10. Shock

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1016 Words excluding (A/N)~ Yay 10K Words~~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ If I did, there'd be more episodes~

I'll update within 7 days of posting this part~ I'll still keep writing as often, I just want to stockpile more chapters so I always have something (chapter 15 is already written)
Plus I need to look things up in my medical books for this

"Kuroba, could you please refrain from potentially poisoning yourself in the future?" Saguru sighed, pinching his brow. "It would be a shame for you to meet your untimely end via a failed glitter concoction" Kaito let out a snort at the other's words, it would at least be interesting.

'It would be the most colourful death I'd ever witnessed'

"I'd rather not go to jail for accidental murder Hakuba, I'm highly attractive, I'd rather not have to beat off creeps with a stick" Kaito smirked, twirling his chopsticks between his fingers like a baton.

"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be allowed a stick" Saguru drawled, imagining the havoc that the magician could create if he went to jail as himself and not Kaitou Kid.

'Dear god, he'd escape and they'd never be able to recapture him. Kuroba would just hang around the jail traumatizing both criminals and the police until they gave him bail in order to preserve their sanity'

"So you'd let the creeps get their hands on me?!?" Kaito gasped in mock horror, he knew that the blond would most likely pull some strings to protect him.

"As if anyone could normally get their hands on you without your permission" Saguru smirked, pitying the poor fools that would ever try.

'I've seen the acrobatics he's done as Kid, he's slippery to catch'

"I'm not omnipotent" Kaito sighed, shoulders sagging as he finished his meal. Saguru noticed the change in demeanour and raised a brow.

"I know, but you bounce back scarily quickly" The blond replied softly.

"Why are you being so nice to me?! It's not normal for you" Kaito's sudden outburst startled the blond. Golden eyes took in the other's form before sitting beside him.

'He's uneasy due to me treating him better?'

"It's because I've decided to become your friend, I've already stated my reasons previously" To Saguru's surprise, the magician scooted a bit away from him, avoiding his gaze.

"I'm not a good friend to have Hakuba" Kaito replied, his voice void of emotion, the blond noted how tightly Kaito was clutching the chopsticks.

"True, you lie all the time and hide your emotions to protect others, you purposely keep others at arm length. However, you truly care or those actually close to you" Saguru admitted, glancing towards the painting of who he assumed to be Kaito's father. "And I think you're trying to protect yourself from losing anyone else" He finished.

'He lost his father and has an absentee mother. On top of that he's being hunted down by a group of killers'

Scowling, the chopsticks in Kaito's hand snapped. "Why would I be afraid? I'm just a high schooler like you"

Gently, Saguru took Kaito's hand and opened it, relieving the boy of the chopstick's remains. He knew that a magician's hands were important and didn't want the brunette to have more problems. "I understand the risks of befriending you Kuroba, or I at least have an idea" He replied, depositing the wood splinters onto the tray. Kaito whirled around, indigos blazing, only to let out a pained yelp and crumple onto the bed, thankfully missing the tray.

"Kuroba?!" Saguru's voice tense as he attempted to help the other up, only for the other to let out a pained hiss. Kaito had moved in a way that caused his bindings to further crush his wings. Saguru felt panic when the magician closed his eyes and gritted his teeth instead of replying.

"Is there any way I can help?" The blond asked, hands hovering over the teen, afraid that he might accidentally aggravate the other's injury by accident if he tried again. A low whine was his only response. He lifted the teen's head up gently to check his face then checked his pulse.

'He's barely conscious...'

"Kuroba, I'm checking your injury" Saguru stated, this having been the last straw concerning the other's health. When he received no reply, he noted that Kaito had slipped into unconsciousness.

'He can't blame me too much for going against his wishes, hopefully I'll only be dyed instead of glitter glue bombed'

Saguru gently turned the brunette over, allowing him access to the buttons of Kaito's pyjama top. He popped them open with ease and paused.

'Is that a corset?... it's on backwards I think?'

He nimbly began to undo the ties. It was concerning exactly how tight it had been tied. He paused when a black feather slipped out of the now loosened corset's back. "What in the world?..." It was the same type of feather as before.

'Did he get hurt by a failed practice prank?'

When he finished untying all the knots he had to pause, something wasn't right with Kaito's back. He carefully opened the corset and began to lift the boy out of it. "What in the—?!" His voice cut off in shock, Kaito had wings, they were covered in the sleek black feathers from before. Numbly he laid the teen down on his stomach, intrigued. He felt along the base, shock filling him when he realized they were real. When he tried to spread them out, they crumpled at awkward angles. "Bloody hell..." Saguru breathed, horror chilling him to the bone.

'Kuroba has wings, mangled wings... did he do this to himself?...'

The blond swallowed down the bile rising in his throat, he couldn't imagine the brunette harming himself.

'How did he get wings? Was his weakness a result of gaining them?'

As gently as he could, he spread out Kaito's wings across the bed, intending to bandage them. He had some practice from when Watson broke her wing, and didn't want the bones to heal wrong.

'What in the bloody hell was he thinking?! Was he trying to cripple himself?!'

He ran his fingers through the feathers, noting the locations of the visible breaks and fractures. He paused when he felt dried blood clotted throughout them, concentrated mostly around the base and getting more sparse the closer to the wing tips he got.

'Did they suddenly sprout from his back? It would explain the blood... Kuroba...'

Me: Hakuba found out~ hope you enjoyed~

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