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A/N: I was really supposed to update another story, but I couldn't help myself 😩.

Jin's Pov:

"Jeon Jungkook does not share." That's all that kept running through my head as he stood in front of me. "Pop your cherry" his words echoed in my mind, my member perked up as his words replayed.

"Does this mean I am not a kid to you anymore?" I said in more of a whisper that I had not intended on while looking down on the floor. All my confidence had left me, and the quick comebacks were all gone. I still couldn't believe my crush Jeon Jungkook had said those words to me.

I felt his finger trail along my right side, causing me to shift as it tickled. A small giggle escaping my lips at his touch. "You are eighteen now, aren't you? I completely forgot until you reminded me earlier. So, no baby boy, you are not a kid anymore, at least not to Jungkook you aren't." I looked up at him right in time to see him biting his lips as he looked at me.

Fuck me! Literally. Is what I wanted to say, but the words wouldn't leave my mouth.

"Does this mean you will stop calling me a kid and making fun of me?" Gosh, Seokjin what the hell happened to you. Leave me alone; it's not every day I got to have my crush in front of me speaking to me as he did in my dreams.

"It means a lot more than that." He said, trailing his finger over my lips, "It means I don't have to restrain myself anymore when it comes to you. So, please carry on with your teasing, the sucking of the bananas, the text messages, the flirty comments, those little shorts, standing in your room naked with the curtains open, moaning my name as you touch yourself, please continue it all." My eyes widen, how did he know I moaned his name pleasuring myself.

I was flustered, "What's going to happen if I continue it all?" I think I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it from him. "Continue doing it, and you'll find out." Was that a dare? I have to get myself together. I can't allow him to make me feel this weak. It's my turn to put this back on him.

"So, you are saying if I were to suck on another banana with you watching, there would be consequences?" I asked him for confirmation. "Yes, pretty much. However, you might not be ready for that type of consequence, so I suggest you behave yourself." Is that right?

"I think you are wrong. You don't know what I am ready for." I said before removing myself from in front of him and headed towards the kitchen. We will be learning the consequences of me sucking a banana today!

I quickly grabbed one of the bananas from the fruit basket and walked back into the living room where he was.

"What are you doing with that?" He asked curious look

"Finding out the consequences of sucking a banana," I said innocently.

He chuckled, "Seokjin, be careful what you wish for."

Ignored him completely. As I was about to peel the banana, a thought occurred to me. Why not add more to this.

"Can you please have a seat in the chair over there. I will be right back, please don't leave." I quickly ran up the stairs to my bathroom. Removing my clothes, and grabbing one of my disposable washcloths, rapidly wiping up the remains of Yoongi scent on me. I then hurried to my room, adding some lotion to my body before putting on one of my little shorts and a white see-through t-shirt. I guess I am going to find out the consequence of more than one thing tonight. I hurried back downstairs. Jungkook was still seated in the chair, flipping through his phone.

"I'm back Kookie," I said, alerting him of my presence. His eyes moved from his phone and unto me, but his expression was unreadable as he shifted in his seat, "Seokjin, what are you doing?" I could tell there was a strain in his voice and I liked it.

I ignore his question as I grabbed the banana and took a seat in front of him. I began peeling off the skin of the banana very slowly, trying my best to make it as sexy as I could. Once the skin was off, I began licking the banana, nibbling on it before sucking. I tried looking at him, but I got so caught up in sucking the banana and moaning his name that I had stopped looking at him. My eyes were now closed as I imagined myself sucking him off. I felt the presence of a shadow over me. I opened my eyes right one time to see him standing in front of me.

"Here, suck this." He said with his huge and hard member pointing directly at my face.

I fucking choked on the banana I had in my mouth.

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