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One month after the honeymoon.
Jin's Pov:

"I have something to tell you."
Hoseok said while smiling like the brightest sunshine he is.

"What's up?" I folded my legs while wrapping my blanket around my body and sat on my sofa in anticipation to hear what he had to tell me.

After Jungkook and I had returned from our honeymoon, we had taken Areum on a trip. Then life resumed back to us working and her
going to school. I didn't have as much time to spend with Hoseok. So a month later, we were finally connecting.

He said he had something to tell me. I was hoping it was what I think it was going to be.

"I'm pregnant!" He squealed.

"Shut up! No fucking way. How far are you? Yoongi must be so damn happy?" My best friend is finally pregnant! We are going to be carrying babies together. This is so exciting.

"I know, I'm so happy, Jin. Yoongi is off the wall with it. I'm three months pregnant now. I found out before your wedding but didn't want to break the news to you back then, and then you had your honeymoon. I just wanted you to enjoy that moment first, but I am so happy and scared at the same time Jin." He laid his head into my lap.

"I can't believe you waited this long to tell me. I am so happy for you and Yoongi. You both deserve this. Areum is going to be excited to know she's getting four new siblings." I stroked his hair as I smiled at him.

"J-Jin, I am only having one baby. Gosh, I can't imagine having four at once. I don't know even know how you were able to have two at once."

"I know...I know you are only having one."

"So then fucking way!" He sat up quickly and stared at me in shock.  "A-are you?" He pointed to my stomach, and I shake my head.

"I am."

"Triplets?" His eyes when wide as he asked the question.

"Yes. Jungkook sperms seem to be on steroids." I told him with a chuckle.

"What the hell, Jin! How many months are you? Did this happen while on honeymoon?"

I look down at my feet. "No. I'm four months."

"You are lying." He screamed out and pulled the blanket off of me, exposing my baby bump that protrudes through
my shirt. Even though I was only four months, my belly was a nice size.

"You have got to be freaking kidding me!" He screamed and pulled me off the sofa, hugging me. "We are pregnant!!!" He chanted. "Does Jungkook know?"

I laughed as he released me, "how can he not. Do you see this stomach?"

"Damn. How is he taking the news?....wait, how come am I just finding out about this, and I thought y'all were using condoms."

"He's over his head.  He wanted me to stop working as soon as we found out. He knew I was pregnant before I did. He kept telling me I was gaining weight, and my stomach looked different even though I wanted to choke him. Surprisingly I didn't realize as I have no morning sickness thus far. I found out after we came back from our trip with Areum. I wasn't keeping it from you, I promise.

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