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Jin's Pov:

With nothing better to do, I was sitting by my window watching the nightly episode of my man reviewing his work at his desk. I had positioned my desk next to my window, so it gave me a perfect view into his bedroom. From where I sat, I could see him and so could he if he looked up from the damn papers on his desk and over at my room.

He looks so sexy in his glasses, and it turned me on. Tonight I was on a mission, I had gotten three bananas from downstairs in the kitchen and now had them on my desk. I was going to put on a show for my boo. Hopefully, it won't be in vain.

I peeled one of the bananas and began licking it while looking directly at my man, sucking on it ever so often, even practicing my gag reflexes at the same time.  I kept doing this for a while until I had no choice but to eat the first banana. He gave me no attention.

That's okay; I still have two more bananas. I continued with the second doing the same as the first one, sucking and licking it while nibbling on the side. I was using the tip of my tongue to lick against the banana before shoving it down my throat which causes me to choke but earned me a glance from him which did not last for more than a second before he shook his head and continued with his papers. That fucker!

Again I had to eat the second banana, but that was okay, I had a third. I did the same thing as I did with the previous two, except this time I began moaning and rubbing my hand against my chest but to my disappointment, I was only exciting, yet disappointing myself at the same time because not once did he look at me. Frustratingly I ate the third banana in defeat. Couldn't he just look at me, like our house weren't that far apart where he couldn't hear me? I got up annoyed and slammed my windows shut, pulling down my blinds and throwing the banana skins in the garbage by my bed.

I flopped down on my bed and began browsing through my phone when an alert came in highlighting I had a new text message. I clicked on it as soon as I saw my boos name.

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
I'm guessing you ran out of bananas? Good! Now, get your ass to bed and stop wearing those little ass shorts.

WTF, no way he saw my little act and pretended to not see me. My eyes were wide in shock, yet excitement crept up inside me. He had seen me! It wasn't a failure after all.

I don't know what you are talking about & why don't you come over and put my ass to bed. If it makes you feel any better, I am not wearing those shorts now. Do you want to know what I am wearing now😏?

I giggled to myself, rolling on my bed as I sent the text to him. Nervousness creeping through my body as I wasn't sure how he would respond.

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:

My stomach tingled at his response and I wiggled my feet a little. So commanding, I like it.

Is that a no then?🤔 I can send a picture 😉.

I quickly toss my phone on my night table afraid to see what his next response was, but as soon as the alert when off, I picked it up.

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
I will not tell you again to go to bed. Behaving like this will get you.....

Woah! What did this mean?

Get me what? 😳 Tell me, please, tell me I want to know.

He never wrote me back. I tossed and turned all night awaiting his response, but it never came. Fine! If he weren't going to tell me, I would keep behaving like this and worst too. I am sure he will tell me then. Glad to know he hated the shorts I wore from time to time. I will be sure to buy a whole lot more. I did find the baby pink one incredibly sexy, and it definitely compliments my skin. Don't you worry Jeon Jungkook one day you are going to be mine! I am going to make sure you stop seeing me as a "kid."

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