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Seokjin's Pov:

Jungkook's fingers trail down my stomach as he lowers himself to the floor and takes my hard member into his hand. My body jerk at his touch and a soft cry escape my lips as his tongue licked the tip. He slowly pulled me into his mouth and began moving his head fast and hard. It was clear he was way more experienced at this than I was. Never had he done this to me before. I was on cloud nine as I gripped onto the bedside table for support.

Jungkook's fingers started exploring my hole while his tongue and lips continued to devour my member. I removed one of my hands from the table and began playing with my nipples while moaning his name. Screaming out in pleasure and pain as he pushes a finger into me. I leaned my head back and bit into my bottom lip as he worked his finger into me and continues to suck me off.

I was beginning to feel the knot in my stomach as my orgasm started in my toes and worked it's way up causing my entire body to vibrate. I pinched my nipple tighter and grip the table with the other hand while screaming out his name as he sucked and swallow all of my cum. Once he was done taking every drop, he removed his finger from my hole and licked me up and down cleaning off all the remains of cum.

"You taste amazing. I am going to need to do that again." He said as he stood up to face me. I gave him a shy smile, unable to speak after what had just happened.

"Babe, do you have lube?" He questions while his hand roams over my body.

"I do," I told him and turned towards my bedside table to retrieve. I jump in shock as he slaps me on my ass.

"Here you go and wear this too."

"a condom?" He asked in surprise.

"Yes, sir, I am not taking any risk." Last time I ended up with twins, who knows if I am not careful, it might be triplets this time around, and that's a no, no.

"It's not the same, Jin. I will pull out, I promise." He whines

I tear the condom wrapper open and pull it out of the packet and slides it onto his member. "You are wearing a condom, and that's that."

"Fine," he mumbles and without warning lifts me and drops me onto the bed. He grabs my knees and pushes them apart. Taking the lube from my hand and squirted some into his hand before slathering it all over his covered member and then running his hand over my hole.

Once done, he pushes my knees up to my chest, "hold them." he instructs, and I comply in anticipation. My ass was begging for him. I couldn't wait to feel him inside me.

He climbed on top of me and pressed his mouth onto mines. I could taste myself on his lips. His fingers circle my hole, and he inserts two fingers into me, causing me to bite onto his lip due to the sudden intrusion of his fingers. He worked them in and out of me repeatedly until he was able to slip in and out freely.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and continued kissing him. He pulls out his finger out of my hole, and I miss the feeling almost immediately. "Ready?" he questions as he aligned himself at my entrance. "Been ready," I told him while smiling against his lips.

He lifted his head and stared into my eyes, his breathing slowed as he pushed his way into me. I raised my hips to give him easier access as he pushed into me. "J-Jungkook," I moaned out loudly. His lips came crashing down onto mines as he slides all the way inside of me. Our tongue merges together, and tears fell out of my eyes. I dig my hand into his shoulders, scratching his back as he begins to thrust slowly, but deep into my hole, hitting against my prostate with each thrust.

"Faster." I breathe out wanting to feel each out thrust quicker and harder.

He complied with my request and began pounding hard and fast into me as I struggle to pull my knees closer to my chest to give him better access. Our mouth still entwined together, sucking and devouring one another senses.

As each of his thrust touches all my nerves, I feel as if I may lose all control of my senses and go insane. With each thrust, he plunges deeper into me, causing a louder moan than the one before.

I didn't want this night to end. I wanted a repeat and repeat of this. I squirted my cum all over my stomach and onto him as I felt him twitch inside of me as he came and moaned against my lips.


I awoke the next morning with a smile on my face. Jungkook and I had gone far more times than I had anticipated. Each time with him fussing about wearing a condom, but each time I stood my grounds.

I turned on my bed to see if he was awake, but his side of the bed where he had fallen asleep was empty and on top of the pillow was a folded paper.

My fingers immediately began to tremble, and tears started falling as I reached for the note. I pray this was not history repeating itself.


A/N: I absolutely suck at this! I don't know what I just wrote, but oh well. It happened, they happened. You got the point.

I wonder what's up with that note. Do I need to fight Jungkook?

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