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Seokjin's outfit above. I am still not over Muster, so....suffer with me!

Seokjin's Pov:

"Stop shaking, will you!" Hoseok said as he nudged my leg.

"I am a bit nervous Hoseok, and it's been a while since I have been on a date." I took a deep breath and looked down at my outfit. It took a while to figure out what I was going to wear. Hoseok was hell-bent on me wearing something see-through, but I was comfortable and didn't want Jungkook getting the wrong idea. Therefore, I settled for his next best pick.

I wanted to button my shirt up, but he said I was dressing like I am old. "Leaving a little skin never hurt nobody" were his exact words. Oh, I wanted to tell him how wrong he is. I believe that's how Areum and Kai came about.

"More like its been a while since you been out with Jungkook. If I recall correctly, Taehyung and Namjoon always asked you out on dates and most times you declined them." Hoseok said, looking at me knowingly.

"That's not-"

Ding dong.

"Saved by the bell!" I said as I leaped up off the sofa. "Close up for me please and kiss my baby when you see her, I will be there to get her in the morning."

"Please have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." He yells out to me as I walk towards the door. Well, I am guessing he means to do everything cause there is nothing he wouldn't do.


"WOW! You look amazing." Jungkook said as he pulled me into a hug. His face buried into the crook of my neck, causing me to pull out of his arms immediately. I refused to be intoxicated by his charms.

"Thank you," I replied and walked ahead of him

"No compliment for me?" He jogged up to where I had walked and pulled my hand into his.

"I am sure you already gave yourself all the compliments before you left your home," I say to him giving him a knowing smile.

"If I recall correctly, that's something you are more likely to do than I." He pulled me into the elevator with him and pushed the button to go down.

I rolled my eyes at him while looking at our hands together; they still fit perfectly together. Somethings never change.

"Seriously, you look amazing and that shirt," he looked me up and down and as his eyes settled on my chest, "fits you perfectly. I love it." he bit into his lip and smirk.

Thankfully before I could respond the elevator opened and I tried rushing out completely forgetting our hands were entwined together.

"Where are you rushing to so fast?" He questions while pulling me back to him, causing my chest to collide with his. "I'm hungry," I said, looking up at him as he stared into my eyes.

"So am I." He whispered as he brought up his free hand and rubbed it against my cheek. I was frozen as I stared up at him, I wanted to move but I couldn't. "You are perfect Seokjin, so perfect." he leaned his head down, resting his forehead on mines, our nose touching. "Let's have a good night tonight," he said and pulled away, pulling me along tonight.

I let out a deep breath and took in another one to clear my lungs. Tonight is going to be a long one.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, but I promise you are going to like it."

As long as the night is not awkward then I think I should be fine with whatever he chooses. So far, we were good, and I was thankful for that. 


"Please tell me you didn't," I say to Jungkook as I took in the view before me. Why weren't we at a normal restaurant?

"You don't like it?" he looks at me, worried

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"You don't like it?" he looks at me, worried.

"I do, but Jungkook this is expensive, and you didn't have to. Dinner at a restaurant would've been fine."

"This is a restaurant."

"Jungkook, you had to pay for a personal chef to prepare our meal, so no, this is not a restaurant." I knew how this worked.

"Don't worry about it, Jin. This is where I wanted to take you and as long as you like it, don't worry about if it's expensive or not. I wanted to fly you to Los Angeles for dinner, but I know you would have been angry, so I settled for my fourth choice. The chef I hired for the night makes a delicious steak, so I am sure you will enjoy." He took the napkin and spread it out across my leg, his hand resting there a little longer than I would've wanted. I shifted my leg not only to get his hand off but to adjust myself.

"Los Angeles, are you nuts?! Do I even want to know what your second and third choice was?" I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"Maybe not, I knew you wouldn't go to them anyway, but in the future, I will take you. Now, tell me what do you want to eat, the chef can make anything you want." his eyes never leaving my face as he spoke and I wanted him to stop looking at me. His stares were too much.

"I will have what you are having. what do you feel like having?" Might as well I make it simple, it's probably the only thing that's going to be simple tonight anyway.

"Are you sure about that?" great, the smirk was back.

"Yeah, I am sure, what are you having? What are you in the mood for, you said the chef could make anything."

"I don't think the chef can make what I am in the mood for."

As soon as the words left his mouth, my stomach did a flip. "W-what are you in the mood for Jungkook?"


"Are you ready to order?" thank gosh!

"yes, please I will have steak with mash potatoes, and he will have the same, thank you." I blurted out quickly.

"Any appetizer?"

"The chef's specialty will be fine," I added.

"Great, I will the chef know, please note that the meal will take a while to prepare, so enjoy the music and ring the bell should you need any refill on what you are drinking." The waiter said, bowing his head and leaving.

"I thought you wanted to have what I was having," Jungkook said with a chuckle while leaning back in his chair and looking at me. I am so my face was red by now.

"Is that a plane?"

"You are glowing in the night light, and your skin looks amazing as well," Jungkook said as he leaned in towards me, completely ignoring my comment about the plane, why is he like this.

"Thank you, and I try to take care of my skin," I said, giving him a polite smile as he leans in closer.



"Can I kiss you?"


A/N: That's all folks until next time! 

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