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W. A. R. N. I. N. G.
Jin's Pov:

This is Jungkook's first-weekend taking Areum. I was a bit nervous, but not too worried at the same time as I was grateful she was only going across the hall. It could be a lot worse.

Taehyung decided he wanted to be here for support once she left and as much as I didn't show it I was happy he chose to come by. I am going to need the company. Yoongi and Hoseok said they would stop by today as well. I love them so much. They knew I needed the support, and without them, I'm not sure how I would be holding up right now.

I asked Taehyung to stay in my room until Jungkook took Areum and left. I don't want them seeing each other at least not at my house. Taehyung wasn't okay with it but agreed after a lot of convincing on my end.

Areum was taking things way better than I expected. She was excited to have a dad. I guess that's the beauty of being young and innocent without a care in the world.

"Appa, can I take my toys?" Areum calls out to me. "Sure baby. Take whatever you want."

There's a knock at the door, and I know it's Jungkook. I closed Areum's bag and took it with me. He keeps knocking, and I just rolled my eyes as I yank the door open, "can't you wait?!"

"Well excuse me for being impatient. Anyway, where's my princess." He said, looking over my shoulder.

"She's gathering her toys. Make sure she doesn't stay up late and no extra candies. I put a list in the bag of her likes and dislikes. She only showers with a special soap. I added her white towel to the bag as well. I don't allow her to use the same towels as adults. I trust you will read my notes and take good care of her. If anything I right here text or call me."

I watched as Jungkook eyes widen and felt hand snakes around my waist. I knew immediately it was Taehyung as he rests his chin on my head, "babe he got this. Don't you Jungkook? Also, make sure you take care of our Areum. Here's her nightlight, by the way, she can't sleep without it." Taehyung said, handing her nightlight over.

Jungkook grabbed it out of his hand and glared at me. "Don't tell me what to do when it comes to my daughter."

I was about to answer him, but Areum came out, "Appa, I am ready." She said, smiling.

I pulled myself out of Taehyung hold knowing I'm going to choke him later.

I hugged my baby girl, "Okay baby. Have fun and be nice, okay." I still haven't met Jungkook husband, but I was hoping he was nice to my baby girl. Either way, she would tell me.

"Come on, princess. Jin, please keep your phone close. I might need to ask a few questions throughout the night." Jungkook said, but I didn't miss how he looked at Taehyung and smirked before walking away.

I closed the door, ready to give Taehyung a piece of mind, but I was immediately pushed against the door, and his lips attacked my own. At first, I was too shocked to kiss back, but when his hand grabbed my cheeks, I responded to the kiss.

The kiss was hungry but filled with passion. It's been years since I have had any form of intimacy, and my member was throbbing just at his touch.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and deepened our kiss. Taehyung lifted me and brought us to my bedroom before laying us down on the bed.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling his member rub against mine through his shorts. He pulls away and looks at me, his eyes filled with lust, "Jin baby, I don't think I can hold back. I want you so much right now." Unable to respond, I give him a nod.

I need him too. It's been a long time, and him kissing me awoke something in me. Taehyung reaches down and pulls off my shirt, tossing it to the side. He then removed himself from the bed to remove his clothes. I slipped my pants off. I was now utterly bare in front of him, and so was he. He reaches in his shorts pocket for something. I soon realize it was a condom. At least he's smart was all I thought before he returned to the bed and leaned down on me.

Returning his lips to mines, as we kissed, my tongue stroking his and my hands rubbing against his back. He pulls away from me and looks me into my eyes, "let me recreate your first time" was all he said before taking my nipple in his mouth as his fingers found my hole. I lift my leg to give him more access as he runs his thumb over it. I arched my back as soon as he slipped a finger instead and let out a loud moan.

Oh my gosh, the feeling of being touched was driving me insane. He continues sucking on my nipples and twirling his tongue around it. While his finger pumped inside of me.

My moan got even louder as he added another finger. My ass muscles clenched around him. I already felt full with two of his fingers. My stomach quiver at the thought of him entering me. I had seen what he looked like, and I have questions about him fitting. My thoughts are disrupted when a third finger is added, "Tae I- baby.." I was lost for words as my eyes roll backward. He begins pumping me hard and fast as his mouth leaves my nipples.

I am about the exploded as he continues to thrust his fingers into me. He then whispers in my ear, "cum for me, baby, cum."

That was all I needed to hear before I exploded on both of us. Taehyung slipped his fingers out and licked them off. "That was hot baby."

He positions himself at my entrance and looks down on me as he rests his weight on his elbows. "This is going to hurt. I want you to breathe in and out and relax, okay?" I nodded my head. I remembered how much it hurt my first time, so I was expecting it.

He leans down and captures my lips once more, kissing and sucking my lips. As he slipped inside me, causing me to bite on his lips in pain. My fingers scratched his back as tears ran down my cheek.

As he reaches a hilt in me, he stops "relax your muscles; it will feel better soon, I promise." He said and began moving slowly.

He buried his face into my neck and began sucking at it. I hugged onto him, wrapping my legs more securely around his waist, causing him to thrust deeper in me. Soon his thrust became faster, and he was pounding inside of me. The pleasure was too much; I exploded again. He grunts into my neck as he plunged deeper, hitting my prostate, causing me to scream out his name.

Taehyung had a stamina I knew nothing about as even after exploding for the third time, he was still pounding in me. I know both my neck and hole tomorrow is going to be sore. As his thrust becomes sloppy and slow, I can tell he is coming.

After a few minutes, I feel him twitch and explodes into the condom. My hands grip him tighter as he shakes insides of me.

Once he's done. He pulls out and falls onto the other side of the bed. "I've waited my whole life for this." I looked at him an laughed.

It felt good. My body needed that. However, I don't know where this leaves us now.

A/N: Welp that escalated quickly

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