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Jin laid in the hotel bed wrapped into the blanket for hours. He had tried calling Jungkook over and over, but it kept telling him that the number he was dialing was no longer in service. He cried until he was numb, unable to get up. Not only was he sore from the many rounds he and Jungkook had the night before, but he was also heartbroken. The pain he was feeling was foreign to him, he had never experienced such a pain before. How he wished it was a dream and hoped Jungkook would walk through the doors and tell him it was all a joke. He kept believing it to be a joke.

No way Jungkook would've taken him to fancy hotel, treat him so nicely the day before, take his virginity and then leave. That was not like his neighbor; he wouldn't have done that to him. Jungkook was perfect, he was mature, he wouldn't have done such a painful thing to him.

Jin lifted his head when the sound of the hotel room door opened, he wiped away his tears quickly, hopeful that his Jungkook had returned. As the figure appeared before him, his heart broke once more for it was not Jungkook who stood before him, It was Kim Taehyung. The same person Jungkook had written would come to see him. If Taehyung was here, it meant that what jungkook had written was true. He had really left, he was gone. But how could that be, why? With what motive did Jungkook have to do something like this to him. He had only love Jungkook, he was a fool for him, he never hurt Jungkook in the years he had known him, so why just why would he do something so cruel to him?


As Taehyung took in the figure before him on the bed, his heart ached. He was downstairs waiting for almost six hours, waiting for Jin, but Jin didn't come. He had called the number Jungkook had given him, but no answer. He had the hotel staff call the room, but no response. He wasn't sure what had taken place between Jin and Jungkook. So he wasn't sure if Jin was still asleep. All he knew was that Jungkook told him, he was going to let Jin know that he was leaving and that Jin might not be happy to hear it so chances are he would have to have Taehyung pick Jin up in case he got too angry at the older.

Therefore, Taehyung was at standby at home until Jungkook had called him the night before let him know he needed to pick up Jin. He and Jungkook had argued two days prior as he didn't understand why Jungkook was even entertaining the younger when not only did he know he was leaving, but he also had someone else he was committed to. He couldn't understand Jungkook's motive, but it wasn't his business to interfere in his best friends life. Jungkook had told him he wanted to make his and Jin last day memorable before he left. He had said Jin was a virgin, but he wouldn't sleep with him because he didn't want to leave a more significant scar than he would already be by leaving. However based on the blood stain on the sheets, Jin's bare shoulder and the lube bottle on the floor he could tell Jungkook had lied. He prayed to God what he was seeing wasn't real, no way Jungkook would have taken Jin's virginity knowing he was not to return to Korea anytime soon as well as knowing he was going to marry Jimin. Jungkook, his best friend, would not have been so evil to have harmed Jin like that. He refuses to believe it.

"Is...h-he...did h-he" Taehyung knew what Jin was struggling to ask, so he nodded his head. He watched as Jin pulled his knees to his chest and cried even louder. It was in that moment that he knew, even him, himself could not forgive Jungkook for what he had done. This was done with Intent. Jungkook knew what he was doing when he did it. No excuse in the book could redeem him for what he had done. He broke a boy who had loved him genuinely and left him like he was nothing, but a slut he picked up in a strip club after a one-night stand. 

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