33. Blanc

897 71 17

1038 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ and I hope you enjoy~

Past midnight.... So sleepy....

Posted August 12 2019

'I really hope Koizumi-san's glamour works correctly and makes Kaito seem like a normal human'

Saguru let out a tired breath as he looked at the seemingly small magician on the hospital bed. He was hooked up to so many machines, all to monitor his vitals and to make sure he didn't stop breathing, again. He shook his head at the horrible realization he'd had when Kaito's ragged breath had slowed and eventually stopped as he carried him. Thankfully as he was performing CPR on Kaito, an EMT arrived and helped him transport the magician to an ambulance.

It had been after 3 fear filled hours that he'd been allowed to see Kaito, during the wait he'd called Baaya for a change of clothes for the both of them. Both Kaito's and Shinichi's injuries had astounded both the nurses and doctors. Their smoke inhalation had been serious, however not as serious as it was expected to be after the circumstances had been explained to the medical staff. Shinichi should have had serious burns on his body from the metallic bands that had strapped him down, yet the teen only had mild burns that wouldn't scar too bad if cared for properly. The nurses had whispered amongst themselves that it was almost like magic

The main concern was Kaito's head, the teen had a grade 4 concussion and hadn't regained consciousness since he'd last passed out.

'What if his head was hit too hard?'

He was waiting for the results of the teen's MRI and X-Ray, weirdly enough, he was somehow on the magician's list of people who could know his medical condition. It felt nice that Kaito had included him in the list.

"You're really troublesome" The blond breathed, a small smile on his lips as he held the magician's hand. He wasn't going to leave him alone until he woke up, which meant he was stuck here until both Nakamoris arrived. Kaito wouldn't take too well waking up in an unfamiliar place surrounded by medical supplies. "Please get well, you weren't nearly as injury prone before"


"Hakuba-kun" Golden eyes glanced towards the doorway of the hospital room in confusion. Sitting up from his previous position of being hunched over.

"Koizumi-san?" He gave a polite nod in greeting despite his confusion. "Pardon my rudeness, but I wasn't expecting to see you today" He breathed.

'Why would she come now? Does she have another prophecy regarding Kaito?'

A sly smile played on the red witch's lips as she gracefully stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. "I wasn't expecting to be here either" Akako mused as she gently took a seat on the other side of Kaito's bed. Red eyes softened as she caressed the magician's cheek before trailing her hand down to the pulse point on his neck. "But I felt a sudden shift in Edoka's magical properties..." She replied softly as she recalled her hand, allowing it to settle on her lap.

"And how does that result in you visiting Kaito?" Saguru asked, already having a small idea where the conversation was heading.

'Both his and Kudo-kun's injuries are not as severe as they should be...'

"I felt the awakening of a white magic user, it's such a rare art that I had to see for myself who it was" Akako replied softly as she ran a few fingers through the brunette's hair, mindful of his injuries. Saguru bristled slightly at her actions but didn't stop her, the witch wasn't going to harm his friend and had important information to give.

"What kind of magic is white? From stories I'd like to assume healing magic, however stories don't always tell the truth" Akako smirked darkly, giving the blond a nod.

"You are correct, healing magic is indeed the main trait of a white magic user. It's what makes them so valuable in the eyes of others with awareness of magic" She paused before continuing. "It's a gentle magic and is faintly associated with air" She tilted her head to the side slightly as she examined the magician. "His blood was one that had no magical lines hidden within it, so whatever gave him wings, also gave him an affinity for white magic" She smiled softly. "It suits his personality well"

'Kaito isn't really a fighter, yet he's always trying to save or help others in need'

"It suits him perfectly" Saguru agreed with a smile of his own. "Though being a white magic user with the family name of Kuroba is strange. Yet he's always been strange so it's perfect in a way"

"Unfortunately, I do not have much to teach him in the white arts. I originally came here to either kill the new magic user or coerce them into working for me" She smirked at how the blond seemed to bristle at her words. "Do not worry, since it's Kuroba-kun, I'm okay with another magic user being around"

"Thank you" The blond breathed, the red witch had scared him for a few moments. With Kaito unconscious, he wouldn't have been able to protect him against a territorial witch.

'It makes some sense that witches are territorial...'

Without another word, Akako left.


"We have the results of the MRI and X-Rays" Dr.Kusama stated as he briskly walked into the room. The doctor had short black hair and navy blue eyes.

Saguru looked up from Kaito and greeted the doctor with a worried gaze once he read his face. "Will he be alright?" The blond's voice was soft as he gave Kaito's hand a little squeeze.

'His expression doesn't look good...'

Dr.Kusama gave Saguru a sad smile. "We won't know for sure until he wakes up, there's major bruising and swelling surrounding his brain" He paused at the panicked look on Saguru's face, giving him a reassuring clasp on the shoulder he continued. "Despite the small fracture of his skull, as long as Kuroba-san stays immobile, the swelling and bruising will hopefully fade and he'll wake up" Saguru felt numb at the prospect of potential brain damage for the brilliant teen.

'Please let him get out of this unscathed... Hopefully his magic will heal him...'

Me: and now you know how the fire may have been put out~ awakening magic~ and hmm... so many possibilities~~ I had fun writing this chappy~

Who is your favorite villain in the MK/DC universe? Kaito obviously doesn't count as a villain~

Berry's fav is spider ^~^

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