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Jungkook Pov:

This isn't real; it doesn't feel real. Seokjin is laying his head in my lap, sleeping as I run my fingers through his hair.

Last night after he met me at my door, he broke down crying telling me how much he misses our son. I embraced him in my arms, and we sat on my sofa together while he cried nonstop until he fell asleep.

I didn't sleep all night, even though my legs were cramped up I didn't move, I was afraid if I woke him up he'd realized he made a mistake by coming to see me and leave.

Therefore I rather sit here in pain and hold onto him while I can because I don't know if I'll be allowed this opportunity again.

He looks so fragile and tiny. Being in the hospital for a few days sure did a number on him. It makes me wonder if he ate any of the food I sent for him while he was there, it's possible he didn't.

I run my fingers at the side of his head, wiping away the sweat that had formed there. It seems he was hot. The central air was on in my loft, but I never kept it up too cold, and he was wearing a sweater which didn't help.

I wish I had something I could fan him with, but that would mean I'd have to move and I didn't want to. I wanted him to sleep as long as he wanted to.

More sweat was forming at his forehead, and I could tell he was getting hotter. As much as I didn't want to, I had to, so I lifted his head. Quickly grabbing one of the pillows from the sofa and resting his head on it.

He let out a deep sigh and adjusted himself onto the pillow, but didn't wake up. I smile triumphantly to myself. Limping my way away from the sofa and bracing myself against the wall as I waited for the feeling to come back in my legs. They were cramped up. I couldn't believe I had sat for so long without moving.

Once I regain feeling and strength in my leg, I made my way to the thermostat, turning it down from 77 to 74, knowing that would at least cool the place up somewhat.

It was 9 in the morning, and I decided that I'd use the time while Jin slept to make him something to eat.

I know Areum was probably still sleeping and no way Hoseok was going to bring her by so early which I was somewhat grateful for, at least today. Jin had told me last night that she was with Hoseok and Yoongi when I inquired about her whereabouts.

I walked into my kitchen and looked through what I had that I could make for him to eat. I didn't have much, most of what I had were for Areum when she slept over. I mainly had cereal and never cooked for myself.

I looked through my freezer and debated if I should give him pancakes or waffles. Deciding that pancakes would be the better choice I took them out an rest them on the counter.

They weren't huge, so I figure maybe five would do for him. Areum usually would have two of them, and she said they were filing so five might be okay.

Grabbing my skillet and eggs, I scrambled eggs and bacon to go with the pancakes. Placing the pancakes in the microwave, making sure I read the instructions once more to ensure that I don't over microwave them.

As you can see, cooking wasn't for me. However, if needed, I could cook to survive. Areum liked my cooking. She said I made the eggs the cheesiest.

"Ummm...Good morning." Jin said as he walked in the kitchen while rubbing his hands over his face.

"Morning, did I wake you?" Please tell
me I didn't.

"No, Areum actually called me." He said, giving me a shy smile.

"Oh, is she okay?"

"Yes, she's fine."

"Oh, okay."

He didn't say anything back but looked around the kitchen.

"I'm making breakfast, are you hungry?"

"I am, but I was going to go to eat at home." He responded. I could tell he felt a bit awkward, and so did I, I didn't want to say the wrong thing and then make him want to leave.

"I made you something if you want you can stay and eat with me?" Please say yes.

"Ummm....sure, I'll stay." He said, smiling at me.


"Great. You can go wash up in the bathroom down the hallway to the left, and I'll finish up and set the table." I told him excitedly

"Okay." He responded and walked away.
Jin's Pov:

"Please pick up, please pick up." I chanted as I dialed Hoseok number.

"H-hello," Hoseok answered the phone sounding asleep.

"Hoseok! I did something crazy." I whispered into the phone as I ran the water in the bathroom to muffle the noise so Jungkook couldn't hear.

I heard some shuffling in the background as if Hoseok was moving around. "What did you do?" He finally asked.

"I slept at Jungkook's." I heard him gasp. "What?! You- oh my gosh, you slept with him?"

"No, not like that! I-" I explained to him everything that happened.

"Wow and you are still there?" He asked excitedly

"Yes, I'm in the bathroom, he's making breakfast, and I told him I'd stay, but I don't know what to do. He's being nice Hoseok, and I'm not used to it." I confessed.

"Baby step Jinnie, baby step. Go on out there and have breakfast with your man, but take it one step at a time. Be open with him and don't let him lead this time, you stay in charge, okay."

I looked at myself in the mirror; my eyes looked way brighter than the night before. " Jinnie are you hearing me."

"Yes, Hoseok, I hear you. I won't let him take advantage of me again, that's a promise. I am wiser now Hoseok." I say to himself as I stared at myself.

"That's good. I'm happy to hear that. So, does this mean you are going to give him another chance?"

"I am, if he's open to it and it's what he truly wants as well, I will. I want to."

"Oh my gosh, I have to tell Yoongi!" Hoseok squealed into the phone.

"Wait No-"

Ahh damnit, he hung up.

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