7. Misunderstanding

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1003 Words Excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ If I did, Kaito would actually dye ppls hair, I don't think it's ever happened in the anime, yet it's a given in fanfics~

After drawing the bath and making sure it was the right temperature, the blond headed back towards Kaito's bedroom. Gently, not wanting to jostle the teen more than necessary, Saguru scooped Kaito up into his arms. He almost dropped him when he felt how little Kaito weighed.

'He feels like he weighs no more than 60 pounds... But that's impossible, muscle weighs a lot and Kuroba must have a lot of muscle to do the things he does as Kid'

It was concerning how the magician didn't even twitch as he was carried into the bathroom.

With as much care as he could muster, the blond slowly lowered the teen into the water, it was only high enough to reach Kaito's stomach. He didn't want to soak an unknown injury in water and his estimate was that the injury was on Kaito's upper back.


He felt soggy, it was gross. Bleary indigos blinked open, Kaito tried to move but soon found out that he couldn't. Heart hammering within his chest, the teen began to squirm in his soggy restraints. His vision hadn't cleared yet, but from what he felt, he was wrapped up like a soggy burrito, both arms and legs pinned to his side.

'I've been caught?!? By who?!'

"Whoa! Kuroba calm down!" Saguru soothed, having noticed how Kaito had suddenly bolted awake in a panic. He figures that waking up restrained wasn't good for the phantom thief's nerves.

"Hakuba?..." The magician asked, voice dry as he blinked to clear his vision.

'Why is Hakuba here? I don't remember letting him in'

"Yes Kuroba, it's me. You've been unconscious with a high fever for hours" The blond replied, Kaito could feel his bindings being removed from him, he glanced around and noticed that they were towels. "I gave you a clothed cold water soak when your fever refused to fall" Saguru paused before continuing. "Your fever reached 104.3 degrees, I feared it would continue to rise without a soak" He breathed, relieved to see the trickster awake.

"You could have taken me to the hospital..." Kaito yawned, he felt much better than he had the previous night. The detective's présence confused him.

'Did he sneak into my house?'

"I would normally have, but I figured that you may have some suspicious scars due to your... Magic. With you unconscious and unable to weave a tale I feared...that wrong assumptions would be made" Saguru admitted, Kaito slowly sat up and observed the other's expression. He could see the genuine concern, it was unsettling.

"I'm not Kid Hakuba" Kaito sighed, too tired to put any real anger in his voice. The blond let out a soft sigh before handing Kaito a fresh towel.

"I don't care about whether or not you moonlight as an international jewel thief or not, I was just concerned about Kuroba Kaito" Saguru replied softly, he hadn't slept all night and it was nearing 7 in the morning.

'He's not lying... Why is Hakuba so strange lately?'

"I already told you yesterday, I'm fine" The brunette countered, having the other be nice to him made him uneasy. Saguru was supposed to be an annoying bastard, not whatever this was.

"I found you unconscious with blood trailing down your chin" Saguru paused, grabbing Kaito's wrist. "For a few moments, I thought you were dead until I checked your pulse" The blond's voice was soft as he remembered his fears.

'Ah... Since he's a detective, he's probably seen many people like that but dead...'

Kaito swallowed, he understood the gravity of the situation, yet the amount of concern radiating from Saguru was odd. "It won't happen again, it's okay for you to leave now" Kaito breathed, hands clenching one of the discarded towels.

"I know about your back" Alarm shot through Kaito as he suddenly jumped to his feet, staggering as he backed away from the teen.

'Shit! He's going to tell everyone!'

"Kuroba?" Saguru questioned, having not expected the flat out panic in the other's expression.

"P-please don't tell anyone!" Kaito hissed, his form inching towards the window, ready to bolt at a moments notice.

Saguru raised his arms up in an non-threatening manner, thoroughly confused by the magician's stuttering. "I won't tell anyone about your injury, I just want to check on it" He soothed, risking a small step towards the younger.

'Injury?... He doesn't know about the wings...'

Kaito felt exhaustion overtake him as he allowed himself to collapse face down onto his bed. Adrenalin leaving him. "No, it's fine" The magician sighed, raising his head from the bed, all of his energy had left him after that scare.

'I almost had a heart attack...'

The blond frowned before slowly making his way over towards the bed, feeling wary indigos following his movements. "I don't care how you got hurt, but if your injury is affecting you enough that you can barely move, it needs to be properly cared for" Saguru breathed as he sat down beside the boy. "I refrained from checking while you were unconscious out of respect, but now that you're conscious I insist" Kaito tensed as he felt the other's fingertips gently brush his upper back between his shoulder blades. It hurt, a lot.

'If he'd checked while I was unconscious... I could have been captured and sent off before I even woke up...'

"Please don't" Kaito's voice was a soft whine, he knew that he wouldn't be able to escape the other if Saguru decided to use force. He was helpless and at the mercy of one of his biggest rivals, it was scary. Kaitou Kid wasn't supposed to be helpless.

Saguru lifted his fingers from the brunette's back and looked at Kaito's face with concern. He'd never thought that he'd ever hear the other beg. It was wrong, the scared tone of the other's voice wasn't right. "Kuroba... What happened?" Saguru asked gently, he had a feeling that if he forced him, he'd ruin any chance of them being friends.

Me: poor Kaito had a bad awakening~ anyways hope you enjoyed~ I'll update within 7 days of posting this part~

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