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Third Person's Pov:

Jungkook couldn't stop himself from smiling as he watched his baby girl sprinkle flowers as she made her way down the aisle. His heart was almost beating out his chest. He was nervous and excited at the same time. It had been more than a day since he had last seen Jin, and it almost drove him insane.

Today as he stood patiently at the altar awaiting the man he was going to marry, he took in the people that had gathered there to be with them. His parents, Jin's parents, their friends, and most importantly, Yoongi was standing by his side, and Hoseok was standing opposite of him as they waited for Jin to walk out. Taehyung was sitting in the crowd giving him a comforting smile, which he extremely thankful for.

He never knew his heart could beat as fast as it did until he saw everyone stand, and they announce Jin's appearance. His future husband stepped out in an all-white suit with a black bowtie holding a bouquet of thornless red roses as he gracefully walks down the aisle.

Jin looked ahead of him at the man standing at the end of the aisle waiting for him. His heart pounds against his chest as reality kicks in as he was walking towards the man he has loved all his life. The man he knew he wanted to be with since he first laid eyes on him. He looked to the side of Jungkook and saw his daughter standing there with the brightest smile on his face and then both his best friend since childhood was by his side.

He struggled not to break down and cry, the scenery in front of him was too beautiful, almost unreal. The only thing missing from this moment was his baby, Kai. Still, besides that, everything was even more beautiful than he had ever imagined.

Once he got to where Jungkook was, his hand started shaking due to how nervous he was as he placed it into Jungkook's own.

"I was waiting for you," Jungkook whispered.

"Your wait is over," Jin commented back in a whispered and smiled at his future husband.


(vows will be very different than what typical vows are, I guess, IDK.)

"Please deliver your vows to one another." the minister stated to the couple.

Jin decided to take the lead and say his vows as he didn't write down his and didn't want to forget any of what he wanted to say.

"My Man Crush, that's what you were to me as a teen growing up, from the moment I laid eyes on you Jeon Jungkook I fell for you. Everyone that knew me back then thought I was crazy, and I would get over my crush for you, but each month, not a year, my crush on you became stronger. I remember my mother warning me about you and telling me that you were so much older than I and us being together would never be possible. However, her words never stopped me from loving you. Instead, it made me even more determined to show her that I could have you that my crush on you was real, and somehow in my twisted mind, you would love me too.

The first time you acknowledged me and smiled at me; it was like my entire world changed. I remember never sleeping that night as all I could picture was the smile on your face and how bright your eyes were as you stared into my own and smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile, but it was a comforting smile, one that I needed. It was that very moment I had made a promise; I would love you forever. I saw in you my future, I saw in you, my future husband, the father of my kids. In that one smile from you, I saw everything regarding my future, and it only involved you.

Everyone around me saw me as insane and told me countless times that a man like you would never love a kid like me. I didn't allow their words to stop me, so I fought harder to prove them wrong, but then you and I ended proving them right, and it shattered me completely. The moment you walked out of my life, my world stopped. I was left with pieces of you, but not the actual you, and it wrecked me.

My friends and family told me time and time again; I needed to move on. They told me I had kids to look after, and I needed to find someone who could love me the way I meant to be love, but I didn't know how to tell them I didn't want someone to love me the way I was meant to be love. All I wanted was the man I could love the way he needed to be loved. All I needed was another chance with him to show him that I am the one for him, to show him that he had made a mistake, that man being you Jeon Jungkook.

And it was like heaven answered my daily thoughts and brought you back into my life. Our reunion wasn't the best, but deep within, it gave me hope. Jungkook, we have been through so much, together and apart. Still, no matter the obstacles, the pain, the mistakes, I have never stopped loving you, and I don't think I could ever stop loving you. At least not in this lifetime. You were my man crush as a teen, and you still are today. I love you even more now than I did back then. As crazy as it might be, I would go through the pain all over again, to have this moment right here with you right now.

I have concluded that there is no one else in this world for me. You are it; you are everything I have ever wanted and still want to this day. Thank you for coming back in my life and helping me prove to everyone that I wasn't crazy, and we were meant to be. I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life." Jin's eyes were glistening with tears as he finished what he wanted to say. There was so much he wanted to express, but he knew at some time he had to stop.

Jungkook had tears running down his face as he listened to the man before him, express his love towards him. Not being able to contain himself, he pulled Jin towards him and kissed him hard with passion.

"N-no, n-no, we are not there yet." The minister said while everyone burst out in aww, except for Areum, who made a yuck sound.

Jungkook pulled away from Jin and gave him a light kiss on his lips before removing a paper from his back pocket that had his vows written on it.

He cleared his throat before beginning; he was now even more nervous that Jin had delivered his vows.

"My Seokjin, you know I am not as good with words as you are. I struggle even more to say my feelings out loud and always try to write them out instead. I have a lot of things written on this paper that I want to say to you right now, but I am going to scrap it and try to talk to you from my heart." Jungkook folded back the piece of paper with his trembling hands and stuffed it into his back pocket.

"I think everyone around you except for Taehyung and your mother thinks you fell for me first, but that's a lie. The very first week I came to look at the home next to yours, I saw you outside a few times. There was one particular day that you stood out to me the most, and it was when you were laughing and playing with Hoseok. I told Taehyung who was with me that day that I was captivated by you and that I was happy I chose this place. Your mother overheard me and introduced herself; she also warned me that you were underage and didn't need any distraction in your life.

I was left with a feeling of disappointment and told myself that the door to you and I were closed, but then you started to show interest in me, and I struggled. I struggled with resisting you and Seokjin when you are determined to have something; you are very stubborn. So I struggled very hard to stay away, but it came a time when I couldn't anymore.

However, I was angry with myself for years for not staying away as I should've and for disrupting your life and causing you chaos. For getting your pregnant and not being around with you during the time that you needed me the most. I had committed myself to a loveless marriage, one I had no desire to be in. All throughout that time, I wanted to be nothing but yours. Everything about you, Seokjin, is captivating and so real. You are honest and blunt, you go after what you want, and I love it so much. We struggled a lot in that past, and so much has happened.

But, right now, if I may be honest with you, Seokjin, I don't regret getting you pregnant because you getting pregnant for me is ultimately what led me back to you. It's what created what we are right now. I know I don't deserve this moment with you right here, but I so thankful for being able to receive another chance with you. You are the love of my life, the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with. For me right now, there is no future without you and Areum in it. Thank you for loving me all this time, even in times I didn't deserve it.

I vow and promise to be the best man I can be, showering you with the love you deserve, and I hope that I can forever remain your man crush. 


A/N: Errors I will review and fixed at another time.

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