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Jin's Pov:

"So, a date? Did he say where you are going?" Hoseok questions as he sorted through my outfits in my closet.

After agreeing to go out to dinner with Jungkook, I had called Hoseok to get his advice, but once I told him Jungkook and I was planning on going out, he left Areum with Yoongi and was at my house in less than an hour. Apparently, me wearing a pair of jeans and t-shirt was not the "look" so he had taken over in looking for my outfit.

"No Hoseok, he didn't say, only that we are going to dinner reason why I believe jeans and a t-shirt will be fine. It's not like he hasn't seen me in everything already." I sound out in frustration.

"Jin Jin, what will I do with you?" he turns around with his hands on his hips looking at me and shaking his head.

"What do you mean?"

"If you are going to start new with Jungkook, you are going to work all your asset. I don't care if he has seen every part of you before. A lot has changed, and so has your body; we need to remind him of all the things he missed out on. Plus this is Jungkook we are talking about; I am sure he is not going to take you to just any restaurant if anything he will be going all out. What's the sense of having all that money if he's not going to use it."

"I don't want to use my body Hoseok, Jungkook and I aren't ther-"

"Oh gosh, you are killing me here, when have you become such a prude? Does this happen with kids? Do I need to warn Yoongi about this because he keeps nagging me for a child and if this is one of the effects I need to know? I am not telling you to sleep with him; I am only stating that you should look your best on these dates. Pretend you never met Jungkook before, would you show up on your first date in jeans and t-shirt?"

I look to the floor as I realized he sort of had a point. "Hoseok, I am not a prude, and no it doesn't happen with kids. I am sorry, I am a bit nervous, that's all. You are right. Do your thing, I will allow you to pick out something for me, just don't go over the top, will you?"

He smiled wide, "Thank you! I promise you it won't be extra over the top and it's good to know you are not a prude cause I am not sure how long you are going to be able to hold out on Jungkook, I mean have you seen that man. Damn! It's like with age he got even sexier. So when you slept by him last night, nothing at all happen?"

"Shut up! Nothing at all happened, and nothing will. I think I need to go give Yoongi a call, tell him you are over here drooling over my man." My hands clasped over my mouth as I realized what I just said.

Hoseok mouth went wide as his eyes widen, I could see the smile making the way on his face. "I-I didn't mean it like that. It's Ummm... it came out wrong."

"Oh no Jin, that's exactly what you meant, and I love it! Anyway, let me get my ass back in this closet and pick you out something sexy so you can go to dinner tonight with your man. I think we need something see-through in the chest area, what you think?" he chuckles and disappears in my closet before I could throw the pillow I had in my hand at him.

Deciding its best to ignore him, I picked up the phone and called my baby girl; she's probably missing her Appa already. I will most certainly have to pick her up tomorrow morning. I really hope Yoongi isn't spoiling her too much.


Jungkook's Pov:

"Why are you here?"

"Daddy! I miss you so much!" Areum ran to me as soon as I walked into Yoongi's home.

I picked her up into my arms and kissed her on the forehead, "I missed you so much more my sweet Areum." She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my chest.

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