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Jungkook's Pov:

It had been four months since my proposal to Jin, things were going well for us. I was living in his loft with him, although I still had my own because I didn't want to throw out any of my things.

My original intent was for him to move in with me, but he made a point that our daughter's room by his loft had everything to her comfort, and it would be more for him to move than for me.

None of that mattered now anyway because I bought us a house, it was closer to Hoseok and Yoongi but sat alone and was not a part of a community. I wanted for us to have our own land space and privacy. I know Jin will like it. I thought about buying a huge home but concluded that a more intimate space would be better for us. Primarily because now that it's only him, Areum, and I. However, there is room for four more.

I had the whole place furnished and had taken ideas from how he had his loft to decor the home. Today I was showing it to him as a gift before our wedding. Our wedding was exactly two weeks away. I wanted us to move in before the wedding. I am desperately hoping he will like it because he can be selective at times.

Right now, he is has been planning our wedding with Hoseok. The only task I have been given out of all the planning was to choose the flavor of the cake, and I was given strict orders not to mess it up. I wasn't even allowed to pick out my own suit for the wedding, they gave that task to Yoongi, of all people in the world, Yoongi? Seriously.

I wanted to argue that I could pick out my own suit, but I found out that Jin had another side to him that I had not seen, especially while planning our wedding. He was focused and determined to get what he wanted, and if I stepped in between and tried to make any changes, I would most likely be standing at the altar by myself.

That's when I decided to do house shopping. While he was busy planning our wedding. I was busy shopping for our new home and spending time with my Areum. I even took her to visit her brother.


"I wish you were still here, Kai. Appa and Dad are together, and I am so happy. You would have like Dad too. He gets yelled at by Appa often, but he's nice, and he takes me to McDonald's. I wanted to bring you some McDonald's, but Dad said you can't eat it. I thought you would come out after we leave and take it, but he said no. I miss you, Kai, and I love you so much. Appa loves you way more, he cries for you all the time. I wish you could be here with us." Areum wiped her eyes and placed the flowers Jungkook had given her on Kai's tombstone.

"I am going to come back and see you with Dad again, okay. I won't make you wait too long to see me. Appa doesn't like it here, but Dad said he can take me again to see you."

**Flashback ends***

Areum was happy to see her brother and told Jin as soon as we got home that day. He gave her a weak smile and asked her about it, but I knew it pained him. My next goal was to get him to go there. I feel like our son needs us both there, and Jin needs to visit him. He's been holding onto that pain, and I can see no matter how happy he is, a part of him still hurt for Kai.

I am also trying to mend things with him and Taehyung. I invited Taehyung to our wedding. He agreed to come but was worried Jin wouldn't want to see him. I had reassured him that was not the case. Despite certain things, Taehyung had been there for him and the kids, I didn't want him completely shut out of their lives, plus my daughter misses him.


"Daddy, is this our new home?" Areum said as she ran up to the house.

"Yes, baby, this is where we are going to live." She giggled in excitement and opened the door to our new house and ran inside. My heart was content that she was happy. I turned to look at my future husband, who had not said anything but was looking around.

When he finally turned to face me, he had tears streaming down his cheeks, which immediately tugged at my heart.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I walked over and pulled him into my arms.

"Y-you, t-this, u-us..." he didn't finish his sentence as he broke down into the tears. I pulled him tighter into my arms and placed a kiss on his temple.

"Do you like it? Is it too much?" I wasn't sure why he was crying.

He pulled away and looked up at me, "This is beautiful Jungkook. I love it."

"How can you love it, you haven't even seen the inside." I joked with him and pulled him towards our new home. I heard him chuckled slightly and I smiled.

As soon as we ented the home, Areum was running down the stairs, "Appa, my room is so big! I have lots of toys in there too. Do you want to see it? Come, come see it. Dad, you come too." Areum didn't give Jin any time to look around the home before she dragged him up the stairs.


It had been over two hours of touring our house, and it wasn't that it needed to take so long, but when you are touring with a child that wants to analyze everything, it can take a bit longer. After we were done touring the house, Jin and I were able to get her off to bed. We had decided that we would spend tonight in our new home, and I had already coordinated with the movers to pack and bring out stuff over within the week.

Jin stated that he needed to go back to the loft to sort through somethings, which was okay with me.

We were standing in the kitchen, and I saw how wide Jin's eye had gotten when he saw how many bananas were on the kitchen counter.

"Did you do this as a joke?" he turned and glared at me.

"N-no, why would I do that. I thought it was your favorite fruit." I was messing with him, but his comment next caused me to choke.

"I can suck on these instead of you if that's your preference." He took one of the banana and peeled it slowly while leaning against the counter and staring at me, his lips kiss the tip of the banana. He takes his tongue and slides it up the length of the banana before sticking in his mouth and sucking it. The way his lips looked around the banana made my pants feel three sizes smaller on me.

He was still a fucking tease.

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