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Jin's Pov:

"Breathe, just breathe Jin you got this," I said to myself as I walked out of the bathroom. I had tried calling Hoseok back, but he didn't even pick up. Probably was too busy gossiping to Yoongi.

"I thought I had had to come and get you, everything okay?" Jungkook asked as soon as I turned the corner and he caught sight of me from the kitchen.

I let out an awkward laugh, "Yeah, I am okay." He gave me a polite smile, "Breakfast is ready. I figured since the morning is nice out we can sit on the balcony are you okay with that?"


"Great, follow me then," he said and lifted the tray with food that I hadn't noticed. I followed behind to his balcony. As soon as we got out there, he placed the food down on the table he had out there. The one thing I took note of is that his balcony was way bigger than mines. I guess the building manager really lied to me when they said both units were the same size. His balcony extended to pretty much the size of his loft. I am not surprised though, Jungkook had way more money than I could ever even earn in a year. It still perplexed me that he lived in this place, I wondered why he didn't own his own home.

He walked around to where I was standing and pulled the seat that was out before me, I didn't even pay attention that I was standing in front of a chair, I was too busy analyzing the size of his balcony comparing to mines. "Thank you," I muttered.

"You are welcome," he responded and took his seat across from me. " I am not the best cook, I hope this is okay."

I took a look at the food before me and smiled. "This is perfectly fine. I guess I can see why our daughter likes spending her weekends with you."

"I like when you say our, it makes me feel like I am apart of something." he cut his pancake and smiled at me his bunny teeth showing, the one his daughter genetics perfectly captured and mirrored.

"So, what exactly is it that you want Jungkook?" I didn't want to waste time falling into his traps, or falling for him all over again just by him smiling and forget the important matters. With Jungkook, it wasn't hard to fall for him. At least, not for me anyway it's bad enough I could never fall out of love with him.

"I want a second chance. I want a chance to build with my family and be there consistently for you and Areum." He said, putting his fork down and looking me directly in the eyes.

"What about Jimin?"

"Jimin and I are done."

"Done, as in?"

"Divorced done." He said with a smile

"That was fast." Did people really get a divorce that quickly?

"Not fast enough, but yes."

"I want to give you a second chance Jungkook, but I don't want a relationship with you right now. I would rather us start from new, like as if we never met before. I mean I know it might sound silly because we have kids together, but I feel like I never got to know you, I just had a crush on you, and that crush controlled everything. I want to date to see if you are really the man for me or just another crush." My leg was shaking underneath the table as I spoke to him, I don't know why I felt nervous. I wasn't supposed to feel nervous, but I think I was doing okay. Hoseok said baby step, and that's really what I needed when it comes to Jungkook.

"Jin, you are not silly, I actually like that approach it means I get to court you the right way and prove to you that I am not just another crush, but the man for you. I too would like to get to know you better. I failed at doing so early on, and I want to fix that." His bunny teeth were on full display.

My heart might have done a little jump at his words, but I didn't show the reaction on my face. "I don't want Areum to be aware of us trying this dating thing. I would not want her to have hopes and then for it to be crushed in a heartbeat so right now where she is concerned we are status-quo." Even if I was going to ruin myself once more, I couldn't allow it to affect my daughter.

"I understand, and you are right," he noted and began eating his food again. I did the same while looking towards the buildings.

I had so many questions I wanted to ask and things to say, but I didn't really know how to say them. All I knew was I didn't want today to disappear as awkward as it felt, I was savoring every moment of it. I never thought I would be able to sit across from Jungkook in this manner ever again, yet weirdly here we are.

"So, us dating, will that be exclusive to just us?" He questioned, pulling my attention back to him.

"I- I guess, I am not particularly dating or in a relationship with anyone right now. How about you?"

"I have no one that I am entertaining nor anyone I plan on entertaining. My sole focus is on you and only on you, and that's not going to change. I know I have a lot to prove to you, especially where trust is a concern, but I am okay with doing that. I am okay with doing everything you require me to do to make us work." Jungkook reached over and pulled my hand into his, his hand eyes never leaving mines, "Jin, I love you, and I am sorry for being the immature one before and for being a coward and not showing you the true and genuine care you once deserved. However, I promise you from here on out, I will do my part in showing you how much of a treasure you are."

Don't cry, don't you dare cry those are just words Jin, let him work.

"I hear your promise Jungkook, but I want to see your action as well," I told him while looking back at him directly in the eyes.

"Fair enough, can I take you out to dinner tonight?"


A/N: Let the awkward dating period begin

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