78. Kaito observes

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1002 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written October 27 2019
Posted January 4 2020

Shinichi nodded, motioning towards a door on the opposite side of the room "It's right through there" He replied, despite the fact that the magician had been cleaned after his rescue. He figured that Kaito probably wanted it due to his emotions and sweat "While you're in the shower would you like for me to send Hakuba-kun in here to wait for you?" The blond would be better with soothing the magician than he ever would.

Kaito's cheeks tinted a faint dust of pink, a little embarrassed that he was being treated as if he were fragile "I would like that" He bit his lip "I miss him" Before had been too hectic for it to truly register to him that Saguru was actually nearby. He felt kinda bad for sending him away earlier.

'I keep being stupid...'

Azure softened at the response "Good, he looked really upset that he couldn't be with you" Shinichi replied as he gripped his crutch to brace himself for getting up.

Indigos widened as the magician suddenly noticed the other's injury. What was wrong with him? He just keeps on missing things or messing up lately "Wait, let me heal you first" Kaito stated, a soft white glow covering his hand.

'How could I not notice that Kudo was injured? He probably hurt himself during my rescue...'

"Thank you" Shinichi breathed in relief as he felt the glowing hand make contact. He hadn't initially asked since he'd figured that Kaito would have attempted to immediately heal him, it was a little concerning that it had taken so long for Kaito to notice his injury. Normally the magician was quite observant regarding other's health.

"It's fine" The magician breathed "I feel a lot closer to my magic than ever before" He wondered if it was because his body had been forced to heal itself countless times or if it had something to do with time. Either way, it was nice to be able to actually help people again.

Azure narrowed before the sleuth nodded "Have a nice shower" He stated before getting up and walking out the door.

Kaito glanced at the door for a few moments before getting up, he needed to get in the shower before he saw Saguru. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to leave the blond to take a shower so he needed to start said shower before seeing him.

'I just want to curl up next to him and talk'

With a plan in mind, the magician stumbled over towards the bathroom, letting out a relieved breath when he closed the door behind him. Indigos lit up at the sight of the tub, it was quite large. Maybe he'll take a short soak after his shower. A small smile played on his lips at the thought, when was the last time that he'd willingly taken a bath? After a few moments he blushed when his brain supplied the answer to be at the onsen with Saguru. That had been an interesting experience.

He quickly shimmied out of both his tan sweatpants and boxers, only to pause after he removed his cream coloured shirt. He'd caught his reflection in the mirror and it had startled him with how different he looked. He moved closer to the mirror to get a better look at himself, his skin was horribly pale, his hair was more shaggy than usual and dark circles hung under his eyes- no eye. He'd forgotten that his false eye had been removed, he hadn't even noticed that it was still gone. He nervously bit his lip as he felt around the tear stained bandages, he should probably remove them right? It wasn't like there was an actual injury for them to protect. They'd probably make a mess in the shower anyways. But, he was scared to.

'I haven't seen myself without my false eye since getting it, even then it was kept it covered...'

He closed his right eye beneath the bandages and took in a breath to steady himself, after a moment he began to shakily undo the bandages. He let out a squeak of surprise at his face, the scars stood out a good amount against his newly pale skin. Though after he regained his normal skin tone, the scars wouldn't actually look as bad as he'd feared. Saguru's sense of style had been correct oddly enough. A small relieved smile tugged at his lips at the thought, once he got a new false eye, he'd more or less look fine.

Kaito then switched his attention towards his chest, there were his old scars, and so many new ones as well. His whole torso was littered with countless scars varying on multiple sizes, though the most prominent ones were left as evidence that someone had performed a vivisection on him. His stomach churned at the memory of one of the scientists putting their hands inside of him. Goosebumps littered his skin as a shiver ran down his spine, he uneasily rubbed his arms in an attempt to get rid of them. He bit his lip as he took in a steadying breath before glancing down past his stomach, there weren't really that many new marks, the main one was still the brand on his right hip bone. He was both relieved and a little unsettled at that.

'If they were attempting to... Breed me... Shouldn't there be more evidence that they've focused on that?'

The familiar tang of blood filled his mouth, startling the magician. He'd accidentally bitten through his lip. He swiped his tongue over the wound to clear the blood away before healing it. He really needed to pay more attention to his actions. He climbed up onto the sink and turned around so that his back faced the mirror, craning his neck back to see if there were other injuries that he'd missed. He wasn't really up for the crazy bending that he'd usually do to check his back, so crouching in front of a mirror would have to suffice. It looked silly but at least it worked.

Me: Of course Kaito would check himself out in the mirror~

Wouldn't you if you were captured by crazy scientists?

Hope you enjoyed~

Next chappy... ^~^

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