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One week later

Jungkook's Pov:

It's been nine hours, nine hours since I have been sitting at my son's grave and no sign of Jin. After his release from the hospital, Jin didn't talk to me much but more so ignored me. I felt like beating myself up for going to the hospital, but I couldn't help it.

However, I felt hope in my heart after he agreed he no longer wanted to argue with me, but ever since his release, nothing changed with us. If anything, I feel as if he is ignoring me more than before.

Today I was hoping though that he would show, I was hoping to prove to him in front of our son how much him giving me a second chance would mean to me, but he hasn't shown up as of yet. I am still holding onto hope, though.

There is an itch within me that wants me to call him and beg him to come, but I know I shouldn't. I even called Hoseok to tell me if he said anything about meeting me here, but Hoseok gave me no hope. He said that was something he couldn't promise or assure me that Jin would show up.

"Great!" of course, as if the day couldn't get any worse, it began to pour, and I didn't even have an umbrella.

"Devil, you are not going to win today!" I screamed out. No matter what I will not leave this spot today until Jin shows up. Maybe he had other things he was doing for Kai, or perhaps he was still at work. Kai-

My thought was cut off when I no longer felt the rain falling on me. I looked up immediately, my heart beating out my chest, my Jin is here, my Jin is here! I chanted in my head as my eyes met the person who stood above me all the hope I had within me crashed.


"Sorry, I am guessing you were expecting someone else?" Taehyung said as he held the umbrella over my head. I pushed it away and stood up to face him, why was he here?

"What are you doing here?"

"I am here to see Kai....and I wanted to apologize to you too, Yoongi mentioned you were here." He said, giving me a smile, one that I did not need.

"What do you want to apologize for Taehyung?"

"Everything, for my selfish ways and what I did back then. I ruined our friendship, and I am sorry about that. I don't know if you can ever forgive me, especially knowing you never got to meet your son and you could have had I been honest with you. I thought about reaching out to you several times when Kai was sick, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew you would hate me for it. Even after he passed Jungkook, I felt horrible, and I still wanted to reach out to you, but I didn't know how to at that point or even what to say to you." He looked down at Kai's grave, "I wanted to tell Kai I am sorry too, sorry for not giving him the chance to meet his dad, all because of my selfishness." Taehyung said as tears fell out of his eyes.

I turned my head away from him and wiped away my tears. I felt anger and hurt mixed together. "I would've come back Tae, I would've come back. I was an asshole, but I would-" He pulled me to him as I bawled my eyes out.

"I am sorry Jungkook, I was selfish, I am really sorry," Taehyung said as he rubbed my back. I was too weak even to pull myself away from him. I wanted to be angry with him, but I was also mad at myself.

"Jin hates me."

Taehyung grips my shoulder and pulls me to face him, "Jin does not hate you Jungkook. I don't think it's possible for him to hate you."

"Then why isn't he here? I asked him to meet me here, Tae, but he's not coming."

"That's- Listen, just because he's not here does not mean he does not care about you. Jungkook I have been around Jin for a long time, loving and caring for him and never has he ever looked at me the way he looks at you, he loves you and as much as it pains me to admit that to you, I have to. Don't give up on him, prove to him that you here to stay this time and remove pride from your heart Jungkook, just be you with him." Taehyung said sternly with sadness in his eyes.

"Why are you telling me all of this, and how are you so sure?"

"I love Jin, I think I always will. These past few years I have spent around him, I have grown to know him in ways I never did before, it made me fall for him even more, but I have come to accept that just because I love him does not mean he feels the same about me. I have been selfishly loving him all this time and never thinking about what he wants, I thought I could mold myself to be the man he would want to love one day, but that will never be me.

Today I decided that I no longer want to be selfish when it comes to him. I want to love him differently, and in loving him differently I want to see him genuinely happy and as much as I would like for him to be satisfied with me, I know it's not possible, so I am letting go so he can be happy with you.

You are the one he is happy with, not me. I know he didn't come today and honestly, he won't come, but please promise me you won't give up on him. Keep on fighting and prove to him that you deserve another chance." Taehyung said, squeezing my shoulder and smiling at me, but beneath his smile, I could see the hurt he was trying to mask.

"I promise."

"Thank you, I am going to go now." He said and turned to walk away.

"Taehyung," I called out.


"I am sorry and thank you so much for taking care of them for me. I ruined our friendship, not you, so please don't feel guilty about it. If I didn't do wrong, you wouldn't have been caught up in this mess. Please forgive me, too for being selfish."

He turned and faced me, "I will forgive you under one condition."

"What's that?"

"Don't hurt Jinnie anymore." He said and walked away.

"I promise not only you but Kai and Areum if given another chance."

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