72. Confusion? Rescue

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1004 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 19k Views~

Written October 18 2019
Posted December 14 2019

Someone was touching him, Kaito tried to move away from the oddly gentle touch. He'd been touched enough! He didn't really want to be touched anymore, in fact, he just wanted them to just leave him alone. Was that really too much to ask for? He was faintly aware of the sound of someone who may be crying, he wasn't really sure.

'Why would one of the scientists be crying?'

First there had been steady murmurs as he vaguely felt someone prodding about his insides, a fact that still creeped him out on entirely new levels. Then there had been surprised yells quickly followed by rushed noises, shortly after that he'd been left in almost complete silence. The only noise present had been the workings of whatever machines he'd been hooked up to. Now though, someone was near him, and they were crying. Maybe the commotion was caused by one of the machines malfunctioning. Serves them right! It was weird though how the person wasn't doing anything painful to him, instead they kept a somewhat shaky grip on his right hand. He wanted to pull away still but his body still wasn't listening to him.

After an unknown amount of time later, he began to feel as if he should know whoever was both crying and talking to him. It couldn't have been the main scientist, that guy was a genuine bastard. He didn't get very far with those thoughts before he heard another person arrive. He felt the familiar pain of a needle poking into him before losing what little shreds of consciousness he'd been clinging on to.


Saguru grimaced as the little bits of tension within the magician slackened. He knew logically that it was best for Kaito to remain unconscious for now, but he still didn't like it. He glanced over at the surgeon who'd already begun sterilizing himself, he'd managed to call him in, once he'd gotten over his shock and surprise. They couldn't move Kaito when he was all cut open, who knows what possible contaminants would have latched onto the magician during transport. No, Kaito needed to be worked on now, or at the very least stitched up.

'He looks so pale...'

The blond knew that Kaito's paleness most likely wasn't caused from blood loss, the evidence was right beside the magician. Multiple blood bags were hooked up to the teen in an attempt to compensate for his blood loss. No, his paleness was due to Kaito's extended time in captivity. He'd been held captive for way too long.

He gave the surgeon a small nod as he stepped away from Kaito to give the doctor enough room to work with "Please do what you can for him" He pleaded before moving into an adjacent room. He didn't want to see Kaito like that anymore, it was scary and he didn't like it. Saguru mainly worked theft and the rare murder, but this was Kaito. He couldn't distance himself like he normally could.


They couldn't go to a hospital, not until Kaito regained enough consciousness to hide his wings. So instead the sedated magician had been secretly moved into one of the FBI's now not so secret bunkers. After this operation ended they wouldn't be able to use this specific bunker again, not when they were planning on bringing in some people to visit the magician. It had initially surprised Saguru that the FBI would throw away a lot of money for this, secret bunkers were not cheap after all. That was until one of the agents waved him off, stating that having Kaitou Kid owe them was worth the money lost.

'It still amazes me that he has so many police connections...'

"Are you really sure that doing this is a good idea?" Saguru glanced over at Shinichi who had taken a seat next to him "Shouldn't Kuroba choose whether or not they get to know?" Shinichi continued. The teen had a bandage wrapped around his head and a single crutch at his side courtesy of a sprained ankle. Overall Shinichi was in good health.

The blond shook his head "No, Kaito will need the support of people who know about what happened to him" So that they could better understand his actions "They won't be told about his identity as Kid" He breathed, that was something only Kaito could tell "But they need to know why he was kidnapped" Gold met azure "I'm quite confident that Kaito won't be rejected and it would make no sense otherwise for him to be kidnapped and experimented on" He finished.

'The Nakamoris are good people'

Shinichi nodded, still looking a little unsure "How will his wings be explained?" He wanted to get the cover story down perfectly.

A fond smile graced Saguru's lips as he glanced at the unconscious magician "Kaito gets into all kinds or weird things" His gaze softened "I'm pretty sure that we can just claim that nobody knows, but we figure that he probably ticked off someone with magical powers"

'Magic can easily be believed due to the existence of Kaito's wings and healing abilities'

The eastern detective smirked at the other's words "That's very believable" He looked at Kaito with a mixture of exasperation and fondness "He has a special talent for pissing people off" As both his moonlight persona and his civilian persona, Kaito always had a way to mess with someone whenever he wanted to.

"Indeed" The blond agreed.


A calmness washed over Akako as she looked into her magical mirror, Lucifer had just informed her that a certain dove had been freed. She glanced over at her clock and sighed, it was too late to wake up Aoko and bring her to the magician's side. A small smirk tugged at her lips.

'It seems like Kuroba-kun will at least have the night to settle before being subjected to Aoko's tears and questions'

She was content to wait out the night, Lucifer had told her that Kaito was in safe hands and she couldn't visit Kaito without Aoko. It would hurt Aoko immensely if she were to be left behind.

Me: And Kaito has been rescued~ I censored his experience since I didn't want to give this an M rating and to let your imaginations wander~

Sometimes glimpses can be just as bad as the whole thing~

Berry was very generous with kindness towards Kaito believe it or not ^~^

He could have been conscious during the branding, he could have been conscious during everything but unable to move. The egg laying and insemination process... Conscious while his private area was being examined... and more~

Now the final(?) ark will begin~

Hope you enjoyed~ I was sleepy as I wrote this

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