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Jin's Pov:

"Namjoon I am so nervous." I clung onto him as we were in a room waiting to be called to meet with the Judge. The past two weeks had been absolute hell for me. Jungkook had served me with custody papers. He had filed a complaint for custody of Areum. In his complaint to the court, he had stated that he was not aware of his daughter, and I kept her away. I had to have her do a blood test for the paternity testing. Oh, I wish the test would've come back negative, but I knew it wasn't. That one was a no brainer. I knew it, and clearly, he did too. I can't seem to wrap my mind around why? After so many years, he never once tried communicating with me, not once, but the moment he realizes he has a child, all hell breaks loose, and now he wants parental rights.

I can't even sleep at the thought of losing my daughter. Thankfully, Namjoon had helped me prepare all the documents required to show the Judge. He had already told me it's possible that the Judge might not grant Jungkook all he was requesting in his complaint but could grant some of his request as he was seeking parental rights which he was unfortunately entitled to.

I had only seen Jungkook twice since the incident that night, and both times I dodged him. Seeing him today again is something I am not looking forward to.

"Jeon Jungkook vs. Kim Seokjin, please come on in, the Judge is ready to see you both." Namjoon squeeze my hand and give me a smile, "you will be fine." I pray he is right.

As soon as I step into the courtroom, I notice Jungkook already at the stand, standing by the Plaintiff's table with who I assumed to be his attorney. I make my way up to the defendants stand on the left along with Namjoon.

It was just us in the courtroom as we awaited the Judge to appear. I tried my best not to look in Jungkook's direction. I had a strong feeling if I looked at him, I would burst in anger, and my emotions is something I need to keep in check right now.

The Judge's door opened, and the Judge walked out. I immediately gathered myself together and look forward.

"Please raise your right hand and repeat after me," says the court officer. "I swear that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God. I solemnly affirm that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

I did as instructed. Once we were done taking the oath the Judge spoke up, "I am Judge actorseokjin, now I see that we have Jeon Jungkook, the plaintiff who is requesting parental rights of his daughter Kim Areum and Kim Seokjin as the defendant."

"Yes, your honor." Jungkook's lawyer stated

"Great. Can I hear the reason as to why the Plaintiff is now seeking custody?"

"Your honor, my client..." The Judge raised her hand. "I am sure you have already briefed your client. In cases like these, I will prefer to hear from the client. Plaintiff, please proceed." oh crap, so you are saying Namjoon can't speak on my behalf. My hands immediately begin to sweat.

"Your honor, Kim Seokjin, the Plaintiff for three years, has kept my daughter hidden from me. I guess you can say four years. As I am sure, he could have informed me while he was pregnant. However, that's not my grievance today. Today, I am seeking joint legal and physical custody of my daughter. I want to be involved in the decision-making responsibilities for Aranum. I would like her every other week as well and preferably rotating holidays, or we can split holidays, either way, works. Although I think for the next three years I should have all holidays as I was deprived of those for three years which Seokjin had the privilege to have her on those holidays. I think it is extremely unfair and selfish of him. I really want to be apart of my daughter's life judge." Wait, is that tears in his eyes. I could only stare at him in disbelief.

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