9. Bird Talk

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1020 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito~ If I did, we would see Kaito with his doves more often~

'Everything seems to have flipped upside down...'

Kaito could hear the blond rummaging around his kitchen. It all felt so surreal to have grown wings and now having the detective visibly caring about him. He let out a huff as he gently scratched his upper back, things were so much more simpler two days ago.

'I can't believe that he said all that about Kid... He's actually willing to risk his reputation as a detective to protect me...'

A warm feeling bubbled in his chest, it felt nice to have someone genuinely care. He had his mother, but she was rarely around and liked to shove her troubles onto him. There was also Jii, but the kind man seemed to think of Kaito as a higher entity, he cared, but he was always calling him 'Young Master' despite his disapproval.

'His mind could change if he saw my wings, people don't like the unknown. Hakuba's a detective which makes that extra true, he wouldn't be able to comprehend...'

He gripped his sheets tighter, pushing his face into his pillow. He didn't know what to do, he was stuck. Even when he regained his strength he still wouldn't be able to go about life like his normal.

He glanced over towards the large portrait of his father, wishing to disappear behind it and jump off the tallest building he could find before pulling up at the last second. He loved the feeling of free falling. His fists tightened, his mantle wouldn't fit right with his wings.

He called over Tsuki with a whistle, and she appeared from behind one of his stacks of chemistry books. A smile graced his lips as the dove settled beside his face and began to nuzzle his cheek. "You're so sweet Tsuki" The magician chuckled, returning the muzzle by rubbing his cheek against her. The soft cooing settling his nerves.

He'd accidentally locked his other doves outside, but it was fine, they knew how to care for themselves. Tsuki was the youngest so she had stayed inside during the heist, he wanted her to have more training before she was given completely free roam of Edoka. He contemplated asking Saguru to open a window, the other knew he was hurt, and Kaito didn't want to keep his doves locked out.

'I wonder if he's actually going to stay here until I've regained my strength... That would be a problem, I doubt I'd be able to further crush my wings with him in the house'

Saguru may walk in and see him writhing in pain, something that would obviously cause the other to panic and check his 'injury' by force.

'I have an x-ray machined in my Kid room, I could use it to see how attached the wings are. If they're connected by a joint, I could just cut them off and coat the wounds with some coagulant before I passed out. I'd just have to deal with blood loss again'

He didn't want to think about what he would do if his actual shoulder blades had changed shape drastically enough that just cutting at a joint wouldn't work. His shoulder blades were important.

He gently ran his fingers through Tsuki's feathers, enjoying their softness. He was slightly jealous that she could fly freely without any concern.

"Kuroba" Indigos snapped over towards his doorway, Saguru was holding a tray with some rice and eggs. "I figured, it would be easier for you to eat up here" The blond added as he stepped into the room, balancing the tray perfectly before setting it onto the bed in front of Kaito.

"Aww breakfast in bed, you shouldn't have dear" Kaito teased, putting Tsuki on her head before carefully sitting up. Saguru let out an amused snort.

"You're insufferable" Saguru sighed, his attention moving towards the dove. "What's her name?" He asked as Kaito picked up his chopsticks.

'I forgot he likes birds'

Kaito pointed towards Saguru and snapped his fingers, Tsuki immediately took off and landed on the blond's head. "Her name is Tsuki, she's the youngest of my doves and is still in training" Kaito smirked when Saguru reached up to give Tsuki a few scratches.

"Tsuki... Its a nice name, where are your other doves?" Saguru inquired, missing his own hawk Watson, but he knew that she wouldn't be allowed in the Kuroba residence. Watson would eat Kaito's doves and send the magician on a revenge filled rage, not the best way to make friends with a flighty magician.

Kaito swallowed some rice before answering. "Outside, I accidentally locked them out, they're fine but it'd be nice if you opened the window" He replied, pointing to said window with his chopsticks.

Nodding, Saguru walked over and opened the window, amazed at how trained the magician's other doves had to be. "That's quite impressive, I don't think I'd be able to do that with Watson" He mused before spotting a black feather. "Kuroba, do you have any other birds besides doves?"

Kaito glanced up from his food and stiffened. "No, that's something left over from a prank I was practicing" Saguru noted the other's change but let it slide.

'Shit, I didn't think about the possibility of shedding'

"Practice? You don't mean that you test them on yourself first do you?" The blond inquired, twirling the smooth black feather through his fingers, it was unusually large, yet it felt real. He didn't know of any black birds big enough to shed the feather.

A proud grin spread across Kaito's face. "Of course I do! I need to make sure they're safe! I mix a lot of chemicals to make all of the fun dyes, slimes, and smoke! It wouldn't be a very fun prank if I hurt someone" The blond's brow twitched at the implications of the other's words.

"So you test chemicals on yourself? Do you know how dangerous that is?" Kaito shrugged.

"Only when I'm almost completely sure it's safe" The magician replied, grinning widely. "Don't worry, I'm good with science, it's rare that I almost blow myself up" He added as an afterthought.

Me: that's the end of this chapter~ hope you enjoyed~ trust takes time to build, Kaito isn't in a good mind space right now and Hakuba is trying to make friends~
I'll update within 7 days of posting this~

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