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Seojin's Pov:

I woke up the next morning feeling weird; I couldn't recollect how I fell asleep. I reached for my phone to check the time, but my eyes when wide when I noticed that Jungkook's name is on the screen and it shows seven hours and twenty-four minutes of current call time. All of last night's memories start coming back to me. I instantly felt flustered.

"Crap," I said to myself and hung the phone up. How could I be so crazy? Why did I do that last night, I practically had se-

My thoughts are cut off as my phone begins ringing as I look at the caller I.D. I realize it's Jungkook I debated whether or not I should answer, but decided that maybe it's best if I did.

"Hello," I said in a whisper still feeling embarrassed and self-conscious of what I did the night before.

"Good morning baby, why did you hang up and not say good morning? That was rude, do you know how long I was up waiting for you to wake up?" Jungkook husky voice said into the phone, causing me to squirm on my bed. His morning voice sounded way too good. I began picturing him in bed; I wonder if he was wearing any clothes.

Seokjin, focus!

"Good morning, Jungkook," I whispered shyly into the phone.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept really good, how about you?" he chuckled into the phone, "I know you slept well, you kept moaning my name in your sleep most of the time last night."

My cheeks were probably in flames, "NO, I DID NOT!" I yelled out. Please don't tell me I did something like that.

"You did. You made it very difficult for me to sleep. I almost made my way over to your loft, but I don't have your code or a key." thankfully!

"Did I really moan your name out in my sleep?" I slapped my hand on my forehead and prayed he was just messing with me. I already had enough embarrassing moments when it came to him as it is.

"Babe you did, but it was sexy, I liked it. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that I wasn't there with you." I could almost visualize the smirk on his face while he was talking.

"You are perverted you know that Jungkook?"

"Wow, times have changed, now I am the pervert."

"I was ne-'' maybe I should keep my mouth shut.

"I am happy you decided not to lie so early in the morning because one thing I do know for sure and is that you are not innocence Seokjin. You are one of the biggest freaks I know and trust me people don't change overnight."

"Actually Jungkook they do, because look at you." Yes, I went there. He was getting all the wins; I couldn't take any more loss.

"You did not just go there, wow Seokjin! It's fine babe; I will give it to you," he said and laugh.

"I am sorry."

"Then make it up to me." He whispered into the phone, and I felt a tingle in the pit of my stomach.


"What, babe?"

"Stop being a pervert."

"How am I a pervert?"

"You know how."

"Because I asked you to make it up to me?"


"You are the pervert Seokjin. I was not thinking anything sexual; I was more thinking about breakfast. As much as I would love to have sex with you, I have to feed my appetite so I can build my stamina for you later."

"shut up!" I couldn't believe the nerve of this man why was he making me horny so early in the morning. I look down at myself and let out a deep sigh.

"Seokjin?" he calls my name softly

"Yes Jungkook"

"I miss you." stop, stop it; please, my heart can't take this.

"Seokjin?" he calls my name again after a minute of me not responding.

"Hmm" I hummed into the phone

"I love you." is he suffering from something?

"Yes, the love bug." wait, did I say that out loud. No way I did that. I think I am smarter than that.

"Are you reading my mind?"

He laughs into the phone, "No, babe, I only responded to what you asked."

"Hmmm, I see."



"Do you know another word, Seokjin?" I couldn't tell him that I was touching myself, especially not after last nights episode.

"Go to sleep, Jungkook!" let me take care of myself in peace and stop seducing me with your voice.

"Only if you going to come to sleep next to me." I can hear shuffling on his side, but I ignore him as I continue stroking myself underneath my cover.

"Seokjin?" can he stop calling my name like that!


"Open your door."

wait, what?

I quickly pull my hand out from under my covers.

"Jungkook what do you mean open my door?"

"I am outside your loft. Open, please."

"Fine, I am coming." I hung the phone up, and threw the blanket off me, grabbed my shorts that were on the floor and slipped it on. Adjusted my shirt and walked out of my room and towards the door.

I pulled the door open ready to give him a piece of my mind for not allowing me to finish my morning pleasure, "You-" my words were cut off as he picked me up in his arms and slammed his lips onto mines. It took me a while to comprehend everything before I begin kissing him back as he locks the door shut and pins my back to the door with my legs wrapped around his waist.

He bites and sucks on my lips, and his cold hands reach under my shirt and pull my body closer to him. We kiss for a good while until he pulls away from me. We are both out of breath as we stare into each other eyes.

"Now that was to make up for not giving me a kiss goodnight." He says while smiling at me.

I stare back at him wanting more.

He places me down on my feet. "Go shower and get ready we need to go get our baby girl and stop looking at me like that. I am trying to be good." he pushes me off down the hallway and slaps me on my ass.

"I will make you something hot to drink and wait on you out here. Call if you need anything, and I do mean anything," he yells out as he disappeared towards the kitchen.

I couldn't move. I was still trying to understand all that had just taken place. 


A/N: So cute! They made me smile.

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