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Jin's Pov:

Is that a new guy? I wondered as I looked across at my neighbor's house from my window. It better be one of his friends and not a new fling like the short ass one he always has over. I am not about to compete with no one for my man. I don't understand why his friends were always at his house. They are so annoying. Major cockblockers if you ask me.

My parents had left for two weeks on their vacation, not that they were ever around much anyway. I could turn the fucking house upside down, and they wouldn't notice, fail my classes and still, they wouldn't notice. Not that I did fail any of my classes now, being dumb wasn't something I found attractive. Especially not when my future husband across the street was so damn smart and hard working. My point is my parents gave a blind eye to everything I did. I don't know if they didn't notice or didn't care. I mean I guess they care because I always have a roof over my head and money in my bank account and never having to hear them argue was a plus. However, when it came to my neighbor that didn't go unnoticed to my mother, I guess she senses I had a crush on him and warned me before leaving that I must remember he was older than me. Did she think I was stupid, of course, I knew he was older than I was. I knew it the moment he moved across from us and introduced himself. It didn't stop me from liking him then and it sure as hell wasn't going to stop me now.

The only thing blocking us from being together is that he didn't see me as a lover, but as a fucking "teenager" he had to check on from time to time when my parents were out of town. I hated it. Whenever he had his parties, and I would try to go over, he'd send me back home telling me it's not "age appropriate" for me to be there. I wonder if he would use that statement if he knew what I was doing when I am home alone. I was sick and tired of his rejections, and him treating me like I am a kid. Is he fucking blind? Did he not notice my advances towards him? Like I freaking get dressed with my windows open so that he can see me. Although I remember the first time I got dressed in from of my window, and he noticed me, he scolded me the next day and told me to make sure my windows were kept closed before getting out of the shower and prancing around my room naked.

I wanted to slap him. Like dumbass, I did it intentionally. It wasn't an accident. I wanted you to see what you are missing out on! I want you to realize what you can taste, but haven't yet. I am starting to think either he was blind or he was really trying to tell me he doesn't like me and if that was the case, he definitely has a poor taste in men.

It's okay though; I was going to put all that behind me because during the next two weeks while my parents are away, I am going to make sure he becomes mine. I had turned eighteen last month, so he could no longer call me a "kid." I am now a grown adult who should be invited over to his parties.

There is this guy who he is friends with, who I know keeps giving me secret glances; I will begin my flirting with him, maybe I will even date him. Let's see what he will do then. He always seems to get annoyed when my friend Hoseok came by. However, never really said or did anything, but come over to kick Hoseok out if it passed a particular time because it's what my "parents" would want. Bitch please, my parents didn't give a shit about Hoseok being over here. Me sleeping in your bed is what my parents don't want. However, it's what I want and what I am going to get.

Momma once said at her anniversary dinner in a toast that a good man is hard to find. So there was no way in hell was I going to give this one up. He is everything I have ever dreamed of and more. He is responsible, educated, handsome, charming, rich, sexy, got a big... and so much more and you think I am going to allow a five year age gap to drive a wedge between us? Fuck no!


A/N: So thoughts, any interest?

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