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Jungkook's Pov:

"Did you call Jin and tell him you want Areum for the weekend already?" I inquired with Hoseok.

I had planned with him since last week to take Areum as I wanted to surprise Jin this weekend.

"I am not a forgetful person Jungkook. Of course, I did. Yoongi went to go pick her up." Hoseok replied with a huff. I could practically picture him rolling his eyes over the phone.

"Thank you! I owe you and Yoongi one."

"Babysit for us when we have our kid."

"Yeah, sure." Doesn't seem like they plan on having any, anytime soon, so nothing immediate for me to worry about. Hopefully, their kid will take more from Yoongi, sleepy, and silent when needed. If their child gets Hoseok ways, then Jin babysitting for them on his own.

Jin thought I was going to be away for work this weekend. I had been away all week, but what he didn't know was that I would be coming back tonight. I had an entire weekend planned for us. I had picked out something special for him, but I won't be able to give it to him until after some time. He would probably slap me if I gave it to him now or asked him. It had only been two months since we have been dating. Things were going good between us.

I didn't bring up the boyfriend thing again in fear he would reject me. However, this weekend, I am trying to take our relationship to the next level. He keeps teasing and messing with me every chance he gets. There is only but so much teasing a man can take before he snaps and I am at my limit with him, especially after what he sent me last night and did.

Seokjin's Pov:

"Every time I see you, you look more and more handsome. You even seem to be getting younger and younger. What's your secret?" Namjoon said while he smiled at me and pulled me into a tight hug.

I laughed and flashed him off, "I don't have no secret. Good genetics is all I can say."

"How's Areum and where is she?" he questions as he looked around my loft.

"She left earlier and is spending the weekend with her god-parents. That's why when you reached out I thought this weekend would be perfect for us to catch up." I took a seat and pour Namjoon and myself a glass of wine.

Namjoon had reached out to me on Thursday asking if we could meet up and I told him I was free. Considering Areum was going by Yoongi and Hoseok. As well as Jungkook was out of town until mid-next week. So having the company would be nice, plus I get to catch up with.

He had been in and out of the country dealing with different cases, so we never got to see each other much. I had lost communication with Tae. I didn't want the same with Namjoon.

"Oh, okay. so have things been with you?" he asked, gulping his wine.

"All has been well. Jungkook and I have been talking on good terms. We are not bickering or trying to tear each other throat out."

"Taehyung told me. I was honestly shocked, Jin. I saw Taehyung at the gym, and he told me. I told him he was lying I wasn't expecting that. How're things going with him? Any regrets thus far?"

"I know it was unexpected, but everything is fine. We are doing okay. How is Tae doing?"

I was curious about how Taehyung was doing. He stopped visiting me after I last saw him in the hospital. I hadn't seen him in over two and a half months. Hoseok did tell me he calls him and asks about Areum. He even sent a winter jacket and boots for her last weekend. At least I know he was not entirely MIA. Maybe one day, when he will come around again.

I wish he and Jungkook could connect and work things out amongst each other, but I am not exactly sure about that. Jungkook can be a bit difficult, and Taehyung is stubborn. Even though Jungkook told me he spoke to Tae, I was hoping they would do more to recover their friendship. I just feel wrong about everything as I feel like I am partly to be blamed.

"I see. You know Taehyung and I aren't like that. I see him here and there. He looks and seems to be okay one moment, but the next he looks down. I can't read that guy. You look really good though Jin. You have always looked good, but this is the best I have seen you. You are glowing."

I blushed and smiled even more than I intended when my mind instantly flashed to thinking of Jungkook. "Thank you, Namjoon. You are complimenting me too much. Although I think someone has been contributing to this glow."

"Damn. You know how much I wished it could've been me?"

"Shut up and don't start."

" I am serious." He said, giving me a wink.

"I hear you. Come with me to the kitchen. I made us something to eat if you are hungry. We can finish catching up over dinner." I got up and walked off to the kitchen to prepare our plates.

"Are you and him official?" Namjoon questions as he sits at the kitchen table.

"Not exactly, but we are exclusively dating."

"What is he waiting on to make it official?"


"What do you mean?" I walked over to him and handed him his plate. "We are taking things slow," I told him while sitting across from him.

"Oh okay, that makes sense. You don't want to end up right where you were before. I have seen that man in action, and he seems to be no joke." I nodded my head and took a bite of my food. He wasn't telling any lie. A pissed off Jungkook was the worst.

"This is really good! How did you make the y-" Namjoon was cut off by the sound of my bell.

"Are you expecting someone?" He asked as I got up from my seat, "Not that I am aware of. Maybe a delivery or Yoongi forgot something." Although Yoongi would've called me.

I left Namjoon in the kitchen and made my way to the front door. Upon opening, I was utterly stunned to see Jungkook standing there with flowers and what seemed to be a basket filled with something I couldn't make out.

"What are you doing here?" was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I was not expecting him here.

He leaned forward, kissed me on the lips. "Surprise babe. There are yours." He said, handing me the flowers. "Wow, it smells good in here. Are you cooking? I brought us dinner." crap, crap, crap!

"Ummm, I cooked already. I have guest over. I didn't know you were coming by. I thought you were going to be away until next Wednesday." His face turned into a frown. "Who you have over, Hoseok? I thought you said he was taking Areum." He questions and walked off towards the kitchen.

"It's not Hoseok," I said trailing behind him. My heart almost bursting out of my chest. Jungkook wasn't exactly fond of Namjoon.

"Then wh- Ohhh, it's you," Jungkook said as he glared at Namjoon who was sitting by the kitchen table eating and then at me. One thing I was absolutely sure of, and that is, he seemed pissed. 

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