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A/N: Let's make one thing clear and settled, this is a fan-fiction, that's all I will say from here on out. Now onto the chapter.

Jimin's Pov:

"You were supposed to ensure he got nothing at all. Why is he getting this little brat two weekends out of the month and summers too? I thought you agreed when I said, he was supposed to lose this case entirely." Jimin yells at the lawyer.

"I tried. They change the Judge. That was not the Judge we paid. This Judge was new, she didn't even let me speak. She was rather mean and very threatening. I could file a complaint against her, but then that would bring up other issues of us potentially be found out. I know the outcome is not what you wanted, but it's not that bad." This is why you don't hire an amateur.

"Fuck you mean not that bad? I want that Judge fired. Second, you think I didn't freaking know about that asshole and his kids? My stupid ass investigator did not tell me we were moving into the same apartment as him. I don't even know when he moved to Seoul. I don't even get the point of paying yall. You both dumb and dumber. You only had one job, and you couldn't even do it. You need to figure out a way to fix it." I said, pointing my finger at him.

"Well there is away, but it will make Jungkook look bad." My ears perked up immediately, "What way is that?"

"We could let him lose complete custody."

"Dumbass wasn't that the original request? You sure you graduated law school? You aren't worth my fucking time. Just please leave. I will hire someone else."

"B-but what about my pay?" He can't be serious, "Get the fuck out! Pay you? You ain't do shit."

Now I gotta play a fucking step-dad role all because of Jungkook's fuck up four years ago. This will not work.

Jin's Pov:

The hardest part about this whole thing isn't the issue between Jungkook and me, but it's Areum and explaining the situation to her. With Namjoon advice and guidance, Areum and I were meeting with Jungkook. This meeting is the educate her as much as we can on what is happening. At least that is my thought. I can't speak for Jungkook.

"Areum, remember we have our neighbor over today, he should be by sometime soon, okay," I say to my baby girl as she plays with her builder blocks on the floor.

"Yes, Appa," she said as she is distracted by her toys. "You know I love you, right baby?"

"Yes, Appa." Was all I got as a response from her.

I really wanted Namjoon to be here as a mediator, but he was traveling this week. I couldn't ask Taehyung, it wasn't right. Definitely can't have Hoseok and Yoongi over, they would kill Jungkook, and I was keeping them away. I am hoping we could be civilized for Areum's sake.

I am not okay with any of this. However, I must pick my battles in life, and right now, I don't have it in me to fight anymore. I am still not over the death of my son, that's enough pain to deal with.

The bell sound goes off, and I figure it must be Jungkook. I walked towards the door. Once I open it, I am greeted with Jungkook. "Hi, come on in," I told him and turned my back to him and walked back to the sofa.

"Hi Areum," Jungkook said and held out a teddy bear towards here that I didn't even realize he was holding. "This is yours, sweetie." He said as he handed it to her. She looked at me before accepting it, and I nodded. She knew not to take gifts without my permission.

"Areum, baby come here, come sit with Appa. Appa has something to share with you." I called her and patted the seat beside me for her to sit down.

Areum walked over with her blocks in her hand. I picked her up and placed her beside me; Jungkook sat on the other side of us.

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