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Three months later...

Jins's Pov:

"You know my prom is next month, right?" I said to jungkook as he was driving us to a restaurant for dinner. 


"I want you to go with me, like my date, of course." I was excited about prom and even more so happy Jungkook and I were going five months strong contrary to what everyone else though. I had wisened up a bit and wasn't making myself too easy for him. I had even declined going out with him from time to time, to "study."

"I can't go with you." Come again. 

"What do you mean you can't go with me?" I looked at him in disbelief, he was joking.

"Exactly that Seokjin. I can't go. I will be busy." 

"I didn't even tell you what day. How the fuck you know if you are going to be busy or not." I was getting angry. How do you decline something without finding out more details? 

Jungkook pulls the car over to the sidewalk. As soon as he puts the car in park, he turns and looks at me. "Listen, I told you before I am not one of your little friends, don't curse at me. If I said, I can't make it. I can't make it — end of the story. Now stop whining and let's go eat or I can take you back home. You decide!" I pulled back in my seat in shock. Was this my Jungkook?

"I am sorry. I was wrong. We can still go. I didn't mean to yell at you." I said, turning to face the road. I was a bit shaken up at his outburst. It was just prom anyway, no big deal. He had more grown-up things to do, I am sure. Why was I even pressuring him? I was inconsiderate. 

"It's fine. Don't do it again." He said and pulled off and began driving us towards the restaurant. 

I didn't enjoy my food that day. It was the second date I had with Jungkook that I wasn't enjoying things like I usually would. He got moody sometimes, but I was to blame. I tend to irritate him at times. He had asked me to be more considerate to him and not to assume. Especially when I had asked him about his friend Yoongi had spoken about. He asked me if I didn't trust him.  He said if I couldn't trust him, we did not belong together and he was right. What's a relationship if there is no trust. 

"I want to take you away this weekend. Your parents will be away, right? If not, you can get Hobi to cover for you. I want us to go on a trip. It's to make up for me not being able to go to prom with you." See, he was thinking of me. I smiled like an idiot. "Don't worry! My parents won't be here. I am so excited. Where are we going?" This was our first time going away together. This is huge. He does care about me. 

"It's a surprise. If I tell you, it will ruin everything I have planned for us this weekend. I want to show you I care about you. I think sometimes you think I don't know because of those idiotic friends of yours, but that's so not the case. You  mean a lot to me." I couldn't stop the smile that was spread across my face. 

"I know you do baby. I know you do. You don't even have to tell me. I am sorry I am hard to deal with at times and that I make things hard for you. It's not my intentions at all. I will try to be more understanding and a better boyfriend." My jungkook cared about me, and that's all that matters. I need to mature some more and get on his level. 

"Yeah. Thanks." He said and got up from the table. 

I quickly followed him. I can't believe he was taking me away for the weekend! This is why everyone needs an older boyfriend which high schooler was going to surprise my ass and take me away for the weekend. NONE! They all needed parental consent, but not my man. He could go and come as he pleased. No parental supervision needed. 


The day before our trip, I was outside water, my mother plants. Since I was going to be away for the weekend, I had to make sure her plants were watered, or she would have a bitch fit. I swear this woman never notice if I gained weight or how I did in school, but when it came to her plants or Jungkook, she noticed everything. I just don't get it at all. Thankfully they don't spend a lot of time at home. I am sure she would try to but into my and Jungkook's life often. The last time she was here, I knew she senses something was going on between us. She left me a note telling me to "be careful" Did I look like I live a wild-life? Give me credit, damn it. Most of the time I was home, with my man. 

"Seokjin?" I turned around to see who the deep voice belonged to that was calling me. Holy hell it's Kim Taehyung, one fine ass...Kim Seokjin you have Jungkook. 

"Hi, Taehyung! What brings you over?" He smiled, holy hell he so damn good looking. Calm your tits Seokjin. 

"Nothing just wanted to stop by and say Hi. I heard you and Jungkook heading out for the weekend tomorrow?" he knew about Jungkook and me? See, Yoongi, Jungkook was not keeping me a secret! Take that. 

"Yeah, we are." I watch as he scratches the back of his head.

"Oh, okay. Be careful and have fun, but not too much fun now. I will be here when you get back." He said, giving me a weak smile before walking off. 

What the fuck was that about? I knew Kim Taehyung was cute, but I didn't realize the fucker was weird too.

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