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Seokjin's Pov:

"Does this mean that Daddy is going to live with us now?" Areum had a lot of questions for her dad and me after we broke the news to her that we would be getting married.

Jungkook and I had never got a chance to discuss our living arrangement. I'm sure we would be living together, but we didn't discuss who would be moving where.

"Not right now, but soon."

"Why not now? Uncle Yoon Yoon and Uncle Ho Ho live together, and they're married. So do my friends and their parents."

I was glaring at Jungkook for him to help me answer her questions, but he was too busy chatting it up with Yoongi. I am not even sure when the two of them got so close.

Hoseok eyes were too busy trying to count the diamonds on my finger. Not that I could blame him. I spent most of the morning doing the same.

"We will figure it out soon, baby. Your dad and I haven't talked about it yet. Are you happy about daddy and appa getting married?"

She got up and twirled around, "I am so excited. I get to have two parents now. I can't wait for my dad to live with us. Now my friends won't make fun of me anymore and say I don't have a dad."

"They do that to you?" Her words caught Jungkook's attention.

She lowered her head and pout, "they do, but uncle Yoon Yoon said I must punch them in their mouth when they say it again."

"No, no, sweetie, you don't hit someone. Uncle Yoon Yoon is teaching you that wrong. Appa doesn't want you hitting anyone. You could get arrested and put in jail. If you hit someone, I am going to make them put you there. Do you want that to happen?"

"What's jail?"

"It's a place without McDonald's." Jungkook butted in.

Areum eyes widen, and she screamed out, "I don't wanna go to jail. Appa don't make me go to jail, please. I don't want to." She gripped onto my hand and jumped in place while whining about not wanting to go to jail.

"You won't baby. As long as you don't hit anyone. Is Appa baby going to listen to him or uncle Yoon Yoon?"

"I'm going to listen to you, Appa. I don't want to go anywhere that there is no McDonald's."

I pulled her into my arms and gave her a tight squeeze. "Good girl. Appa will protect his baby from jail then."

"Come here, Areum," Yoongi calls out to her.

"No! You want me to go to jail, and they don't have any McDonald's. I'm not your friend anymore." She rolled her eyes at him and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly.

Yoongi's face was priceless. I doubt he's ever been rejected my his favorite before.

"I'll take you to McDonald's, and we will watch iCarly after."

"Really?" And just like that, he had won her over again. She jumped out of my arms and ran over to Yoongi.

"She can't stay away forever," Yoongi said and stuck his tongue out at us.

I rolled my eyes at him. He and Hoseok need to have a child of their own.

"I can't believe you got engaged. How the hell did that happen?" Hoseok finally came down from his shock.

"Me either. It was so sudden; I don't even remember saying yes. Next thing I know, I am wearing a ring. Isn't it gorgeous?" I examined the ring on my finger. It was just like I had envisioned when growing up.

"Did you say yes because of him or the ring?" I could sense Hoseok judging me. He knew me too damn well.

"Both and stop judging me like you didn't do the same." He gushed over his ring for two months straight.

He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me towards his room. Once we got in there, he turned to me, "Tell me the truth, are you pregnant?"

I slapped him on his arm. "No, I am not pregnant. We only slept together for the first time last night, and we used a condom." I know it was sudden, but why would he think I was pregnant. Not every time I have sex with Jungkook, I get pregnant.

"Wow, I can't deal with these two. Years later, and y'all know what a condom is."

"Shut up! Now, are you going to help me plan my wedding, or are you going to keep judging and bothering me?"

"Oh my gosh! Of course, I'm going to help you. Please tell me I'm your best man, please tell me it's me and not Yoongi. I made you mines for my wedding. Please, please, please make it be me." 

"Hoseok of course it's you. Gosh, you are dramatic at times."

"I learned from the best." He winked at me.

"Oh, fuck you."

"I'm still open to it." I started coughing immediately. He pounds on my back.

"You can't say stuff like that. Do you want Yoongi to have your head."

"He'd be okay with it, as long as it's you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He had to be messing with me. Hoseok had long change. However, two can play the same game.

I walked over to him and pulled him close to me by his shirt, "when do you want us to-"

"What the hell is going on in here?" Jungkook shouts as he walks into the room and caught sight of Hoseok and me.

Both Hoseok and I burst out into a fit of laughter.

Jungkook, on the other hand, wasn't laughing. He looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"That was not funny."

"It was funny." Jungkook, Areum, and I were our way to my loft. He was still jealous of Hoseok and me earlier.

"I don't want you flirting with anyone. You are now engaged to be married. Your single life is over, and so is your flirting days with Hoseok....and Yoongi...and everyone else in the world. Except me. Flirt with me, please." He gave me his bunny smile.

How can he go from mad to cute in less than a minute?

"What's flirting, daddy? Can I flirt with you too?" Areum said as she leans over my car seat.

"Areum! Why aren't you in your car seat." I screamed out at her in panic.

"I don't want to sit anymore." She whined.

Jungkook pulled over the car to the side of the road.

"Baby girl, you can't do that. You must stay in your car seat at all times. If you that again, you are going to get in big trouble with daddy and no McDonald's until you are 10."

Good job, Jungkook. Be the bad parent. One of us needs to be.

"But that's a long time." Areum cried out.

"Then, I hope you never do it again, or daddy will be very mad at you, and Appa will cry."

Wait; what? Why will I cry? He's not very good at this.

"I'm sorry, daddy, and I am sorry, Appa. I won't get out of my car seat again."

"It's okay, baby. Daddy knows you won't."

Areum got back in her car seat, and Jungkook drove off.

"She reminds me so much of you," Jungkook says as he pulls into the garage.


"Yes. She's outspoken and does whatever she wants. That's exactly how you were."

"I was not that bad." Who I am lying to.

"Says the person who sucked on three bananas in one night."

I smacked him right upside his head.

"Oh-oh, Appa is going to jail."

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