12. Whirlwind

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1003 words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ If I did, it would have a dub to give it a bigger fan base thus more fanfictions to read~~

He felt a familiar momentary weightlessness before he felt his momentum stop. Bleary indigos blinked up, seeing a familiar splash of blond in his vision. "Hakuba..." He breathed, feeling adrenaline pulsing through his veins as his vision cleared to see the detective leaning over the ledge, holding his arm.

'No I'm caught!'

Kaito let out a growl as he clawed with his free hand at the arms holding his. He wouldn't stay caught without a fight. "Kuroba—?!" Saguru's voice strained and he braced his knees to help anchor his weight. "What the bloody hell are you doing?!" He yelled, clenching his teeth at the strain of holding him up.

"Let go!" The magician began to struggle more furiously when the blond refused to release his grip. Saguru shook his head, ignoring the blood now dripping down his arms, he knew Kaito wasn't thinking straight. It just sickened him that the normally non violent thief was resorting to clawing him.

"Kuroba please stop!" He could feel his grip slipping, he didn't have the right leverage to haul the struggling teen up despite the major change in the other's bone density. "I'm not letting go, so unless you want both of us to fall, please stop" Saguru pleaded, trying to appeal to Kaito's natural protectiveness of others.

'I don't want to hurt him...'

Saguru let out a relieved breath when the struggling ceased, he lowered his other hand and offered it towards the magician. Without a word, Kaito took his hand and allowed the blond to pull him up. "Why?..." Kaito rasped, looking anywhere but at the blond. He was caught.

Golden eyes took in the teen's fearful expression and he felt his heart actually ache for him. "I didn't want you to fall" Saguru breathed, wrapping his arms around Kaito's frail shoulders, mindful of the damaged wings.

'He's not disgusted?...'

"I thought detectives hated the supernatural..." The magician whispered, trying but failing to move out of the other's grasp. "Shouldn't you be sending people to study me so I'm science instead?..." Kaito continued with a shudder, tears threatening to fall at the thought of his future.

He felt Saguru stiffen and pull away a bit, golden eyes wide. "My god..." The blond had to swallow before continuing, thoroughly horrified. "You thought that I would do that to you?" Saguru's voice shaking, finally comprehending the force behind the other's actions. He pulled Kaito into a tighter hug than before, gently carding his fingers through the unruly locks in an attempt to soothe him. "I'd never do that to you Kuroba, the fact that you now have wings doesn't change who you are"

'It doesn't?...'

"But I can't be me anymore!" The magician whined, clutching onto the fabric of Saguru's shirt. "I can't do acrobatics if they're bound, and I can't do things how I normally do" Kaito sobbed, letting his tears stain Saguru's shirt. "And I can't—" His Words faded into his sobs as the blond gently ran his fingers through Kaito's hair.

'I can't keep my promise to Oyaji...'

"Shhh" Saguru soothed, letting the distraught teen pour out his emotions. He figured one can only hold onto so much before they spill. "We'll find a way to fix this, a way that doesn't result in your harm" he added softly.

"Can't I just cut them off?" The magician questioned, words soft as he glanced back at his useless wings.

The blond's fingers stilled at the comment. "Please don't without thinking it through, we need to figure out how you got them. What if they just regrow?" Saguru paused, feeling sick as he continued. "The blood loss from cutting them off would be bad, what if they regrow too soon after? You'd lose even more blood and coud..." His voice trailed off, not wanting to continue.

'Ah, I didn't think of that...'

"That would be, bad" Kaito admitted, ducking his head in embarrassment. He couldn't afford to die due to his stupidity.

"I concur, it's best if we do some tests— privately of course" The blond added hastily when he felt the other's form stiffen. "Just simple ones like an X-Ray, blood tests to check if your hormone levels are right, and maybe an ultrasound just to be extra safe" At the raised eyebrow he received Saguru explained. "An ultrasound would show if any fleshy changes have happened, for all we know, you could be part bird" Saguru replied.

"Oh, it would be bad if I don't have a diaphragm anymore..." Kaito added before pausing. "I at least know I don't have a cloaca, I pissed just fine earlier" The magician joked with a smirk, eliciting an exasperated groan from the blond.

"That is both relieving to know and crude of you to phrase in such a way" Saguru replied, his lips quirking upwards. "At least you are male, so that means there is no chance of you laying eggs, unless there is something you should tell me?..." Kaito covered his face and burst out into a giggling fit.

'Oh my god, that would be horrible!'

"Oh Haku—!" The magician was cut off by another bout of giggles. "I wasn't expecting that comment, but no, I am completely male" The brunette laughed.

"You seem much better after letting go" Saguru observed. "Maybe you shouldn't let things build up so much, I wouldn't mind lightening your burden when it gets too much" He added softly.


Indigos looked away. "I don't want to burden others"

Saguru smiled, understanding Kaito's concerns. "It seems that we are at an impasse, I don't want you to be burdened either, but it's much less of a burden when shared. Kuroba I know that you're used to being alone, but I'm now involved whether you like it or not" Saguru clasped Kaito's bloodied hands in his own gently, determination in his eyes at he met his gaze. "I will not use this secret against you, and I'm pretty sure that this secret is just as bad as your other one"

Me: this was a hard chapter to write~ hope you enjoyed~

What are your thoughts on the cover? I'm really proud of how it turned out ^~^

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