54. To the Mountains!

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1033 Words excluding (A/N) Berry does not own MK/DC~

Past Berry: Meh... Berry has been so busy lately... Thankfully I made it uunnoticible that Berry had been too busy for this story and instead focused on Ironic Change and Kaito Oneshots since they had nothing pre-written~

Current Berry: •~• whoa this was written so long ago... The memories...

Written August 9 2019
Posted October 21 2019

Kaito grinned at the feeling of fresh mountain air going through his lungs, the mountain air felt much more pure than that of the city's air. Thankfully his feathers tested as one hundred percent non-human, which meant that he didn't have to worry about not collecting every single lost feather.

A little part of him felt somewhat uneasy that his feathers didn't actually register as anything remotely human, but the magician easily nudged that thought away, tucking it into a back corner of his mind. If he didn't think about it, it was okay.

Due to Saguru's paranoia, the two had forgone going into the woods and had instead travelled a few hours to Kyoto before heading towards Mount Kurama. Since Saguru had forced Kaito to travel so far, the magician in turn had chosen Mount Kurama in retaliation since its lore stated that it was the home of Sōjōbō the king of the Tengu. That way, if someone caught a glimpse of him, he could potentially cause havoc by pretending to be a Tengu.

"I can't believe you actually chose Mount Kurama" The blond sighed in exasperation, leave it to the crazy magician to choose a mountain that's lore focused on a Tengu.

Kaito stuck out his tongue before hopping up into a tree branch. "But it's been so long since I've messed with people" He snickered.

'Plus since there's probably false Tengu sightings around here all of the time, people would be less likely to investigate if I was spotted flying around'

"So I'm not considered a person? How rude of you" Saguru scoffed, they'd gone deep into the mountains, far away from any tourist trails to prevent detection.

Kaito rolled his eyes, falling back and catching himself with his legs to that he was hanging upside down from the branch. "I was talking about people I don't know" He flashed a grin "Messing with friends doesn't count, it's a given" The magician snickered as he began to swing back and forth.

'I can use more mean pranks on strangers than I can on friends'

Golden eyes narrowed slightly at the magician, he was tempted to tell Kaito to stop swinging like that before he potentially cracked his head open. He decided not to however since he was pretty sure that Kaito was smart enough to judge a branch's strength properly before swinging on it. "It's almost sundown, we should find a good place to set up camp" He breathed, glancing up at the weakening sunlight, they'd have an hour or two at best.

"There's a river a few hundred feet to the left" Kaito replied, pointing towards the left, he then let himself fall down, skilfully flipping himself upright so that he ended up landing in a neat crouch.

The blond nodded in acceptance, the forecast was said to be completely clear and when he'd checked the satellite radar it had shown the same results. "Sure, even if there is a freak rainfall, I'm pretty confident that we'd wake up before the river flooded" Saguru smirked, confident that Kaito would wake up. The magician was a phantom thief after all.

"More like I'd already be awake practising flying" Kaito smiled as he picked up the bag he'd previously discarded, they hadn't brought much besides emergency matches, bottles, some knives, a thin tent and blankets, mosquito repellent, a small pot, some water purifier, and medical supplies. Neither had wanted to be dragged down by heavy packs, and both were confident in their ability to find food. Even if they had a bad time hunting, both were used to missing meals due to either heist planning or cases.

Saguru frowned "It's going to be pitch black out from the lack of artificial light emissions around us"

Kaito flashed a grin as he gave the blond a firm pat on the shoulder before heading towards where he'd indicated. "It's fine, I have great night vision, my eyes flash green like a cat's in the dark"

'It's really useful during my heists'

The detective raised a brow as he hurried to catch up "Is that new?" He inquired, cat eyes only flashed green due to their night vision, something that humans lacked, thus leading to the occasional 'Red eyes' in photos.

"Nope, I've always been like that, dad had it too. I usually wear thin contacts to hide the gleam, though I remove the contact on the eye that's covered by my monocle when I'm Kid" Kaito paused for a moment before continuing "It's a pain wearing contacts, but a lot of people would be interested in my night vision and would want to do some tests on the name of 'Furthering humanity as a whole'" He finished.

"Maybe you already had some magic in your blood before the gem?" The blond offered, knowing that it could be possible, they did know a witch after all.

The magician shrugged "Maybe, but it doesn't really matter now I guess" Indigo met gold "My magic tricks have always been a result of my hard work, I've never cheated besides using my better eyesight to my own advantage"

'And if dad knew real magic, I'm pretty sure he would have never cheated as well'

"I've already figured that" Saguru scoffed "You're much too proud to cheat on your tricks"

"Ah! The rivers in sight!" The magician grinned as he took off towards the water, eager to set up their camp.


"I take it that you'd hit me if I tried to go catch some fish?" The blond inquired once they'd finished setting up their tent and digging a small pit, lining it with stones for a future fire.

Indigos narrowed at the detective "No, I'd ditch you, stay in the mountains for the rest of the summer flying around, then avoid you when school starts back up again"

'I refuse to have the disgusting smell of cooking finny things anywhere near me'

Saguru let out a short laugh "Very well, I'll search for some animals while you go find some fruit and whatever else that's edible in your opinion" He replied, suddenly realizing that he should have packed protein and nutrient supplements for the vegetarian magician.

Me: Berry loves fics where Kaito has wings >~<

Any suggestions? (I've probably already read it but there's a chance I haven't)

I don't care about the fic's language or what website it's on (as long as it's not sketchy looking XD) berry just really wants to read more...

If only there were more winged Kaito fics >~<

Berry's google search history is horrid XD

Etc- Winged Kaito fanfic, kaito has wings fanfic, winged Kaito fanfic, Kaito suicide fanfiction, suicidal Kaito fanfiction, self harm Kaito fanfiction, Kaito raped fanfiction, Kaito hurt fanfic, Kaito sick fanfiction, depressed Kaito fanfic

Or any rearrangement of those words XP

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