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Seokjin's Pov:

"I had a really great time tonight," Jungkook said as he stood at my doorway. We had arrived back home, and he had walked me to my door.

"Me too, tonight was different. I enjoyed your company." I fumble to open the door to my loft, but once I got it open, I stepped inside and stood at the entrance not allowing Jungkook to enter.

"You really looked amazing tonight." He stated as his eyes gaze over my body. "Thank you. I tried," I said to him as I look up to meet his gaze.

"Can I have a kiss goodnight?" he leaned forward, but I pulled back. No way! I don't even trust myself to give this man a hug. Just him standing in front of me was enough to drive me crazy.

"Jungkook, I think we should call it a night," I respond to him as I put my hand on his chest and push him back, but he grabs my hand and pulls me to his body. "Why are you so keen on pushing me away," he whispers into my ears and wraps his hand around my waist, pulling my body closer to his. I could feel his...oh my goodness; it's hard.

"I am not pushing you awa-" I couldn't get my words out as he kisses my neck, "All night you have been teasing me in this shirt. I know this is our first date, but damnit Seokjin you are driving me insane." I am driving you insane; you are driving me nuts!

"I am tired." Of course, I was lying; I was anything but tired.

"That's okay, you won't have to do anything, I will do all the work." the softness of his voice and his breathing against my neck was killing me.

I use my hand and push him away from me as hard as I could and quickly slammed my door shut. "I AM SORRY!" I yell out to him.

I really need to have more self-control than this. I almost caved and trust me that would not have been good.

"It's okay babe; tonight isn't the only night I am going to see you." He responded back.

"Goodnight Jungkook!" I giggled to myself and walked to my room, locking the door because I was paranoid and tonight I was thankful Areum was not home because after tonight I was sure going to need a release.


Jungkook's Pov:

I smiled to myself as I got out of the shower and laid in my bed. Seokjin was really cute tonight. It had been over two hours since we had come home from our date. No matter what I did, I couldn't get him out of my mind, so I dialed his number hoping he hadn't fallen asleep as of yet.

The phone rang for a good while, and I figured he was sleeping and was about to hang up, but then he answered.

"h-hello?" he answered, appearing out of breath.

"Are you okay?"

"hmmm, yeah, I am okay. What's going on?" he sounded very weird.

"I miss you." it was the truth, I wish I could have him in my bed and in my arms.

"I miss you too," he responded without stuttering while breathing into the phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I put my hand in my boxers and started stroking myself.

"N-nothing, I am laying in bed, why, what are you doing?"

"I am in bed too, thinking about you." I continue to stroke myself slowly as I listen to him, breathe in and out.

"What are you thinking about me?"

"I am thinking about how much I wish you were here with me."

"I wish I were there with you too," he said, shocking me.

"But you are not."

"I know."

"Do you want to know what else I am doing?"

"What are you doing, Jungkook?"

"I am touching myself while thinking about you."

"Mmm," he moaned into the phone.



"What are you doing?"

"The same as you are"

"A-are you touching yourself too?"

"Y-yes, and I thinking about us together."

fuck me!

"Babe, tell me what you are doing?" I ask as I get out of my bed and slip out of my shorts and then lay back down on my back.

"I am stroking myself," he responded.

"Hmm, do you have lube?"


"Perfect, I want you to get some and place it all over your fingers. Can you do that for me?"


"Good, do it and let me know once done."


I can hear some shuffling in his background, signaling he was moving around.

"I am done."

"Now, I want you to kneel on your bed and position one of your fingers at your hole."

"O-okay. I did it."

"Good baby, now I want you to insert that finger into your hole and thrust it in and out."

he moaned out, "J-jungkook."

Damn it; I so badly wish I was there with him.

"Yes, baby, how does it feel?"


"I want you to add another one now."

He moaned out louder, causing my member to twitch in my hand. I began stroking myself harder as I listen to his cries of pleasure.

"Put the phone on speaker babe and put it on your bed," I instructed him.

"I did."

"Good, now I want you to keep thrusting those two fingers into your hole and use your other hand to start stroking yourself."

He didn't respond, but I could hear the change in his breathing which told me he was far too into it to reply to me.

His moans on the other line of the phone were driving me crazy. I pump my member harder and faster, "J-Jungkook?"

"Y-yes babe?"

"I am close."

"Cum for me babe, cum for daddy." my heart was beating faster as I could feel the knot in the pit of my stomach, I was close too.

In no time he screamed out my name as he came and that was all it took to drive me to my release as I grunt into the phone. Cum spilled all over my hand.

"Jin?" I called out his name as I tried cleaning up myself.


"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am tired." He said, yawning into the phone.

"Go to sleep babe, but don't hang up the phone, I want to hear you sleep." He didn't respond, but he didn't hang up the phone either.

I placed my phone on speaker and put it on the pillow next to me. If I couldn't get him to sleep next to me, this was the next best thing.


A/N: This is when I exit.

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