dating him?" She inquired.

Kaito was silent for a few minutes as he thought, Aoko patiently waited since it seemed as if he was taking her question seriously. "I wouldn't be against it I guess" He gave an unsure shrug. "I really like him as a person and unlike you, we weren't raised together" He casually took a sip from his drink, feeling bad about the last bit but knowing it could help. "If something happens, it happens I guess" Aoko nodded in response, feeling a little better about the situation. She was glad to know she did nothing wrong.

'If Aoko can't have Kaito... Maybe Hakuba-Kun would be good for him... It still hurts a little though...'


'I'm sorry Aoko, I really do love you... Just not in the way you want me to...'

Past Berry: Uwaaa~ I've been so lazy in writing since it been too hot~ I haven't written for this in a week... so lazy...

Thankfully you guys never notice since I stockpiled before true summer weather truly hit. Berry does not do well when warm and prefers -5 Celsius/ 23 Farenheight without coat... it's been around 40 Celsius/ 104 Fahrenheit here =.= grrr

Thankfully by the time this chappy is reached due to schedule, it should be cooling down and I'll still write during summer, just not when it's over 30 Celsius~

Current Berry: Nyahahaha! The weathers cooling down! And am still stockpiled!

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