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Jin's Pov:

"You forgave Taehyung?"

"I did," I said, looking at Hoseok who seemed marveled.

"I see, so when did the doctors say you can leave?"


"Are you going?"

"Yes, Hoseok, I am going home." I know that's not what he was asking me.

"Jin you know that's not what I mean. Are you going to meet up with Jungkook and Kai's anniversary?" Hoseok was looking at me, expectantly for an answer.

"I think more than anyone else in the world, you know the answer to that question." There was hardly anything in my life Hoseok didn't know. Even when I wanted to keep it a secret, I still always find a way to share it with him, or he'd figure it out.

He let out a heavy sigh, "I know, but I just thought since....anyway forget it."

"It's fine. How's Areum, did you get to see her before you came?"

"She is okay, sad that she can't come and visit you, but I think Jungkook is more a mess than she is. Why don't you let me take her for the night and let him come keep you company?"

"I am sad too that I can't see her, but thankfully I will get to see her tomorrow." I told him with a smile, "Jungkook, on the other hand, I would rather he stays with her. I don't want him here."

"So does that mean you are letting him go too?"

"I-" Hoseok cuts me off, "Jin he really loves you. I think he always loved you, he just made a huge mistake five years ago. I was looking at the way he ended this letter to you, and it's the same way he ended the one he gave you five years ago."

"And what way was that Hoseok?"

"Yours, J.Jk"

"And is that supposed to mean something to me?" Could it? Does it?

"Call me crazy, I am okay with it, Yoongi already did, but even while he was leaving you and telling you that he was moving on, he ended the letter with "Yours." Jin, he was telling you all along in that letter that no matter what he belonged to you. He knew from then that he loved you, and he was showing you from then that he accepted your love and accepted the fact that he was yours."

"Seriously, Hoseok? Does that make sense to you? Did you hit your head on your way over here or did Jungkook drug you to come up with this shit?"

He rushes over to me and sits on the edge of the hospital bed, "Jin, I know I sound weird, but listen to me. I think when Jungkook wrote that letter he wanted to hurt you, but his emotions for you were so real that he ended the letter with honesty and I don't even think he recognized it at the time. I caught sight of it when you showed me the recent letter he wrote to you. I think it's natural that he wrote "yours" at the end, but I don't think he intended to write it the last time he gave you a letter, because he was trying to let you go as well as he was leaving, but...." I brought my hand up and pulled his lips shut.

"Stop, please stop. You sound like one of those BTS fans who theorize everyone of their music videos." I shake my head and remove my hand from his mouth.

He pouts and glares at me. "Jin, come on, think about it? It's not like I am doing any harm with my theory, you already love him, you are only seeking confirmation that he feels the same about you, so why don't you go meet with him, give him a chance? Take baby steps if you must and see how things go? It's not like you are going to move onto someone else, so why not go and start anew with him?

I would not encourage you to go see him if I didn't think he meant you well. Jungkook has never been the one to wear his emotions on his sleeve, and you know it too.

When I think about everything Jin, you and he are both at fault for what went down between the two of you, minus Taehyung out of it.

Growing up Jungkook was all you wanted, even when he refused you, you still chased after him. You loved him then, and you love him now, and that's fine, so why are you torturing yourself now that you have the opportunity to lead the relationship this time? Last time he had all the control, but this time you have control of how things go, why are still allowing yourself to suffer?"

I didn't say anything back to Hoseok, not because I didn't want to, but it's because I didn't know what to say. He wasn't wrong. Jungkook was my everything then, and sadly when I look at him now, he was still my everything. I hate myself for it, I hate myself for just how much my heart comes alive when he is around.

"I am going to go, I think I have said too much today. Get some rest, and I will check on Areum before I head in." Hoseok said, giving my leg a squeeze.


Hoseok: I love you!

Hoseok texted me, I assume he was home. I thought he would've FaceTime me so that I could've gotten the chance to speak with Areum, but he didn't.

The room door opens, and I look towards, "Hi" Jungkook said as he walked into the room causing my heart to flutter slightly.

"Visiting hours are over." was the only thing I could think to say. Now I know why Hoseok sent me that message, he did the opposite of what I told him to do. That was his way of saying I'm sorry.

"I told them I was your husband," Jungkook said while he takes a seat in the chair that was positioned across from my bed.

"Are you nuts?"

"It's possible. Anyway, you can go to sleep. I am going to sleep here."

I sat up on the bed and stared at him as he leaned back in the chair, "You can't sleep there!" I yelled at him.

He sat up and stared back at me, "Then would you rather, I sleep there?" He questions as he points towards the bed.

"T-that's not what I meant! Are you crazy? I meant you can't sleep in here, this room! Go home Jungkook."

He chuckles, "Ahh, that's what you meant." He got up, and instead of walking out of the room as I would've liked, he walked towards me , place his hand on my chin and lifting my head as he stared into my eyes, "I am staying here tonight, and I am not leaving until you are discharged tomorrow. Now, relax, take a deep breath, and get some sleep. I will be right over there if you need anything." His hand lingered a bit on my jaw before he release it and returned to his seat. 

"I don't want to fight with you anymore." He murmured under his breathe, but I heard it.  

Jungkook's Pov:

"Neither do I," He whispered. 

I don't think he meant for me to hear it. 

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