75. Soixante-Quinze

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1001 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written October 24 2019
Posted December 23 2019

Kaito responded with a small, but thankful smile. He didn't really want to talk about what had happened just yet, despite how he really didn't remember much in the first place. It was both a comforting and scary thought. He wouldn't have as many memories of his captivity to haunt him, yet he also sort of wondered about everything that had been done to him. Those speculations alone were enough to make him nauseous.

'I was unconscious and at their mercy for who knows how long... And most of the evidence has probably healed so I might never know what truly happened to me...'

"Whoa easy there..." Ginzo softly breathed, Kaito blinked in surprise when he felt Ginzo separated his arms. He hadn't noticed that he'd been digging his nails into his own arm. He swallowed uneasily, why did he keep doing things without meaning to? The inspector frowned at how lost in thought Kaito suddenly seemed to be "Let's get you back to your room for some rest, okay?" He inquired, wanting to make it seem like the other had a choice.

Kaito nodded once more, allowing both Ginzo and Saguru to help him to his feet. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, he felt a little shaky "Are you okay to walk?" Saguru asked gently, keeping a steadying hold on Kaito's left arm while the inspector did the same with the right. The magician let out a hum of affirmation, he wasn't going to speak unless he had to or it didn't hurt.


By the time they had made it back to Kaito's room, a thin sheen of sweat had covered the magician. He panted, feeling nauseous while he leaned heavily on Ginzo. He'd started out walking shakily but fine, but after a few minutes he'd had to give in and lean on the stronger of his helpers. When they'd started to follow him in, Kaito paused, shaking his head. He was sick of people watching him while he was asleep "No, want, alone" He choked out.

'Why would Kaito want to be alone? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to want company?'

Saguru gave a frown, Kaito didn't really look too good "We'll be sure to be quiet" He offered, maybe the magician just wanted to make sure that he got some good sleep.

Kaito shook his head, haunted indigo meeting gold "Always watched, sleep" He gave a small pained grimace before continuing "Want, alone, for once" He was sick and tired of people being around while he was unconscious, unable to do anything. He knew that he was safe with them, but he still wanted to be alone "Always touched... Want alone" His voice broke a little as tears picked at his eyes "Please" He rubbed at his eyes, why was he crying? He wasn't sad or scared. It just didn't make sense to him.


Saguru sighed, unable to argue with the teary magician "Very well" He removed his hands from the younger's arm "We will stay out here" Gold softened at Kaito, the teen was trembling though he didn't know if it was from exhaustion or something else "All you need to do is call and we'll come right in" He soothed, Kaito probably hadn't had any relaxed time alone while captured. Company was good, but sometimes people just needed to be alone for a bit as well. Kaito sagged in relief against the door frame, giving Saguru a weary smile before closing the door.

"Why'd you let him go in there all alone?!" Ginzo softly hissed, doing his best to not get heard through the door. He didn't want to further upset Kaito "Kaito-kun isn't well, he needs us by his side!" He finished with a growl. Wasn't Saguru supposed to care about Kaito?

'I can see why he is upset

"I understand your arguments, but I believe that Kaito should be given some time alone" He breathed "Yes he needs us, but he also needs some time to pull himself back together" He glanced sadly at the door, Kaito was so close, yet he'd promised to give the teen some privacy. He turned back to meet Ginzo's gaze "Kaito was most likely watched 24/7..." His voice wavered "He also was without any clothes during that time" His eyes burned "For someone like Kaito, who likes his space..." He clenched his fists "Don't you think that he deserves to be given privacy after specifically stating that he wants it?" He breathed, leaning against the wall, allowing gravity to slide him to the ground "I want to be in there with him, I love him" He buried his face in his hands "But it's what Kaito needs right now so I'll stay out" He tiredly finished.

'I let my emotions get ahead of myself...'


Ginzo looked at the crouched teen and sighed, all of his anger bleeding away "You're right" He amended, crouching down next to the blond "How are you doing?" He asked, Saguru had been the closest to Kaito when the magician had been taken, and had also been the one to find him.

'Didn't his caretaker die and his house burn down at the same time as well?'

Saguru's hands dropped down to rest in his lap "I'll be fine when I can be with Kaito" He admitted, these last few months had been tiring. He just wanted to be next to the magician and trick himself into believing that everything was okay even though it isn't.

The inspector gave the blond a reassuring pat on the shoulder "At least Kaito-kun is safe here" He stated gently, he was pleased when Saguru nodded in agreement.

"That is one load off of my mind at least" Gold darkened, he'd already gone through a bit of the retrieved data, it scared him.

Ginzo finally glanced over towards his daughter who'd been unusually silent this whole time "Why didn't you speak with Kaito-kun?" Kaito and Aoko had been friends for so long, so why hadn't she taken the chance to speak with him after all this time?

Me: Berry was sleepy while writing this

Hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

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