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Seokjin POV:

I could hear Jungkook and Taehyung going at it. Even as silent as they tried being. As soon as I detected the commotion between the two. I texted Hoseok and asked him to pick up Areum. I want to settle this nonsense among these two once and for all. I can't keep allowing this to occur in front of my daughter. While I didn't expect much from Jungkook, I expected a whole lot more from Taehyung.

"I might be a space filler, but at least I know what Kai looks like. I also know where he's buried. This space filler, actually knows a whole lot more about your kids than you'll ever know. This space filler-"

"STOP IT! Both of you, please stop it." I yelled at the two. Jungkook looks as though he was minutes away from ending Taehyung's life. I could see it plainly in his eyes.

I didn't look at Taehyung, he and I were going to have it out later. I'm rather displeased that he uses my son's death to provoke Jungkook at all times. That's not something you brag about. Especially not around me.

"Jin-" Taehyung calls out my name, but I stop him. "Hoseok is on his way to get Areum. We can continue this afterward. I am sick and tired of both of you and this nonsense. No one is allowed to leave until Hoseok arrives. Also, I want to set a few things straight where my daughter and I are concerned." I told both of them.

"I think that's an excellent idea. There are a few things I have to say."

Jungkook muttered and took a seat.

"I hate you, I really do," Taehyung said, staring towards Jungkook.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jungkook rebutted

"Why don't both of you shut the fuck up! The hell; you both are acting like teenagers." I yelled at both of them. This is ludicrous if you ask me, I shouldn't have to deal with this at all. However, it is something I need to get resolved. I cannot have this type of behavior around Areum. They cannot keep doing this.

I know feelings are going to be hurt after today's conversation, but what do I care. I have to protect and keep my daughter sane.

Ring ring

My phone goes off, and I pick it up thoughtlessly knowing it's Hoseok. Upon confirming that Hoseok was outside our apartment. I went to get Areum. I knew she was not going to be happy, but knowing that she would get to see Yoongi and have her way would make her agree to go.

"Areum, sweetie Uncle Hoseok and Uncle Yoongi are taking you to the zoo," I called out to as soon as I entered into her room.

"But why? Daddy said we are watching movies," she challenges me as tears began streaming down her face.

"It's because-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as she runs past me and out into the living room area. I let out a heavy sigh and trailed behind her.

"Daddy, you promised we could watch movies and Appa would watch it too. Appa is sending me with uncle Ho Ho and uncle Yoon Yoon, and I don't wanna go. Please don't make me go, Daddy. Please, you promised me. I don't want to go, please." Areum hugged onto her father leg and began shouting more hysterically. It broke my heart, seeing her like that.

"Jin, can't we talk another day and do this for her? I promised her, I know I should've spoken to you about it beforehand." Jungkook looked at me, pleading with his eyes. He picked Areum up and hugged her.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, "I don't want to go. I want to stay with you." She continued crying.

"Taehyung, let's talk another time," I said as I turned to face Taehyung.

I sent Hoseok a quick text explaining the situation and apologized for dragging him over here. I knew he wouldn't be angry with me. However, I was praying he didn't come inside, or that would be another saga. One I wanted no part in today.

"I can stay," Taehyung suggested as he walked over to me. "Tae, please, I am sorry, but for today, please go. I will talk to you later. I can't deal with this and Areum at the same time. You see how she's acting, and I need to focus on her first. I will call you later."

"Yeah, sure." He responded, grabbing his jacket and stormed out of my home. The picture frames on the wall shifted as he slammed the door shut.

"Areum baby, Appa is going to watch the movie with us. You are not going anywhere." Jungkook said to Areum, and she picked her head up off his shoulder and looked up, "we are watching the movie?" she questioned with hope in her eyes.

"Yes, baby." I walked over to her, leaning down and wiping her tears. I hated seeing my little girl cry; it broke my heart.

"Daddy lets go make popcorn!" She slid down her father's leg and rushed into the kitchen.

"Jin, I am sorry about today-"

"Jungkook, it's fine. Go make popcorn with your daughter. I will get the movie started." I told him. I didn't want to hear his reasons right now. I am only doing this for my daughter. She wanted to experience what it's like to watch a movie with both her parents; it's the least I could do.

That's all this was, me fulfilling my daughter's wish.


A/N: The next chapter will be a very interesting one.

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