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Jungkook's Pov:

So he's really dating Taehyung. Wow! You know what I don't even care. What does he see in him anyway? They're probably not even serious anyway.

"Jungkook," Areum said, tapping me on my leg. I look down at her, "Hi princess, please, I told you to call me Daddy or Dad, okay."

"Okay." She said with a smile. Gosh, she sure looks like me. I am a real fuck up.

As a thought crossed my mind I picked her up, "Areum, can daddy ask you something?" She nodded and started playing with the string on my hoodie.

"Jungkook I'm going out," Jimin said as he came out of our room.

"Alright," I said to him. I knew once Areum came, he would leave. He didn't seem too thrilled with her being here. Not that I cared anyway.

As soon as Jimin walked out the door. I turned my attention back to Areum. "So my princess, does Taehyung come by often?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "uncle Tae Tae is always around." Is that so? "Does he sleepover?" I had to ask for the safety of my daughter. You can't really trust anyone around your girl child.

"No," She said with a pout. Thank God!

"That's good," I said, and I kissed her on her forehead. She shifted her head and giggle, "uncle Tae Tae do that a lot to Appa."

"He does what?" She pointed to her forehead, "he kisses Appa right here."

"Is that the only place he kisses Appa." She shakes her head up and down and continued playing with the strings of her hoodie.

Well at least it's just his forehead, and he didn't kiss on his lips in front of my daughter. Don't want them tainting her innocence.

However, I wonder what would jin do on the weekend without Areum there. What was Taehyung even doing there? He wasn't even wearing outside clothes. He was in shorts and a t-shirt. Jin seemed comfortable when he touched him too.

"Areum did you forget anything over by your Appa?"


"You don't have a favorite blanket?" Little girls always have a favorite blanket. I didn't see one when I unpacked her bag. Jin probably forgot to pack it.

"No, only babies have a favorite blanket. Appa said I am a big girl, so I don't need one." She said and smiled.

"That's nonsense. Even I have a favorite blanket." I told her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Really?" She said with her eyes wide.

"Yes. Do you not have one you like more than the others?" Please say yes, please say yes.

"" Yes!

"Great. Let's go get it from Appa." I said with a big smile.

"Yay! I get to see Appa." Yes, we do baby.

I fixed Areum in my harms and head over to Jin's apartment. My baby needs to sleep well; her favorite blanket is essential in helping her sleep.

Jin's Pov:

"I can't believe we just did that," I said to Taehyung. My body was pained up. Mainly my ass.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around me, "me either. I think I got jealous of seeing Jungkook. I got carried away. Sorry." He said, planting a kiss on my shoulder.

"Jungkook and I have nothing going on or will we. And Taehyung you-"

"I know we aren't either. I know Jin. Can I at least be a source of pleasure for you? Even if you don't want me for my love." Why did he have to say it like that? It sort of hurt hearing him say that.

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