EP: Seventy-Six

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Jungkook's Pov:

"Get back in here," I screamed out at the three naked kids running around the house while giggling and Areum standing there watching us and laughing, nothing even try to help me catch her brothers and sister.

All I was trying to do was shower them while their appa slept, but they were giving me a hard time. They always did this to me, but if it were their appa, they would have gotten in the tub without a fight.

"Min-Joon, Min-ho, and Min-ah get back here right now!" I screamed off at them, but instead of stopping, they continued and ran down the stairs but came to a halt when they saw their appa was standing there.

"dlojsgjlo dsjpevep dpvjpvej." All three of them started saying gibberish and pointed up the stairs at me as Jin look down at them and then back at me.

"Up the stairs now and back into the bathroom," he spoke softly to them, and they turned their naked behinds and crawled back up the stairs.

"Why isn't the gate lock by the stairs?" Jin asked as he struggles to walk up the stairs behind them.

"Areum must have left it open."

"No, I didn't, daddy, you did when you went downstairs earlier." This child!

"Jungkook, I have told you the importance of keeping the gate to the stairs closed. What happens if one of them falls down the stairs? Min-ho already thinks he can fly and why are showering all three of them together when you already struggle to bathe one of them?" He looks at me and shakes his head and walks off towards the kid's bathroom.

"I was trying to shower them before you woke up. I knew you must be tired." The triplets were going on two years old, but they were a lot of work. They made things easy for Jin, but hard for me. I didn't know why, but Areum said it's because I am too easy. I don't even know what she meant by that I thought I was the strict parent.

"Yet, you woke me up."

"I am sorry, babe. They didn't want to listen." I look at the three kids who were sitting in the tub that I had prepared for them and playing with the water as if they weren't brats earlier.

"This is why I told you we didn't need to have any more kids. You can't even handle our four."

I lean down and kiss his belly, "These two are going to be daddy's angel, I just know it." Jin and I were expecting twins. He was six months pregnant, and we found out we were having girls. I was so excited.

"That's the same thing you said when those three were born, now look at them. They only behave when it comes to me. You spoil them too much Jungkook that they take you for a joke, and you are supposed to be older than me." He rolled his eyes at me.

"A-a-ap-pa," Min-Joon cries out towards Jin with his arms open.

"No appa for you right now. Daddy is going to shower you."

"Jungkook, let me do it."

"Nope, I am doing it. They are going to learn who is the boss around her-" I didn't finish my sentence as all three kids started splashing me with water.

Jin burst into a fit of laughter, and Areum joined in while the triplets giggled and splashed more water at me.

In the end, I started laughing as I took in the happiness of my family — a home filled with Jeon's laughing and enjoying our Saturday. The only one missing was our lovely Jeon Kai.

I couldn't wait to welcome our twins, and hopefully, we could have maybe just one more boy, although Jin might really start forcing me to wear a condom.

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