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Let's prepare ourselves together!


Dear Seokjin,

I hope you are not reading this with a worried or nervous heart. I don't want you to worry or be concerned as this is not my intent. Five years ago, I wrote you a letter after our first night together, one that I have lived my entire life thus far regretting and wondering how could I have gone back to that moment and change the words that I had left in your heart change the fear you constantly live with each day that we are dating. The same fear that haunts and taunts me, us wondering which one of us is going to quit and leave first.

Babe, I don't want us to live our future like that. I want you to know that you are the most amazing person inside and out and I was wrong five years ago, not you. I am sorry that I could not wake up with you this morning and shower you with kisses and love, the way I wanted to. Last night was beyond amazing, it made me realize even more how much I am in love with you and how much I want to treasure you.

I want you to get dress and follow the petals that are on the ground and come where they lead you. I will be waiting for you. I love you, Kim Seokjin, and I am hoping to be yours forever.



Jin couldn't control the tears from rolling down his cheeks as he struggled to get out of bed. The note he had read was nothing like what he had initially expected it to be. Jungkook was right; he had open the letter in worry, fear, and nervousness. Initially wondering if he had led himself to be played once more.

However, after reading the note, he cried even more because it had surpassed anything he had expected. Jungkook had a surprise for him, and he wanted him to follow the petals that were on the floor. A smile graced his face as he looks down to the ground to see various colors of rose petals leading out of his bedroom door.

Jin follows the rose petals that led from his loft all the way to Jungkook's own. Upon entering Jungkook's loft, he expected to see Jungkook, but he didn't; instead, more petals were leading towards the living room and then out towards the balcony. The more he walked, and the closer he got to where he needed to be his heart beat faster.


Seokjin's Pov:

The petals that had directed my path ended on the balcony where Jungkook seemingly had a table set up with breakfast, but he was nowhere to be found. I looked around the balcony, confused as to where he might be. The anticipation of wanting to see him was killing me. I heard a movement behind me, and I turned to look only to see him getting down on one knee.

My heart stops beating almost instantly at the scene before me.

"Seokjin, I am so happy you came. I have thought a lot about this, well not a lot, like a long time, but like a lot in the last few hours." He was sweating as he rambled with his words. I could tell he was nervous, it was kind of cute. I had never seen him like that.

"You being my boyfriend is great, but it's not what I truly want nor how I want to refer to you. I want you to be my husband, I want to tell everyone proudly that I have someone like you in my life. I currently live every day in fear wondering if you are going to leave me and I am sure you do the same. I don't want to pressure you into anything you are not comfortable with, but I would be a fool if I didn't try and let you know how much I love you. I don't see a future with anyone else but you, I lost one shot with you before, and I don't want to miss that chance ever again.

I want to spend the rest of my life loving and treasuring every part of you. You are the most precious and beautiful human being I have ever met. Your strength is unlike anyone I've ever known. I am amazed by how much you have grown in the past five years and can only imagine how much more you will grow as a person, parent, and lover in the future. I don't want to miss out on anymore. I want to be there for everything that involves you, I want to be apart of your everyday Seokjin. I want to be a permanent part of our daughter's life. I want to show her how much her dad loves you and how a man/woman should treat her in the future.

I don't know if I am deserving of such a chance as I lack in so many areas, but I am taking a leap of faith, and this morning I am asking you Seokjin, will you marry me, will you give me a chance to call you mine?"

My heart was almost bursting out of my chest as tears flood my cheeks once more. This was all so surprising. There were no words to describe the feeling within my heart. I stared down at the ring and then at the man kneeling before me. The same man that I had vowed to marry years ago was now asking me for my hand in marriage, and I was a freaking mess as different questions plagued my mind.

Can I marry him?

Do I love him?

Does he love me?

Does he deserve such a chance?

Will Areum be happy?

Will I be happy?

Is he great in bed?

Is he a good kisser?

Is the ring one I have envisioned?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes!

"Yes, yes, I will marry you." I have never felt more certain about anything in my life. Since the day we met, I had envisioned this moment a thousand times over. I couldn't believe the man I have spent almost half of my life crushing on was asking for my hand in marriage. This is surreal.


A/N: This is chapter 68 so the next chapter is...

Walks away quietly.

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