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Min Yoongi was a bit annoyed that he had to leave his home and miss out on an episode of iCarly with Areum. It was his favorite episode too, but Jungkook had texted him saying he needed to talk urgently.

He was a bit shock when he saw the text because of his knowledge, Jin and Jungkook were supposed to be having a hot night tonight. It was the main reason why he and Hoseok were on babysitting duty. He wasn't looking forward to hearing from Jungkook or Jin for the entire weekend; now here he was drinking to Chole's.

As soon as Yoongi stepped into the bar, he spotted Jungkook chugging down a glass of whatever drink he was drinking. He arrived just in time to overhear Jimin comment to Jungkook.

"I don't believe its whore night so please get up and leave him alone." He pulls Jimin by his arm and pushes him off the seat beside Jungkook.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jimin screamed at him

"Someone you really don't want to fuck with. I suggest you get your ass out of here," Yoongi said as he glared at Jimin.

"Fuck you."Jimin spat at Yoongi

"No thanks, I like being disease-free."

Jimin eyes widen, and he stared at Jungkook, expecting him to defend him.

"Fuck off Jimin," Jungkook said towards him while he patted the seat next to him for Yoongi to sit. He didn't have time to deal with unnecessary bullshit.

Jimin huffed and stormed out of the bar. Not believing his ex-husband would be so mean to him.


"Why am I here, and why are you here?" Yoongi questions as he signal for the bartender to pour him one of what Jungkook was drinking.

"Jin doesn't want me. He is cheating on me." Jungkook whines.

"With who?" Yoongi was confused


"Jin is dating Namjoon?" This was news to Yoongi. He wanted to solicit Namjoon to make Jungkook jealous, but he never got the chance to call him.

"I don't know he cooked for him and they were together. He said that they were just friends, but I have seen how Namjoon looks at him Yoongi. He doesn't look at him as a friend. He wants him, he likes him, and Jin is so fucking oblivious to it. He fucking cooked for him. He ain't never cooked for me since we started dating. He is cheating on me-"

"Damn it Jungkook, slow down. I think you are overreacting Jin is not cheating on you."

"Y-you don't understand Yoongi. He even slept with Taehyung."



"Then what the fuck is your problem? Did you think he was going to be living under a dry spell waiting for you? You were married and probably sleeping around on top of that. So what if he slept with Taehyung. That was in the past. I thought you guys were starting a new, but now you are in a bar whining and crying because of this nonsense. Are you fucking kidding me, Jungkook? Are you a kid?" Yoongi wanted to slap Jungkook upside his head for calling him out for this type of nonsense.

"You don't get it. He won't be my boyfriend. We have been going out, and I am hoping he would be my boyfriend by now, but he didn't say yes, and now he is cooking for Namjoon. Maybe he thinks I am too old and he doesn't like me anymore. Do you think that's what it is?"

"You know what I think? I think you need to stop thinking small and be a man."

"What do you mean by that?" Jungkook sits up and looks at Yoongi.

"I mean you need to stop whining like you are Areum's age and instead of asking him to be your boyfriend. Why don't you just ask him to marry you so you can live in peace and let me live in peace? I feel like if all the time he talks to another guy you are going to act like this, it's best if you are married then at least you won't be so insecure."

"Why didn't I think of that?" Jungkook eyes got bright as he soaked in what Yoongi was saying. He had already gotten Jin a ring on his recent trip, but he never thought of actually proposing to him so soon. Jin hadn't even agreed to be his boyfriend.

"Thinking has never really been your thing. It seems you act more than you think and that's why you end up doing stupid shit." Yoongi says while taking a sip of his drink.

"What if Jin rejects me?" Jungkook suddenly started to feel like it would be a bad idea to propose to Jin. He knew that Jin would consider him to be crazy, especially after his behavior tonight.

"Then you let him go and let him marry Taehyung instead." Yoongi wishes he could choke Jungkook for taking him out of his house for this.

"You are an asshole; you know that?"

"I learned from you. Did I ever tell you that you were my role model?"

"Fuck you Yoongi."

"You are not my type."

"You are not mine either. Anyway, thanks for coming out I really appreciated it." Jungkook got up from the bar.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi questions

"I am going to my baby to apologize for being such an asshole earlier. I walked out on him, like a fucking idiot."

"You ain't doing nothing you ain't did before."

"Where is your fucking filter?!"

"I lost it when you made me miss an episode of iCarly with Areum. Now she's going to be mad at me." Yoongi grumbled.

Jungkook looked at him and shook his head, "Wow. You are whipped for my daughter."

"Says the person who told her she could have a lion."

"I- I didn't think she would believe me or even want one." It's true how was I suppose to know after the zoo she would really want a lion

"Jin's going to need a lot of prayers to deal with you. I already feel sorry for him."

"Whatever! I am leaving. Thanks for coming out. I needed it."

"Sure. Don't hurt my Jinnie," he calls out

"He is not yours!" Jin is mine and no one else's. 

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