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Jin's Pov:

Jungkook and I have been dating for about a month now. My parents were back, and I was keeping things a secret from them.

He would offer to take me to school in the mornings and sometime he'd pick me up. Every free time I got I spent it with him. I hardly spent as much time with Yoongi and Hobi as I did before. I saw them in school, but that was about it. I need to hang out with them soon, though.

My parents were leaving soon again, and I couldn't wait. They were getting in the way of things. I tried sneaking over to Jungkook from time to time, but he scolded me. I thought because we were dating he'd come onto me more, but no, he was still a coward.

I wonder if I had given him a horrible blowjob that one time. I have to get to the bottom of this.

My Man😜:
Hey babe, did I suck at sucking?

What do you mean?

My Man😜:
That time I sucked you off, did you not enjoy it? Was I not good?

Where is this coming from now? Of course, I enjoyed it. I even dream about your lips around my cock. You were amazing.

I dropped my phone. That was not the response I was expecting. Jungkook hardly spoke like that. Whenever he did, I would lose all my confidence. It was clear he was way more experienced than I was. It showed even in the way he kissed me. When he kissed me, I was left wanting more. His kisses were always teasing; it was like he was showing me that he could give me more.

My Man😜:
I can do it again this weekend. My parents are leaving again. This time they'll be away for a much longer time. There's a lot we can do. 😏

I can take you on more dates then. There are some places I would like for us to visit. Like there this new museum that opened up downtown and this restaurant that places live band. I want to take you there on a date.

See, this is what I meant. Of course, I want to go on a date with him and see those places, but whenever I mention anything sexual, he tries to change the topic. It's annoying. I was no longer asking for him to fuck me, but pay some attention to me physically. All my friends were talking about sex, and I still couldn't join the conversation. What was I going today, I got my ass eaten you?

My Man😜:
Yes, we can do all of that and more. I can spend lots of nights with you too. 😉

Is there a time when you don't think sexual? I don't even think you could handle one night with me. So stop it suggesting things. Let's take things slow. Maybe if you are a good boy, I'll let you spend one night and cuddle with me.

Cuddle? Can't handle. Please. Does he think I am an idiot?

My Man😜:
Whatever you say, Jeon. I wasn't thinking about anything sexual. I just meant a sleepover. You are the one with the naughty mind. Thinking of me sucking your cock and all. I don't have those thoughts 🙃.

Right 😒

And there goes the end of our conversation. Whenever he wrote that and used that emoji, it was his way of saying he's done talking. I had come to learn that within the last month.

Hobi seems to think I care more about Jungkook than he does me. I think he's just jealous. Jungkook has a weird way of showing his love for me. Plus he's older and more experience. I have to do a lot more to keep his interest in me. He probably had a ton of guys before me. I know if I didn't do what I need to keep him interested, he could leave me at any moment. So I was trying not to be as annoying as I used to be.

I want to be a good boyfriend. Not an annoying high school teenager that gets on his nerve. I was even learning more how to cook and keep my room and so forth cleaned up.

I hated the term high school. I can't wait to graduate and go to college. I'm sure he will invite me to his friends then. Whenever he goes out with his friends now, he doesn't take me, but I think it's because I have school and he wants me to focus on my studies.

Taehyung is the only friend of his who I think know about us. He's always smiling and giving me a head nod. He's handsome too, but my Jungkook is better.

Once my parents leave for their trip again, I was going to make my free time with Jungkook worth it. I can't wait to shower him with kisses and for us to cuddle together. Go on a lot more dates and make endless memories together.

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