73. Panic, Panic, Run!

593 65 28

1012 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 19 2019
Posted December 16 2019

Berry is proud of this chappy ^~^

When Kaito awoke, he kept his eyes closed. He actually felt mostly clear headed for once, yet it didn't feel like he was back in that horrible white room. Had the scientists made a mistake with the dosage? It seemed odd that they would do so after all the time he'd been with them. Though, he himself didn't even know how long that actually was. He could smell antiseptic and could hear the achingly familiar low humming of the medical equipment around him. He could also hear the breathing of somebody close by his side. He attempted to move his fingers and was pleasantly surprised to find that they moved with ease. He wasn't drugged with that stupid numbing stuff, or at least not drugged enough to prevent him from moving.

'There's only one of them, maybe I can stun them and make a run for it'

He took in a slow and steady breath as he braced himself. A second later he flipped off of the bed, flared his wings,  and roundhouse kicked the person wherever before bolting through the visible door. He didn't really bother in wasting time to even check if he'd properly stunned the person or not. He just bolted.

'That seemed a little too easy...'

He ignored his suspicions in favour of stealthily running through the halls. Freedom first, then think. The assault of varied colours within his sight was very jarring, having been surrounded by white for so long the reds and other colours were popping out at him. It was overwhelming. His breath quickened, heartbeat thudding loudly in his ears as he paused at a diverging route. There were three possible directions to go and he didn't really know which way to go. He heard footsteps and shouting coming up behind him and darted down the hallway to the left, not really paying any mind to the speaker. He was not going to let himself be drugged anymore.

'Which way is out? I need to hurry before the person alerts others of my escape...'

The flurry of colours was so disorienting that he somehow ran into someone despite the fact that hallway was straight. He flinched back at the other's startled yelp before baring his teeth and flaring his wings, he didn't have any of his tools so intimidation would have to do. He swiftly bolted after that.


"Kaito?!" Aoko cried out in shock at her best friend's actions, she sat on her place on the floor stunned. She'd never seen him act like that before, let alone never would have thought that he wouldn't even recognize her.

'That look in his eyes... Kaito looked so scared...'

She'd seen his sleeping form earlier that morning, so his appearance hadn't been that much of a shock to her. It was mainly his actions that had shocked her "Nakamori-san, are you okay?!" Aoko glanced over to see Saguru coming from the same direction that Kaito had. The blond's nose was bloody.

"Aoko is fine, just startled..." She replied, Saguru nodded before quickly bolting off.


Seeing Kaito's reaction to Aoko had been startling, especially with how feral the magician had looked at that moment. Though he was greatly relieved that Kaito hadn't actually attacked like he had him. He didn't really blame the magician though, he should have been more careful with how he approached Kaito at first. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he picked up the pace.

'I can only imagine what other horrible things have been done to Kaito to make him act out like this...'

The only good thing was that Kaito wasn't as fast as he was before being kidnapped, he was still fast, just not as fast.


Paranoia was now tugging at him as he kept on taking different turns, shouldn't more people have already joined the chase by now? He blinked, shaking his head. The colours kept on snatching up his attention. He'd already almost been caught once, though thankfully his intimidation seemed to have worked. Only the first person was still on his tail.

'Why are there so many hallways?! And why do they all look so similar?!' 

He was feeling very, very lost at the moment. With no blueprints or prior knowledge of the building, he felt as if he were a rat trapped within a maze. He morbidly wondered if that was exactly what was happening, were the scientists testing his agility now or something? A small whine escaped from the back of his throat as he sped around a corner. Only to run into another person once again, though this time he was the only one to fall.


The other person recovered more quickly than he had, Kaito let out a dark hiss from his crouched position on the ground. He went to bolt away but a pressure on his neck yanked him back. He blinked dumbly, momentarily stunned. He hadn't realized that he was wearing clothes. By the time he recovered, the other person had managed to pull him back and pin him against their larger frame. The magician hissed and spat in warning as he struggled, the scientists had never bothered listening to what few words he'd been able to force out. Though they did usually respond to hisses and growls. His vocal chords were also too out of use to be able to speak properly now anyways.

When the other made no move to release him, instead pulling him closer and muttering words Kaito decided that he'd given enough warnings. He began biting and clawing at the main arm restraining him, his own strength not good enough to free himself from the strong hold. Though oddly it wasn't a painful hold.

'Why aren't they letting go of me?!'

He could taste blood in his mouth, normally a person would release something harming them. Why wasn't this person doing just that?! He felt a hand gently card through his hair as the soft murmurs continued, eliciting out a soft whine from Kaito. He didn't want to be touched anymore! He just wanted to be free from this horrible place! Tears freely began to fall down his face as he continued his struggles.

Me: Poor Kaito is too desperate to escape to realize that he's already been rescued~

That and he's been drugged up a lot so confusion is to be expected

Now who do you think managed to catch Kaito?

And yes, Kaito did kick Hakuba~

This was very fun to write~ Though it took me a little longer than usual~

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