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4 yrs. Later

Jin: 22


So that we are all on the same page when reading.

Jin's Pov:

"Just because a guy or a girl tells you he/she loves you does not mean they really do. I know you are young and think you've got it all figured out, but I am here to tell you that you are wrong. When you are young, you make a bunch of stupid decisions that your older self end up regretting. Therefore, I encourage you to be wise about the choices you make today, so they don't become the regrets of your future. And with that, I will end today's talk. I hope to see you all next month."

"Thank you, Miss Kim," one the imbecile in the classroom mutters out.

"Listen here you little shit, how many times do I need to tell you it's Mr. Kim? Do I look like a woman to you? I don't even understand why a fuc-"

"OKAY OKAY, Thank you, Mr. Kim, for coming today and being our guest speaker. We love having you here, don't we kids?" Hoseok said, cutting me off. I swear I was going to rip that little teenage brat head off his shoulders. Every damn time he wants to make his little snarky comments.

I gathered my papers off the podium as I wait for the kids to get out of the classroom.

"Jin, do you want to get me fired?" I roll my eyes at Hoseok. "No, but I am about to stop providing free service to your little shits of a student if that slow-ass retarded midget keeps this up."

"Remind me again how you became a psychologist with that mouth of yours?" Hoseok asked which gain him another eye roll.

"Listen, brains, beauty, fucked-up life experiences, you know the drill, and oh don't forget I am the best in the business. At least if they fire you from this teaching job of yours, I can hire you as an assistant. Apparently, my assistant is leaving because she found "the one" and they are moving to Dubai. Dumb if you ask me, but hey that's just my opinion." I was still feeling some type of way that she quit. She was the best assistant I had.

"Jin some people believe in love, you know. I mean, look at Yoongi and me. Some of us have luck the first go around, and some of us don't. Sometimes the ones who don't the first time around decide to lock themselves off from finding it."

"Throwing shades again, I see. Listen what works for yall is for you guys. I am doing what works for me, and that's me being single and unavailable. I got enough responsibilities and drama as it is. Don't need a man to make it any chaotic." It's been four years since my life got turned upside down because of that stupid thing called "love" I had no business dating then, and I have none now. Life is better this way, and I am not looking to change it.

"You have two great guys, Taeyhung and Namjoon and you just...." I glared at him.

He raises his hands, "I get it, I get it. I am sorry. Anyway, I know you have to go, so thank you so much for doing this for me. I hope these teenagers can learn something from you coming here today again. They are so eager and horny to have sex. I swear it makes me sick. Were we like this as teens?"

"Really? You asking me that? I think we were worse than they are. It's so damn sad. I hope they take these talks seriously, though. The teens I counsel daily, I hope they are listening as well, but when you are young, you think you are invincible and can do whatever without having any consequences behind it. Call me later, we will talk. I need to go."

"Alrighty, Jin. Love you and give my little one lots and lots of kisses. Tell her uncle will visit her over the weekend" I smiled at him and nod leaving out of the school to head home to my pumpkin pie. She probably was already wondering where her Appa was.

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