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Jungkook's Pov:

Jin pushes my hand off of his thigh and stood up, "Babe? Do I look like a fucking toy to you Jungkook? What differences are we working out? Don't fucking use me in front of your mother. Didn't you already do that enough to me four years ago? Or are you trying to cause me more pain and harm? When do you stop? Seriously, when do you fucking stop? Have you not done enough, what game are you trying to play now?" Jin was livid as he yells in my face. I don't think he even cared that Areum was in the next room.

"Mrs. Jeon, I don't know what kind of lies your son is telling you, but let me make one thing clear to you, there is absolutely nothing going on with me and this pathetic asshole right here. All we happen to have in common is that little girl inside that room. Nothing more and even that I wish we didn't have in common. It disgusts me to see him." He turned from my mother and glared at me, "You don't stop, why? Is this my payback for chasing after you when I was younger? Haven't I paid for it enough already, for Pete sakes Jungkook, I lost a kid. I raised both of them on my own up until now with no help from you whatsoever. You brought me to court, and you got custody, can't you be content and stop the fuckery. Stop fucking with my life. I am tired of you; I am sick of it. You don't even have the common decency to apologize for your wrongs. Instead, you only keep adding to it. I am tired; I can't deal with you anymore." He stormed out of the house and slammed the door shut.

I was too busy looking towards him that the slap that made its way across my face shocked the hell out of me. "Mom..." I yelp, grabbing onto my cheek. My mother stared at me with a similar look to that of my dads. Disgust

"Don't mom me, how dare you Jungkook! How fucking dare you?" My mother was in tears, and it broke my heart, seeing her cry. "Why would you do that? Why? Where did we go wrong with you?" She cried out, dropping herself on the floor.

"Do you know what it's like to carry a child and then having to bury them? Do you fucking know what that feels like Jungkook and worst to not have any support? Oh my goodness, where did we go wrong with you? Did we spoil you too much? Are we the reason why you turned out like this?" She questions as she cried.

"Mom...I'm sorry," I said in a whisper as tears fell out of my eyes. The only time I had ever witnessed my mother cry was when she spoke about my older brother who passed away, and that was a forbidden topic in our household. She didn't want anyone to bring him up; I never even got to meet him. He died before I was born. I think she related to Jin at that moment and I never thought of that.

"Sorry? Jungkook I am not the one in need of an apology. That young man needs one, a sincere one. I don't care how you fix this, but you will fix it, and you will not fix it by being a jerk. Or so help me god, I will disown you. Look at the precious jewel you have in that room next door, and you still intend on being a jerk. If you don't change your ways for anyone Jungkook, change for her. Change for your son who you didn't even get to meet. It's not too late son; it's not too late. Stop being so stubborn and egotistical.

That's not how we raised you. I don't know what's going on with you and Jimin and personally, I don't care. All I want is for you to step up and be a father and apologize to that man. I cannot imagine how hard life must have been for him and for you to come back into his life four years later and stir everything up like a damn hurricane.

This is not like you, please, if not for me, do it for your daughter, change, I am pleading with you." My heart turned in my chest, and tears flowed even more.

"Mom, I don't know how to. I know I did him wrong, and it eats me up alive every day. Ever since I found out about the kids, I feel empty inside. I have felt empty inside since the day I left him. The thing is I have fucked up so much mom, that no one is going to believe me. Therefore, I just continue to be consistent with the new Jungkook he has come to know. I told dad that I honestly didn't think he would accept him and it's the truth, it's not a lie mom. You and dad were always for Jimin; he was all you ever spoke about for me. I didn't think if I told you both I was in love with an eighteen-year-old boy, you would allow me to stay back with him. Father was adamant about wanting me in the U.S. It's not like Jin could've joined me; he was in high school mom.

Yes, maybe I could've kept in contact with him, and perhaps I should've, but I was selfish. If I was going to marry Jimin what was the point in keeping in touch with him. That would've only broken his heart more, or at least that's how I saw it.

I did not expect him to be pregnant. I didn't plan on any of that, but I guess that is what happens when you are just thinking about self, and that's what I was doing. I have never loved Jimin; I tolerated Jimin. Jimin was a filler in my life. Although Jin was young, he brought excitement to my life; he genuinely cared for me. I did as well, still, do, but what's the point he has Taehyung now.

He wouldn't give me a chance, I mean who would honestly, look at all I have done to him and the pain I have caused him." I let out a deep sigh as I poured my heart out to my mother. She was the only person I could speak to in this manner, because no matter what, even though she was upset with me, I knew she would never turn her back on me. I ignored her all this time because I knew this was going to happen; she had a way of pulling the things out of me that I wanted to keep buried.

She got up from off the floor and pulls me into her arms, "Son, it's okay to be vulnerable. Everything you just confess, you need to speak to Jin, you need to ask for forgiveness. I am not saying he will accept you into his life, but at least his heart and mind, as well as yours, will be at peace. Saying sorry can heal a lot of his broken wounds. It won't change and fix things, but at least he won't have to live in guilt, thinking he caused the pain he endured. It's not fair to him. You did wrong, and I am so disappointed in you, but I know you can turn this around, so please, do what's right. Stop whatever it is you are doing, fix it the right way." My mother whispers to me as she pats my back. I broke out in a louder cry as I awoke the pain that I had kept buried inside.

"I will fix it, mom, I promise, I am going to fix it."


A/N: Thank you all for your patience. Jinkook will rise at some point 😩😩. Too much has happened, they can't just get together, like 123...bam! 

Let's see how Jungkook plans on fixing this.

Anyway, I think that was 3 updates for today! Love Ya!

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