50. Reassurance

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1036 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own magic Kaito~ I hope you enjoy~

Written July 18 2019
Posted October 12 2019

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"Kaito didn't return for dinner" Baaya mused as she placed the magician's untouched meal into the fridge after covering it with plastic wrap. The grilled cheese and vegetable soup would heat up just fine when the teen wanted them.

"Hopefully that idiot has refrained from getting into another disaster like last time" Saguru sighed as he walked over to help Baaya clean up the dishes, it would be a good distraction.

'I know Kaito is capable without his sight, but I'm still uneasy from recent events'

Baaya smiled at her ward's concerned expression. "I don't think you have to worry too much about Kaito, he's a crafty fellow considering how many people chase him"


'Hmm... It's dark out according to the time, so nobody would see me through the trees'

The magician allowed his wings to appear, allowing their presence to send a buzz of energy through him. He sent Kimi to scout his path, making sure the living room's main window was indeed open, without the screen. He'd never live it down if he flew into a window or screen and Saguru found out about it. He smiled when Kimi came back with positive findings, giving her a few good scratches before sending her off.


A sudden crash started him, Saguru almost dropped his tea. With hurried confusion he ran over towards the source of the noise, seeing nothing amiss in the living room, he curiously looked out the window. Kaito was laying on the ground, covered in dirt and twigs, his wings splayed out on both sides, the magician glanced up at the sound of approaching footsteps. "Oops?" He chuckled, face flushed slightly in embarrassment. He'd both tried, and failed to fly, instead he'd plummeting like a stone through the branches.

'So it was only Kaito causing trouble again...'

The blond let out an exasperated breath before stepping out the window and crouching down next to Kaito, extending his hand. "Are you okay?" He inquired, taking note of the multiple new abrasions littering both the magician's face and arms, they weren't deep but one scratch in particular was bleeding a fair amount right below Kaito's right eye. Some of the false skin had torn away a bit.

Kaito looked away from his blurry friend, a small pout on his lips as he accepted the hand. "Nothing but my pride was injured" He muttered, embarrassed that his plan to fly through the window had failed, he hadn't even managed to flap his wings before hitting the ground. Next time he'd jump from a higher place, he'd take flight for sure.

"Please don't tell me you attempted to fly" Saguru grimaced when the other stayed silent. "Well?"

"You told me not to tell you" Kaito smiled, holding in a wince when the movement affected the cut under his eye. It stung, and needed to be cleaned.

'The insufferable...'

Saguru glared at the response before shaking his head. "Come on, we should get you patched up before your healing decides that it wants to work again and closes your injuries while they're filled with dirt" The magician grimaced at the thought, injuries were meant to be cleaned first for a reason.

"Yeah you're right" He agreed, following the blond through the window and closing the glass.


"Your scars look quite bad even though they're over a year old" The magician blinked at Saguru in confusion, flinching slightly at the unexpected touch under his right eye. "Your fake skin was damaged" Saguru paused, gently rubbing some antibiotic ointment over the gash "I removed it as a whole while cleaning the cut since having it sagging on your face looked weird" Frowning slightly when panic flashed through Kaito's eyes for a brief second.

'What scared him? Is it because I removed the fake skin?'

"I hadn't noticed..." Kaito replied softly, leaning back, away from the other. He didn't like the scars, they were on his face and really ugly and would surely scare Aoko. He didn't like Saguru seeing them.

Golden eyes took in his friend's response, they narrowed. "Stop moving away!" Saguru huffed, grabbing the magician's left arm to keep him still as he applied a bandage to the cut. "What has got you acting weird all of a sudden?" He glanced directly into Kaito's eyes. "There's nothing wrong with letting people who know about your night persona see your scars" He paused "I understand hiding them from Nakamori-San and her father because you can't think up a good excuse, but you shouldn't hide from me" Saguru smirked "I already know that you're Kaitou Kid"

'His actions are not making any sense'

Kaito gave him a slightly crooked grin "Sorry, I just don't like people seeing them, they're really ugly" He liked being able to easily create fake skin that could even fool most doctors and makeup artists.

'Is he self conscious about his face? I never would have imagined that even being possible'

The detective gave Kaito a firm swat on the head, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to get his point across. "You idiot, even with the scars on your face, you're still an attractive male" Saguru scoffed, wondering how someone intelligent enough to tell others ahead of time about his crimes yet still escape, could be so stupid as to ignore the obvious.

The magician blinked in surprise "Really? Whenever I see them, I can't help but think about how ugly they are"

Saguru gave Kaito's left hand a little squeeze "That's because you're biased since it's your own body, thus making you self conscious enough to pay more attention to what deem to be defects" He sighed "Trust me, if we ever think up a good enough excuse for your scars, people would only look curiously at first since it would be a change from what they're used to" He trailed off in thought before continuing "Though Nakamori-San may cry at the implications of how much you must have hurt or attack you in anger due to you not informing her earlier that you'd been hurt so bad"

Kaito pursed his lip in thought for a few moments "Okay" He replied softly "I'll believe you since you rarely lie..."

Me: I enjoyed writing this chapter~ eating ice cream before writing gives a good boost~ Actually berry usually only writes after consuming a meal XD

Hope you enjoyed~

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