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Jin's Pov:

"Have you liked me long? Are we dating now?" Jungkook sighed as I was bombarding him with questions after questions. I don't think he understood how excited I was. My man crush had finally noticed me, not to mention he just stuck his dick down my throat. Like, that was so hot. I wish I could do that to him more often. I am not sure though as he didn't want us to sleep together, I guess he was just really sweet. I say give him about a week, and then maybe he will make us have sex. If we have sex, then I am sure he won't leave me. He will stick to me afterward, especially since I would be giving him my virginity. I think guys like that and I am sure he won't be any different. I can't wait.

"Jin, I think you should sit in the chair, sitting on my lap is not helping right now. I can't concentrate with you like this, and please change out of those shorts." He said, holding my hips firm in place. I was sitting on his lap and kept stirring around. I was very much aware of what I was doing. I was doing it deliberately too. Glad to see I had gained a reaction out of him. His member felt good against my ass.

"Okay," I said to him, and he loosened his grip on my hips. I used the opportunity of being released to my advantage and began rubbing on his groin. His breath hitched, and he grasped my waist again, holding me firmly in place once again. He is such a mood killer. "Seokjin! Please stop. Listening will do you more good, than misbehaving will." and with that, he pushed me off him. I fell to the floor and glared at him. "why are you so mean to me?" I whined.

"Me, mean to you? Seokjin, I am helping you out here. You are not thinking straight. You are using that immature hormonal brain of yours, and you don't understand the consequences of your actions. I will not have sex with you. It's not right. Let's give things time. I want you to be sure of your feelings. When we are young, we tend to make stupid choices. I don't want that to be the case for you." Seriously, he was selling me this crack of shit, always using my age to lecture me. This is not how you start a relationship. Obviously, he was inexperienced.

"what do you mean it's not right? So I am just good enough to engulf your dick in my mouth, but not to have sex with?" I screamed at him; I can't believe him.

"PLEASE STOP! My goodness, what is wrong with you. I never said anything like that. I guess I was foolish to think this could work. I need to go. Call me when you decide to stop acting like a child." He got up from the sofa and walked towards the door.

"Fuck you! I can't believe I was absurd to think you'd be my future husband. Fine, you don't want me, it's okay I will sleep with Hoseok or Yoongi. At least they'll never leave me feeling like shit." I yelled to him, maybe making him jealous would put some sense into him. Oh, I was wrong.

He turned and looked at me with a smirk, "If it makes you happy, then go right ahead. Fuck who you have to fuck, and do what you must do. It's your body you'll be using, not mine. If I am going to date you, I am not trying to date a whore; if that's how you are going to represent yourself or act, I will not associate myself with you. Sorry for thinking you had some form of maturity in you. You are nothing but a teen who belongs with other teenagers, so please go seek out those two dimwits to quench that desperate thirst of yours." With that, he walked out of my house and slammed the door, making me jump in shock.

Did he, did he say that to me. I HATE HIM! Ahh hell, who am I kidding?

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