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Jin's Pov:

I had text Hobi otherwise known as Hoseok and told him he couldn't come over until midnight. Jungkook said, he wasn't allowed over today, but a new day starts once it hits midnight so no issues. I told Hobi he could spend the night by me. Jungkook was being annoying anyway. It's not like he'd check on me. My parents had no problem with Hobi being over our house; we practically grew up together.

If Jungkook had not moved next door, I would let Hoseok pop my cherry a long time ago. It was my original plan. However, once my boo moved next door, plans changed. I was now saving myself for him. However, it was getting hard to hold off any longer, especially with him always ignoring me and treating me a like kid. It's okay though; I guess good things come to those who wait.

Since you are blackmailing me. Hoseok was supposed to bring me food, but can't now. Are you gonna feed me then? I can come over 😏.

Call me annoying; I am okay with it. I was only messing with him my other friend Yoongi aka Suga is going to bring me food. I had already texted him and asked him. Suga and I sorta hook up from time to time, but make out and stuff. No one besides Hobi ever knows what goes on between him and I and honestly, it's not their business. He and Hoseok have a thing going on. I think they both gave it up to one another if you ask me.

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
You have food in your house. If not, you can order delivery. My friends are here. I am busy. So, no, you can't come over.

I rolled my eyes at his response; he can be so cold a times. Always short with me.

Wow, you are so mean. Friends? Is Taehyung there? Do you think he likes me? He's been winking at me from time to time, can you send me his number or can I get his Snapchat? Hook me up. I am eighteen now; he doesn't gotta worry bout jail time. Also, you don't gotta worry bout the food, my boo Yoongi bringing me food 😊.

Take that! Taehyung was one of his friends that always visited him. I think if Jungkook didn't exist, he'd probably be my next option, but seeing that my baby does exist, he is not an option. I was just using his name to mess with Jungkook. Jungkook wants to keep denying me and treating me like a kid, I will show in him more ways than one, that I am not a kid. Why can't he just accept the fact that we are meant to be together. We would make a good ass couple, is he stupid? Plus, having a guy like me, he will never look old. I'd keep him young.

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
Seokjin, NO. You cannot have Taehyung's number. I don't give a shit how old you are; you are not hooking up with him. What's wrong with you? Did I not tell you no one is allowed over?

As soon as I read his response, I giggled. He is mad. I love it!

So is that no for Snapchat as well? 🤔 Nothing is wrong with me. I am just inquiring about a guy that I want to pop my cherry, is that so wrong? 😒 I have needs. I am sure you can understand. Unless you are a saint, then I totally understand. You said Hoseok was not allowed over today, never said anything about Yoongi. 😌I need love and attention. I can't be home alone. Unless you want to send Taehyung over. 😏

I was fucking with him, and I love every minute of it. Keep denying me Jungkook; keep it up. I am only going to make this worse for you. I am so gonna win.

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
I thought I was the guy you wanted to pop your cherry? You move on very quickly, I see. What needs do you have? When I said Hoseok, I meant no ones allowed. Please refrain from referring to Taehyung while talking with me.

I fucking dropped my phone. Did he freaking just write that, or was I dreaming? I fucking lost!

Wait! So you want to pop my cherry? This is new. We are making progress 🥳😁 , Baby, moved on? Hell no, I am on hold for you. I have many needs, needs that I think only you can fulfill. I have dreams about your hands going places......your tongue doing things. Gosh! Baby, I have so many needs, wants, desire, fantasies when it comes to you. Whenever I think about you, I get so hard. Don't worry, baby I can fulfill your needs too 😜.

What the fuck did I write! I am only making this worst for me!!!

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:

What the fuck? It's only 2 PM!

Why don't you come put me to bed? 😋

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
Seokjin, behave yourself.

I'm doing that Sir. I have been good, listening to Daddy too.

Haven't invite Hoseok over today 😘

Almost certain I was pushing things, but I don't care anymore.

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
You are really asking for it, aren't you?

More like begging for it. 😉🍆. Are you gonna give it?

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
Please stop. You are playing with fire.

Maybe I'm asking to get burn. 😌

I was loving this. He was responding 123. My baby was giving me the attention I deserve 😊😊.

Hubby/Baby Daddy💕:
That's it! You are on timeout.

You are joking, right?😒

He never responded back. I hate him! Always playing with my emotions.



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