Sixty-Nine 69

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M-Jungkook's Pov:

I can't believe Jin actually accepted my proposal. I was really expecting to get hit in the face or get cursed out, but instead, he surprises me by agreeing to be my future husband. I really don't know what to do with myself right about now. Last night and this morning are hands down the best days of my entire life. We went from arguing the previous night to make up and now engaged. I don't think we have ever done anything the way others have done it. I think the one thing that has been consistent with us is the love that fires through our soul for one another. Hidden or admitted over the years and now.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he sat across from me, looking at his engagement ring while eating. I smiled to myself as I realize that there were somethings about him that will never change. I can almost bet he took the ring into consideration when accepting my proposal.

Watching him eat and being overly excited really made my heart swell. I think right about now, our only concern was how were we going to relay the news to our daughter. I have no doubt she will be excited, but I am almost sure she will have a lot of questions.

"Why aren't you eating?" Jin questions taking his eyes off his ring.

"I don't really feel hungry for what's on the table right now." I watch as his face turns into a frown.

"but maybe if you lay on the table, my appetite might open up." he choked on his food and started coughing. I chuckled to myself. He was so cute whenever caught off guard, especially with me saying stuff like this. This is usually his way of talking, but over the years, I had known him as a teen, I learned a lot from him.

"You are a pervert Jungkook," he responded, shaking his head.

I got up from my seat and walked over to him, kneeling down at ear level, "true, but you agreed to marry this pervert. Now let's go." I didn't give him time to respond before lifting him from around the table and placing him to stand on the floor. I wiped everything from the table onto the floor. I heard the plates and cups shattering, but I didn't care.

"J-Jungkook what the heck are y-" I cut him off by picking him up and placed him on the edge of the table to sit.

"I want to have you for breakfast." I gave him a kiss on his lips and pulled away to look at him.

"You are fucking crazy, do you know that?" As he was making his statement, I pushed him down on the table and pulled his shorts off and threw them to the side. His member sprung free, "For someone like me who is crazy, you sure are turned on by my actions." I told him with a smirk.

"I never said I hated you." he fucking winked at me. "Take off your shirt."

"Jungkook, we are on your balcony."


"People might see us."

"People like who? We are on the highest floor." I began rubbing my hands on the inside of his thigh, taking a seat in the chair behind me. I grip onto his legs and pull him closer to me. If he thought I was joking about eating him for breakfast, he was in for a surprise.

He lifts his head and looks down at me, "There are people in the other building."

"Fuck the people in the other building." I leaned down and licked his erection up and down, earning a moan from him as he lays back down on the table. I smirk to myself as I sucked in his member while twirling my tongue. He started moaning and rubbing his hand in my hair. After sucking a few more times and release his member from my mouth.

Pushing his leg wide open and pull them over my shoulders, I bury my face between his legs running my tongue down the crack of his ass until the tip was at his hole. I felt him shift, but the grip I had on him kept him firmly in place.

I let the tip of my tongue penetrate his hole, "fuck that feels amazing, Jungkook." he yells out. I love the reaction I get from him whenever I took control. I wiggle my tongue around, pushed it deeper into him and worked his hole harder, sucking at the rim, while penetrating him with my tongue he squirmed in pleasure.

I pulled my face out from his ass and slipped a finger into him, his hole clenched around it, as he groaned and pushed down on my finger. I started sucking on his member as I thrust in and out of him with my finger, adding another finger into him. "J-Jungkook, ahhh, w-wait." he moaned out. I lifted my head and looked up at him, my fingers still inside of him.

"I want to pleasure you too at the same time." It didn't take me long to understand what he meant. I thrust my fingers hard into him, watching as he gripped onto his nipples and thrash around on the table, before pulling them out.

Slipping out of my pants and shirt, I rock the table to ensure it's sturdy enough before laying down do my member was position in his face and his at mines. I went back to fingering and sucking at his member. I felt his mouth on my member as he twirled his tongue around my head and sucked on the tip. He slid further down on my length and started bopping his head up and down.

I tried not to focus on the amount of pleasure he was giving me and brought my focus back to how I wanted him to feel. I added four fingers into him, earning a loud groan from him against my member. I let my tongue tickle the base of his member as I sucked on him hard and fast. My fingers thrusting in his ass, matching the pace of my mouth on his member. He squirmed and released a shot of cum into my mouth, and the first of my cum hit the back of his throat. We both sucked on each other, swallowing one another cum as our shaft pulsated into one another mouth.

Once Jin released me out of his mouth. I pulled away from him and took my fingers out of his warm and wet hole. Getting off the table and flipping him on his back and pulling him to the edge of the table. I continuously rubbed my member at the crack of his ass, making it hard again. Widening his cheek and position me at his hole before sliding in. My prepping to his ass earlier made it easy for me to slide into him. He let out a soft whimper as I pushed my entire length into him. His warm inside felt terrific around my member, causing me to groan out in pleasure.

"J-Jungkook, please." he cried out, begging me to move. I complied with his request, gripping into his hair as I began pounding hard and fast into his hole. I watched as he gripped onto the edge of the table for support. As I pound madly into him, I could start to feel the sensation in my stomach, causing me to thrust harder and faster into him before I exploded. My warm cum spilling into his hole. "Ahhhh, J-Jungkook," he screamed out my name as he came on the table. I continued to orgasm, filling him with my cum.


"Look at the mess you made," Jin whined as he looked at the broken plates and mess on the floor.

"It's fine, babe. I will take care of it." I told him as my hands roamed over his naked body.

He got up from the table and stood up, I watch as my cum started dripping out his ass and down his leg. He looks down and then back at me, his face in horror. "Fuck! we didn't use a condom!"

I hopped off the table and pulled him into my arms, "We will be fine." I tried to comfort him.

"Have you ever carried a child before?" he questions


"Okay then, so shut up!"

"We are going to get married, though. Plus, I want more kids." I gave him a pout, hoping he would go easy on me.


A/N: We made it to 100K reads & 10.9 Votes! You guys are amazing and so supportive at making Jinkook/Kookjin shine, I love it! Thank you so much for loving this book. I will definitely miss it as we are nearing the end 💜💜💜.

However, while we will soon say goodbye to this. Please look forward to the development of "His Assistant" and my favorite Jinkook ABO book that has yet to be released. I will be writing about a sensitive topic, but I believe it will be an amazing book and a journey for Jinkookers/Kookjiners!

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