66. Unnamed? Meow

627 67 58

1012 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written September 23 2019
Posted November 23 2019

Kaito wasn't really sure how much time had passed, all he knew was that it had been long enough for him to grow bored. He'd taken residence in the corner farthest away from the door, hopefully the little bit of extra distance would help him escape.

'I know being bored can technically be called a good thing in this situation, but I still don't like it'

He let out a soft sigh as he rested his head back against the padded wall, a little grateful that it was soft. It made sitting like that a lot more comfortable. A familiar hissing sound met his ears, indigos narrowed as an almost translucent gas began to seep out of the ceiling.

'So they're not going to give me the chance to escape...'

He tried holding his breath to fight the gas. Unfortunately he could only hold his breath for so long.


When Kaito regained consciousness, he was surprised at the change of location. Instead of the padded room, he was in a room filled with medical equipment. He was strapped down into a chair. The straps were around his torso, and legs, there were none around his arms, but they were instead numb, he tried to move them, but his fingers didn't so much as twitch.

"Stop trying to move your arms, they were injected with a local tranquilliser, they won't move" Indigos flickered over towards a young black haired woman, she looked to be around 24 or so. The woman smiled when a steady blush tinted the magician's cheeks "We've taken extra care to make sure that you can't escape. We actually already had measures taken in the event that we capture a magician" She gave Kaito a pat on the head "This place is meant to be Kaitou Kid proof, so not even a stray magician like yourself can escape from here"

'Kaitou Kid?!'

Kaito blinked in surprise at the mention of his moonlight persona, internally panicking. There was one crazy group that he knew for a fact was after Kaitou Kid "Why am I here?" He inquired, deciding to play ignorance. He didn't think that it'd be good if they found out that he was actually Kid.

'So it's known for sure that they're after Kuroba Kaito, not Kaitou Kid'

She smiled "I was told to play nice with you" She pulled out a cotton swab and began to rub his right shoulder with it "But all that really means is that I won't needlessly hurt you" She uncapped a syringe and stuck it into his arm "After this meeting you won't be granted the gift of being talked to as a human" She pushed down on the plunger, injecting the clear liquid into him "You are now our priority specimen"


Kaito was getting really tired of being knocked out and waking up in different places. He scowled, realising that he was back in the padded room. How many times had he been knocked out? He wasn't really sure. It had all started to fuzz together after the tenth time.

'My sense of time is completely shot...'

He grimaced as he rubbed his right hip bone, it was actually feeling very sore. He glanced down at it and froze.

'That looks like a brand...'

He bit his lip, he didn't remember that happening. How long did it take serious burns to heal? He wasn't sure but he knew that it took a long time. The brand consisting of the numbers 1486912 looked mostly healed.

'How long have I been here?'

His memory was supposed to be perfect, yet this only felt like the third time he's woken up in this place.


Saguru was a mess, it'd been over three months since Baaya had died and Kaito had been taken, three months, 15 days, 6 hours, 40 minutes, 17 seconds and .01 milliseconds since he'd last seen the magician. The police had already lost hope in finding him. It wasn't like Saguru could show them the video.

He'd been living in the magician's house, even after expedited repairs had been done for the Hakuba residence. Living in the Kuroba residence made him feel closer to Kaito, and it wasn't filled with memories of Baaya.

'I need to find him, who knows what they've already done to him?!'

He turned on the TV, deciding that he needed to clear his head.

"And tonight's heist target seems to be the Moon's Wish! Will Kaitou Kid be able to make off with the diamond?"

The blond froze at the words, a Kid heist tonight? Hope fluttered within his chest. Escaping then throwing a heist to taunt his enemies was something that Kaito would do. He swiftly took note of the location and time before heading out the door. He needed to see his magician.


Saguru's heart fluttered as he saw that familiar white clad figure, there was no way that this Kid was a fake. Their stance was too perfect. A wide smile bloomed on his face as he wiped away a few happy tears that had fallen. Kaito was okay. He watched in awe as Kid effortlessly dodged the task force with ease, as if he hadn't been captured for months. He'd never really seen a Kid heist from an outsider's perspective before, something that he now sorely regretted.

As Kid stood atop the museum's roof proudly, he looked victorious as he held up the gem to the moon. Gold widened in shock when a magnificent red glow cast out it's light from the gem.

'He's found Pandora...'

A gunshot cut Saguru out of his shocked daze, horror filled him at the sight of white staggering before falling off the roof "NO!"


'Where is he?! He bloody well better not have died!'

Kaito couldn't have escaped their grips, only to die after meeting his goal right?! That wouldn't be fair. A flash of white within the bushes made the blond pause momentarily before running towards it "Dear god!" He breathed, tears threatening to fall when he spotted the limp figure of his thief. Thankfully the white hadn't been stained with red "Kaito you idiot!" He hissed, swiftly kneeling down to check his vitals.

He blinked after getting a better look at the face "Kudo-kun?!"

Me: I hope I confused you~

And maybe shocked you again? ^~^

In a perfect world Kaito would have been the one to find pandora... but berry doesn't believe that a perfect world can truly exist~

This ark will be hard for some people, but hang in there, it will be worth it

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