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Third Person Pov:

Jin had allowed Jungkook to persuade him that they should go and get Areum together. Afterward, he said that he would take them to breakfast.

"I don't want her thinking anything is going on between us," Jin said while looking at Jungkook who was driving them to Hoseok and Yoongi's house.

"Relax, she won't. We are going to tell her that her parents want to have breakfast with her. I am sure she will be happy about that. She has constantly told me she wanted us to do more things together, like her friend's parents."

"How come she always tell you these things and not me?" Jin thought he and Areum were closer, but clearly, she is always putting in her request with her dad.

Jungkook places his hand on Jin's leg and squeeze it, "That's because she knows I know how to make things happen. She and I have the same goal."

"And what goal is that?" Jin looks at Jungkook expectantly for an answer.

"Uniting our family," Jungkook said, flashing Jin a smile.

Jin didn't respond to Jungkook but smiled inside. The rest of their ride to get Areum was mostly quiet, but Jungkook kept stroking Jin's thigh that was closest to him and squeezing it which was causing a problem for Jin.

He tried sliding Jungkook hand off of him, but Jungkook hand returned. "Your thigh is keeping my hand warm."

"Let the steering wheel keep it warm!" Jin said as he pushes Jungkook's hand off once more, but with fail Jungkook hand returned.

Jin let out a deep sigh and stared at him. "Fine, let's play." Jungkook didn't realize what Jin meant until Jin hand went right between his leg and began rubbing his member through his pants.

Jungkook swerves slightly on the road in shock, but as soon he got back on track he pulled over to the side of the road. "How can you sexual assault your driver like that and without warning too?" Jungkook was out of breath.

Jin was smiling as he stared at a flustered Jungkook. "I didn't think you needed a warning; I thought it was touch for touch. You touch me; I touch you. Did I do something wrong?"

"You are dangerous. Very dangerous. If we weren't on our way to get our daughter, I assure you Kim Seokjin you'd pay for what you just did." Jin could see the lust in Jungkook eyes and know from the tent that had formed in his pants; that he was turned on by his action.

"You can always make me pay another time," Jin said and bit into his lips.

Jungkook began tapping on the steering wheel, "I am so trying to be good."

"But I like it when your bad," Jin commented with a smile.

Jungkook quickly turned the car back on and drives off, "You have not changed at all Seokjin."

"I don't know what you are talking about."


Upon arriving at Hoseok's house, Jungkook told Jin he would stay in the car, and he could get Areum as he knew the questions they would be bombarded with if they went together.

As soon as Jin stepped into Hoseok and Yoongi's home, he was attacked by his little girl who jumped onto him. "Appa I missed you so so so much."

Jin embraced his daughter into his arms and showered her with kisses. "Appa missed you way more baby."

Areum pulled away and looked at Jin, "I miss dad too. He called me yesterday and said I could come to see him when I am home. Can I go see him today, Appa?"

"I will think about it, baby," Jin said, kissing Areum on the cheek.

"Okay," Areum said with a frown.

"Go get your stuff from Uncle Yoon Yoon and let's go," Jin told Areum as he places her to stand up.

"So, how was it?" Hoseok asked Jin as soon as Areum was out of view.

"It was unique and nice," Jin said not even hiding the smile that crept upon his face.

"You look happy," Hoseok noted. He could see a difference in Jin since yesterday.

"Honestly Hoseok I feel it too, but I am not going to dwell too much on it right now. Taking it day by day."

"That's a good way to go about things. So, how was the sex?"

Jin slap Hoseok on his arm, "We didn't have sex!" Hoseok pulled back and looked at Jin, confused, "What do you mean y'all didn't have sex?"

"We are taking things slow, remember. Like you recommended."

"I didn't mean that literally. I was expecting not to see you this morning."

"You are something else Hoseok. We are not going down that road yet." Jin shakes his head at his best friend.

"Appa, I am ready," Areum said, running back towards Jin while Yoongi followed behind her.

"Jin, do I need to kill anyone?" Yoongi questions as he gets near to them

"No, sir, all is good," Jin said, smiling at Yoongi.

"Good. Make sure you tell me if he acts up."

"I will." Jin gave them a final goodbye and took Areum with him.


"DADDY!!!" Areum screamed out as soon as she walked outside and saw her dad.

Jungkook lifted her into his arms and twirled her around, "Daddy missed his baby girl so much."

Areum giggled and hugged her father, "I miss you way more than the moon and the sun and the stars daddy."

Jin looked at both of them. I wasn't missed that much. He thought to himself.

"My baby missed me that much, wow! I love you baby girl. Appa and I are taking you out to breakfast." Jungkook said as he places Areum in the car and buckles her into her car seat.

Jin got into the front seat and watched the two interact from the rearview mirror.

"Are we going to Mcdonald's daddy?" Areum asks while swinging her legs.

"Areum you know you don't have Mcdonald's so early," Jin commented as Jungkook came into the car and started driving off.

"But daddy takes me to Mcdonald's all the time. In the morning and in the night time. Right daddy?"

Jungkook lips were pressed together as he stared ahead.

"Really, is that so?" Jin said, turning to look at Jungkook who kept his head straight.

"It is so, right, daddy?" Jungkook refuses to answer because he could feel Jin's death glare on him.

"Daddy" Areum calls out

"Yes, baby?"

"Right I can have Mcdonald's at any time? We do it when I am at your house all the time. Uncle Yoon Yoon make me have Mcdonald's all the time too and-"

"Areum do you want to go see the lion?" Jungkook interrupted his daughter as he knew she was only making things worse for him.

"Lion? I want to see a lion. When can we see the lion? Can we see the lion today?" Areum started immediately.

"Good luck." was all Jin said. 

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